How to Search by keyword or by keywords sequence

The search is executed in every item of the board cards: every object’s fields (even those not displayed in the card), text block with formatting, documents label, sub-list objects title (requires configuration).

Search results are displayed after clicking on Enter.

Search by one keyword

Searching by one keyword requires the exact word but is case insensitive, meaning you can use indifferently upper- and lowercase letters.

E.g. : “test” and “Test” return the same results.

You can also type the three first letters of a keyword followed by an asterisk (*) to return all cards containing a word starting by those three letters.

E.g. : “test*” returns the cards with the words “test”, “tester”, “tests”…

The asterisk can not be used at the beginning of a characters string.

Search by a sequence of keywords

Searching by a sequence of keywords returns every cards containing all the keywords, regardless words order. The operator is “and” and not “or”.

E.g. : “test board” returns the cards containing both words but not the cards containing only one of them.

The sequence’s words can be separated interchangeably by the following characters : ” “, “-“, “_”, “.”

E.g. : “test board”, “test-board”, “test_board” et “test.board” return the same results, that is to say all the cards containing both words, regardless their location within the card.