How to filter boards

Every field of a given object can potentially be used to filter a board. However, the selection of filters available for the user is set by the administrator during configuration.

The Filter panel is made up of different sections:

  1. Open and close filters panel

  2. Active filters

  3. Inactive filters

  4. Number of active filters

  5. Activate a filter

  6. Deactivate a filter

  7. Inclusion operator

  8. Occurrence counters : amount of cards per value

  9. Keywords search

  10. Clear all filters

Filters types

There are six filters types characterized by their icon.

  • Options-list-1.pngList of options: This filter possible values have been previously defined by the administrator.

  • User.pngUsers: List of all the users filled in the current board cards.

  • Date.pngDates: There are two different types of date filters:

    • List of date range options set by the administrator (days / weeks / months / quarters / semesters / years).

    • Simplified dates which allow an automatic selection related to the current day (today/current week/…) or the setting of a specific date range on a calendar.

  • Linked-object.pngObject link: List of all the object link fields filled in the current board cards.

  • Text.pngText field: List of all the values in text fields filled in the current board cards. (E.g. Project code)

  • Tag.pngTag: List of all the tags created in the current board cards.

Manual values selection

Filter values can be selected through the dropdown list. This list can be filtered by typing a string of characters. Only values containing this string will be displayed in the list, regardless of the string location in the value.


After adding or deleting a value in a filter, data is updated instantly.

Inclusion operator

By default, filters apply on the selected values, meaning the inclusion operator is “Is in”. It is also possible to exclude values using the “Not in” operator.

In the following example, all the projects will be visible except those with status “0.Backlog”.


The operator “is in / not in” can be used for multiple filters and is saved in the view. it is not available for date filters.

Occurrence counters

Occurence counters (numbers in parenthesis) allow you to know how many cards belong to a filter value. When no card belongs to a given filter value, it appears greyed out in the filter value list. You can still select it however, as there may be some in the future.

If you already have one active filter, the occurrence counters for your next filters are impacted by the outcome of your filtering. This helps narrow down searches by showing queries where data exists.


In the example below, if you filter projects which have another status than “0. Backlog” and then add the “Category” filter, counters in the category values list reflect the amount of projects whose status is not “0.Backlog”. Categories where no project meets this criterion will appear greyed out.

Current user filter

User type filters offer the current user value. Cards displayed as a result of this filter will dynamically match the connected user for this field. This allows to save shared views adapting to the logged in user.


For instance, a single shared view “My projects” filtering the Project Manager field on the current user can be used by multiple team members. No need for everyone to create his own view filtered on his name.

It is possible to combine the current user value with other users in a filter, as well as with exclusion operators.


Current user value is only compatible with new user member filters. Legacy user filters (which have a dot icon) are not supported.