How to delete an object

Objects can be deleted from their card in the Boards module. The "Delete" option is available in the top right corner (if the user has "Delete" access rights to the object).


"Delete" access rights are defined by one of the following conditions:

  • The user is the author of an object (owner system field)

  • The user belongs to a group that has "Delete" access rights to an object model for a given space

  • The user belongs to a group that has "Delete" access rights to an object model for an object in particular

  • The user is an administrator

If the object the user is trying to delete has children, he will get a warning message asking to delete those children first. This is to prevent creating orphan objects.


This behavior is only active if your environment uses sync v2/v3.

On sync v1, no such verification is done.


Limitation on access right update

When users' access rights are modified, those are reflected after a 5 minutes delay.

There is one exception to this rule: modifying the access rights on a single object requires a full synchronization to be in effect. Full synchronizations are performed once a day, usually overnight.