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Strategy workspace

The Strategy workspace allows the user to create the company’s strategy. In this regard, he/she has the capability to:

  • Choose the relevant options for the Strategy Execution feature.

  • Create and manage the company’s Objectives.

Main toolbar

The Strategy workspace main toolbar provides the following tools:


Enable Filters

Provides access to the Filters popup.

Without Attachments

Allows the user to only display Objectives at the lowest level of the hierarchy for which there are no attached Projects or Portfolio Folders.


Show Archived

Allows the user to display or hide Objectives that have been marked as Archived.



Allows the user to download the Objective Tree as an Excel file. The following attributes can be exported: Name, Description, Parent, Manager 1, 2, and 3, Workflow State, KPI Name, KPI Unit, Current Total value, Target Total value, Calculated Target Start Date, and Calculated Target Finish Date.



Opens the Strategy Definition dialog box, allowing the user to edit the Strategy attributes and options.

Filters popup

Upon clicking on the Filters (FilterGrey) button located in the toolbar, the Filters popup is displayed.

On the right-hand side of the popup, a list of the filter categories is displayed (the categories may differ depending on the tab selected). When one of the categories has at least one active filter, a blue icon (Icon_Checkmark_Circle_Blue.png) is displayed next to it.

At the bottom of the panel, the Reset button is displayed, allowing the user to clear all the filtering fields at once.

Outline section

Lowest Level Only

Allows the user to only display the Objectives at the lowest hierarchy level.

Definition section

With Portfolio Folders

Only displays Objectives with at least one attached Portfolio Folder.

With Projects

Only displays Objectives with at least one attached project.

With Ideas

Only displays Objectives with at least one attached Idea.


Only displays Objectives whose Manager 1, 2, or 3 is the selected user.

Workflow States

Only displays Objectives whose Workflow State has been selected.

Objectives Tree spreadsheet

The Objectives Tree spreadsheet displays the hierarchical list of Objectives. The information displayed in each row differs depending on the Objective’s hierarchical level and the options set in the Strategy Definition dialog box.


The sections displayed in the cards can be the following:


Indicates the name of the Objective.


Gives the description of the Objective.

Final Weight

Indicates the final weight of the Objective, which is calculated as the average value of the weights of the Objective’s tree branch, taking into account all the parents of the Objective.

Manager 1

Indicates the person in charge of the Objective.


Indicates the Name of the KPI.

KIP Progress

Indicates the KPI completion (i.e., the ratio between the Current and the Target values).

Portfolio & Projects

Indicates the number of Projects and Portfolio Folders that are attached to the Objective.

Reminder: Projects and Portfolio Folders can only be attached at the lowest Objective level.

Workflow State

Indicates the Objective Workflow State.

The following commands can be displayed in the secondary toolbar when some Objectives are selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked):



Prompts the Objective dialog box, allowing the user to create a new Objective.

Upon using this command, the newly created Objective will be added at the end of the list.


Insert Before

Prompts the Objective dialog box, allowing the user to create a new Objective.

Upon using this command, the newly created Objective will be inserted before the currently selected one, at the same hierarchical level.


Insert After

Prompts the Objective dialog box, allowing the user to create a new Objective.

Upon using this command, the newly created Objective will be inserted after the currently selected one, at the same hierarchical level


Insert as Child

Prompts the Objective dialog box, allowing the user to create a new Objective.

Upon using this command, the newly created Objective will be inserted after the currently selected one, at one hierarchical level below.

This command is only available for Objectives whose level is other than 5 and have no Project and/or Portfolio attached.



Allows the user to delete the selected Objective(s).



Allows the user to update the selected Objective(s) Workflow State from "Draft" to "Ongoing".



Allows the user to move the Objective to one level lower in the hierarchy.



Allows the user to move the Objective to one level higher in the hierarchy.


Move Up

Allows the user to move the selected item up in the list.


Move Down

Allows the user to move the selected item down in the list.


Clear selection

Allows the user to deselect all the elements in the spreadsheet.

In addition, the following tools are directly available in the spreadsheet:



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • History – Opens the Objective’s Workflow Information dialog box.

  • Mark as Archived – Allows the user to indicate the selected Objective as Archived. As a consequence, the Objective will be displayed only when the Show Archived (ShowHide) display option is active, with the level number struck out in red. Note: A parent Objective can only be archived if all the corresponding sub-objectives have been archived.

  • Unmark as Archived – Undoes the “Mark as Archived” action.

  • Edit – Opens the Objective dialog box, allowing the user to modify the Objective’s attributes.

  • Delete – Allows the user to delete the corresponding Objective.