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Strategy Definition dialog box

The Strategy Definition dialog box provides the tools to configure and control the features used as part of Strategy Management.

The upper section of the dialog box provides the Strategy attributes (i.e., Name, Description, and Contributors) for the user to edit.


The Contributors can view all the objectives in the Objectives workspace.

The following options can be set to tailor the use of the Strategy feature:

Strategy Options section

Strategy Alignment

Allows the user to define whether or not he/she wants to assess how Projects and Ideas contribute to the Objectives through an evaluation of the Alignment level.

Idea Management

Allows the user to define whether or not he/she wants to define the Alignment level of the Idea Objectives (and thereby calculate the corresponding Strategic Score).

Project Management

Allows the user to define whether or not he/she wants to define the Alignment level of the Project Objectives (and thereby calculate the corresponding Strategic Score).

Strategy Realization section

Which objects will contribute to the objectives?

Allows the user to define whether Projects, Portfolio Folders, and/or Ideas can be attached to the Objectives.

How will you track Corporate Objective Achievement?

Allows the user to define whether the Current values of the Objectives created in the Objectives workspace are either entered manually or automatically consolidated from the values of the attached Projects or Portfolio Folders depending on the chosen tracking options.

How will you track Objective Achievement?

Provides the following options:

  • No Tracking – The user will be unable to define and track the Current and Target values at the Portfolio and Project levels. This option cannot be enabled if the “How will you track Corporate Objective Achievement” option is set to “Automatically”.

  • At Project Level – The Portfolio Current and Target values will be automatically consolidated from the Project values.

  • At Portfolio Level – There will be no Current and Target values at the Project level; tracking will be available exclusively at the Portfolio level.

Will you track Portfolio Objective Achievement?

Allows the user to define whether or not the Target and Current values can be defined and tracked at the Portfolio Objective level. This option is set to “Yes” and cannot be modified if the “How will you track Corporate Objective Achievement” option is set to “Automatically”.

Will you track Project Objective Achievement?

Allows the user to define whether or not the Target and Current values can be defined and tracked at the Project Objective level. This option is set to “Yes” and cannot be modified if the “How will you track Corporate Objective Achievement” option is set to “Automatically”.