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Objective dialog box

The Objective dialog box allows the user to define the objective’s main attributes.

The upper section of the dialog box provides the following information:


Indicates the name of the Objective.


Allows the user to define the Objective’s weight.

This weight is different from the Final Weight displayed in the Objective cards. The latter takes into account the average of all the weights of the selected Objective’s Parents.

Manager 1, 2, and 3

Indicates the person(s) in charge of the Objective.

Only a user defined as an Objective Manager (or a Strategy Contributor) will be able to access the Objective in the Objectives workspace.

In addition, for Objectives at the lowest hierarchy level, the KPI Definition section will allow the user to define the KPI used to track the Objective Achievement.

Clicking on the Change Log button provides access to a popup featuring the Target and Current Values over time chart, as well as the Change Log Details spreadsheet.

The display of the section will differ depending on the selected KPI Type.

KPI Name

Indicates the Name of the KPI.

KPI Unit

Allows the user to define the Unit of the KPI from among the following: “Decimal”, “Cost”, or “Percentage”.

KPI Type

Allows the user to define the Type of KPI (i.e., either “Distributed” or “Lump Sum”).


Indicates the value needed to be reached for the Objective to be considered as completed.


This field is not editable if the “How will you track Corporate Objective Achievement?” option available in the Strategy Definition dialog box has been set to “Automatically”.


Indicates the current value of the KPI.


This field is not editable if the “How will you track Corporate Objective Achievement?” option available in the Strategy Definition dialog box has been set to “Automatically”.


Allows the user to define the date on which the Objective tracking starts.

This value is taken into account in the calculation of the Objective Health when the KPI Type is defined as “Lump Sum”.


Allows the user to define the date before the Target should be reached.

This value is taken into account in the calculation of the Objective Health when the KPI Type is defined as “Lump Sum”.


The KPI section is only available if the Strategy Realization option has been activated in the Strategy Definition dialog box.

The upper right corner of the dialog box provides the following information and tools:

Workflow State

Indicates the Objective Workflow State.


Workflow Actions

Allows the user to change the Objective's Workflow State.



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • History – Opens the Objective’s Workflow Information dialog box.

  • Mark as Archived – Allows the user to indicate the selected Objective as Archived. As a consequence, the Objective will be displayed only when the Show Archived (ShowHide) display option is active, with the level number struck out in red. Note: A parent Objective can only be archived if all the corresponding sub-objectives have been archived.

  • Unmark as Archived – Undoes the “Mark as Archived” action.

  • Delete – Allows the user to delete the corresponding Objective.