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Strategy Dashboards workspace

The Strategy Dashboards workspace is a read-only report which aims at providing the company’s top management with an overall vision of the Strategy and its completion.


The view is made up of:

  1. The Header, which provides the main information regarding the Strategy.

  2. The Warning panel, which indicates the number of objectives encountering various issues, and allows the user to filter the view accordingly.

  3. The Objective Delivery Roadmap chart

  4. The Objectives spreadsheet


The header displays the Strategy’s Name and gives a Description of it.

In addition, in the right-hand side, the number of Completed Objectives (i.e., Objectives at the lowest level that have reached their final Workflow State), as opposed to the total number of Objectives at the lowest level, is indicated. The corresponding % aims at illustrating the progress of the Strategy.


Warning Filters panel

The Warning Filters panel allows the user to filter the view based on issues encountered by the Objectives.


The alerts available may vary depending on the options set in the Strategy Definition dialog box.

The following alerts can be displayed:

Sum of Projects does not match the Global Target

Indicates the number of Objectives at the lowest level for which the sum of the attached projects KPI Target Values does not equal the Objective’s KPI Target Value.

This alert is only available when the “How will you track Corporate Objective Achievement?” option is set to “Manually”.

Started Objective(s) without current value

Indicates the number of Objectives at the lowest hierarchical level whose Workflow State is “Ongoing” and whose KPI Current value is null.

Lowest Objective(s) not linked to any Project

Indicates the number of Objectives at the lowest level that are not marked as “Archived” and that have no project attached.

This alert is only available when the Objective is tracked at the Project level.

Lowest Objective(s) not linked to any Portfolio

Indicates the number of Objectives at the lowest level that are not marked as “Archived” and that have no Portfolio Folders attached.

This alert is only available when the Objective is tracked at the Portfolio level only.

Upon clicking on a warning, the label turns blue, and the chart and spreadsheet available in the right-hand side are filtered to only display objectives that feature the selected warning.

Objective Delivery Roadmap chart

The Objective Delivery Roadmap chart tracks the following Objectives over the last four and the next eight months (with a monthly granularity):

Objectives to be Completed

Takes into account Objectives whose Target Finish date falls during the month and whose Workflow State is not “Completed” yet.

Objectives to be Started

Takes into account Objectives whose Target Start date falls during the month.

Completed Objectives

Takes into account Objectives whose Completed date falls during the month.

Objectives spreadsheet

The Objectives spreadsheet provides the list of Objectives that are at the lowest level of hierarchy (as defined in the Strategy workspace).

The following attributes are displayed:

Objective Name

Indicates the name of the Objective.


Indicates the final weight of the Objective, which is calculated as the average value of the weights of the Objective’s tree branch, taking into account all the parents of the Objective.

Manager 1

Indicates the person in charge of the Objective.

Target Start

Indicates the date on which the Objective tracking starts.

Target Finish

Indicates the date before which the Target should be reached.

Target Value

Indicates the value needed to be reached for the Objective to be considered as completed.

Current Value

Indicates the current value of the KPI.


Indicates the Objective’s Health Indicator ("Good", "Must Improve", or "Not Good").

The user can access the Legend for the Health Indicator by clicking on the Legend (Legend) button located in the bottom right corner of the view.


The Objective Health indicator's colors are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Objective Health Preferences.


Indicates the Objective Workflow State.

Completed Date

Indicates the date on which the Objective has been marked as "Completed".

In addition, clicking on the Details (DetailsReview) button located in the rightmost column opens the Objective Brief dialog box.

Display Options

The Strategy Dashboards workspace provides a series of display and filtering options that impacts both the Objective Delivery Roadmap chart and the Objectives spreadsheet:


Enable Filters

Displays the Filters popup.


Show Archived

Allows the user to display or hide the Objectives that have been marked as "Archived in the Strategy workspace.

The Strategy Dashboards workspace Filters popup provides the following filtering options:


Only displays Objectives whose Manager 1, 2, or 3 is the selected user.

Workflow States

Only displays Objectives whose Workflow State has been selected.

KPI Unit

Allows the user to only display Objectives whose KPI Unit has been selected ("Decimal", "Cost", or "Percentage").

Objective Health

Allows the user to only display Objectives whose Health Indicator has been selected ("Good", "Must Improve", or "Not Good").

Start Date Before

Allows the user to only display Objectives whose Start date falls before the entered value.

Start Date After

Allows the user to only display Objectives whose Start date falls after the entered value.

Finish Date Before

Allows the user to only display Objectives whose Finish date falls before the entered value.

Finish Date After

Allows the user to only display Objectives whose Finish date falls after the entered value.

Completed Date Before

Allows the user to only display Objectives whose Completed date falls before the entered value.

Completed Date After

Allows the user to only display Objectives whose Completed date falls after the entered value.

On the right-hand side of the popup, a list of the filter categories is displayed (the categories may differ depending on the tab selected). When one of the categories has at least one active filter, a blue icon (Icon_Checkmark_Circle_Blue.png) is displayed next to it.

At the bottom of the panel, the Reset button is displayed, allowing the user to clear all the filtering fields at once.