How to postpone a Project or a Business Case

Once a scenario has been played, it is possible to postpone a Project or a Business Case to take new timeframes into consideration.

  1. Log in to the HTML5 client.

  2. Select the Portfolio Simulation workspace.

  3. Select a Portfolio Folder in the Data Selector.

  4. Run a scenario by clicking on the Play Scenario (GreenCheck.png) button.

  5. Select the Simulation (viewmode_activesimulationdetails22_md.png) view mode.

  6. In the graphic pane of the Gantt chart, Projects, Products, and Programs can easily be moved in the Gantt view by dragging and dropping their corresponding bars.

  7. Click on the Charts (Charts) display option, and select one of the three following folders:

    1. Workload

    2. Budget

    3. Cash Flow


    The Charts will be updated automatically when a Project, a Program, or a Business Case is moved in the graphic pane.

  8. Click on the BACK TO SCENARIO LIST to go back to the Home Page.