
  1. HTML 5クライアントにログインします。

  2. プロジェクトセンターワークスペースを選択し、プロジェクトカードを開きます。

  3. ガントタブを選択します。

  4. ガントスプレッドシートでタスクを選択し、タスクパネルを開きます。


[en] Resources can only be assigned uniformly, and the Distribution type defined in the Project Card, Administration tab, Setup sub-tab, Resource Management section will be honored.

[en] Assign one resource to one task

  1. [en] In the Resource Panel, hover the left-hand side of the Resource row to display the "hand" icon.

  2. [en] Right-click on the mouse and drag the resource on the Task row in the ガントスプレッドシート.

  3. [en] Drop the resource.

[en] Assign multiple resources to one task

  1. [en] In the Resource Panel, tick the check boxes available on the left-hand side of the Resources rows.

  2. [en] Hover the left-hand side of one of the resources you ticked to display the "hand" icon.

  3. [en] Right-click on the mouse and drag the resources on the Task row in the Gantt spreadsheet.

  4. [en] Drop the resources.

[en] Assign one task to one resource

  1. [en] In the Gantt spreadsheet, hover the left-hand side of the Task row to display the "hand" icon.

  2. [en] Right-click on the mouse and drag the task on the Resource row in the Resource Panel.

  3. [en] Drop the task.