Comment affecter des ressources de manière non uniforme

  1. Connectez-vous dans le client HTML5.

  2. Sélectionnez l’espace de travail Centre des projets et ouvrez la Carte Projet.

  3. Sélectionnez l’Onglet Gantt.

  4. Sélectionnez une activité dans le tableau du Gantt pour afficher le Volet Activité.


[en] Resources can only be assigned uniformly, and the Distribution type defined in the Project Card, Administration tab, Setup sub-tab, Resource Management section will be honored.

[en] Assign one resource to one task

  1. [en] In the Resource Panel, hover the left-hand side of the Resource row to display the "hand" icon.

  2. [en] Right-click on the mouse and drag the resource on the Task row in the Tableau du Gantt.

  3. [en] Drop the resource.

[en] Assign multiple resources to one task

  1. [en] In the Resource Panel, tick the check boxes available on the left-hand side of the Resources rows.

  2. [en] Hover the left-hand side of one of the resources you ticked to display the "hand" icon.

  3. [en] Right-click on the mouse and drag the resources on the Task row in the Gantt spreadsheet.

  4. [en] Drop the resources.

[en] Assign one task to one resource

  1. [en] In the Gantt spreadsheet, hover the left-hand side of the Task row to display the "hand" icon.

  2. [en] Right-click on the mouse and drag the task on the Resource row in the Resource Panel.

  3. [en] Drop the task.