
Notes dialog box

The Notes feature aims at improving the collaboration between users and allows them to communicate. It is available for various features throughout Sciforma, such as Resource Request, Work Packages, or Ideas. The advantage of using this communication tool (as opposed to using emails) is that everything is stored centrally and is easily searchable.


The Notes button indicates whether or not there are new notes:


Blue icon with a red dot

Contains a new note.


Blue icon

Contains at least one note (already read).


Grey icon

Does not contain any notes.


Any user who has at least one token can write a note, as long as he/she has reading access to the corresponding object.


The system tracks Notes and indicates whether they have been created since the last time a single user with Write permissions on the object clicked on the Notes button.

Note cards

Each Note will show its author, date, and a status (read or unread). If the logged-in user is the author of the note, a More (MoreVertical) button will provide access to the following commands:

  • Edit – Opens the Edit Note popup, allowing the user to modify the note.

  • Delete – Allows the user to delete the corresponding note.


The Edit and Delete options are only available if the corresponding settings have been activated by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, General Options tab.

By default, a Note is unread until a logged-in user with Write permissions clicks on it. The status of a Note is specific to each user. The Notes can be easily marked as read (or unread) either individually by clicking on their status in the bottom right corner of their respective lines, or all at once by clicking on the Mark all as read command located under the Send button.


For the Sciforma Systems using the Requests & Commitments feature, the Notes dialog box also features a History. Among the posted Notes, data that provides an indication of status modifications is also available.


Each history log displays the following information:

  • Name of the user who performed the action

  • The action performed (status change)

  • The date the action was performed

The history log messages displayed are color-coded according to the action—more specifically, according to the resulting request status. For example, the color legend for the requests is as follows:

  • Red message: PM Working or PM Revising

  • Blue message: PM Submitted

  • Orange message: RM Working

  • Green message: RM Submitted

  • Grey message: PM Accepted, PM Rejected, or RM Rejected

How to filter notes

When a lot of notes have been entered, it is sometimes difficult to find the one(s) with the specific information the user wishes to locate. The filters feature makes it possible to find a specific note.

  1. In the Notes dialog box, turn on the Filters switch button available in the upper right corner.

  2. In the filters section, it is possible to enter a time range (with the From and To fields) and a Keyword.

  3. Press “enter” to validate the information entered. The notes are then filtered accordingly.


The user can click on the Clear Filters label to empty the filtering fields.

How to mark as read/unread

The more notes there are, the harder it gets for the user to keep track of what he has read or not read.

To mark a note as read

In the text box featuring the note, click on the Mark as Read label. This label will then be replaced by the green Mark as Unread label, informing the logged-in user that the note has been read.


Clicking on the Mark all as read command allows the user to mark all the notes as read.

To mark a note as unread

In the text box featuring the note, click on the green Mark as Unread label. This label will then be replaced by the Mark as Read label, informing the logged-in user that the note has not been read yet.


Clicking on the Mark all as unread command allows the user to mark all the notes as unread.