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Create Soft Assignment dialog box

The Create Soft Assignment dialog box allows the user to create new soft assignments (including assigning Generic Resources). The information displayed will be different depending on the situation:

  • No Generic Resources – When no Generic Resources have been defined for the selected project, the user will be directly prompted to define a Soft Assignment.

  • With Generic Resources – When some Generic Resources have been defined for the selected project, the Generic Resource Selection view is prompted.

  • Multiple Task Selection – When multiple Tasks are selected in the Gantt, the user can access the Generic Resource Selection view from the Quick Assign section. In this case, there will be no possible way to create a regular soft assignment.

Generic Resource Selection

The Generic Resource Selection view is prompted when the user wants to create some soft assignments while Generic Resources have been defined for the selected project.


This view is made up of:

  • Project Generic Resources List – Allows the user to select a Generic Resource to assign (as defined in the Project Administration dialog box, Team folder)

  • Add Soft Assignment from Scratch – Opens the Create Soft Assignment popup, allowing the user to define a new soft assignment.

Clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button located in the upper right corner of the dialog box provides access to the Project Administration dialog box, Team folder.

Soft Assignment Definition

The purpose of this popup is to create soft assignments. The user is prompted to select an Organization, a Job Classification, Skills, and a Rate.