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Resource Brief dialog box

The Resource Brief dialog box provides all the relevant information regarding a resource.

The upper left corner of the dialog box displays the Resource's Name, Organization, Job Classification, and Status.


In addition, if the resource's Contract Type is set to "External", the External label will be displayed above the Status.

The left panel provides the following folders:

  • Identification – Provides information regarding the resource’s main attributes.

  • Utilization – Provides information regarding the resource’s assignments and utilization.

  • Capacity – Provides information regarding the resource’s capacity acquisition.

  • Allocations – Provides information regarding the resource's Direct and Confirmed Allocations.

  • Calendar – Provides information regarding the resource’s upcoming unavailability.

  • Work Items – Provides information regarding the Work Items the resource is assigned to.


The folders available depend on the options set by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, Resource Settings folder, Display Preferences tab.

Identification folder

The Definition section provides the following attributes: First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, ID, Organization, Job Classification, Skills, Email Address 1, Contract Type, and Contractor.

The Advanced Skills section indicates the resource's Skills, as well as the corresponding level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Expert).


Advanced Skills are only available if the Administrator has activated the "Enable Resource Advanced Skills Definition" option available in the System Settings workspace, Administration Settings folder, Display Preferences tab.

The Cost & Availability section displays the following attributes: Start Date, End Date, Status, Calendar, Availability, Cost, and Cost Center.

Utilization folder

The Resource Utilization chart displays the Total Effort versus the Available Effort within the selected period of time, as well as the Usable Effort.


The Resource Assignments spreadsheet displays detailed assignment data for each project and task the resource has been assigned to within a selected period of time.

The time period can be modified using the Time Navigation toolbar located above the chart.


When accessing the Resource Brief dialog box during the Resource assignment process, the additional Including Current Assignment(s) row will be displayed for the user to compare the new assignments with the existing ones.

Colored indicators are provided to highlight the % shift between the resources Total Effort (assignments) and Available Effort. The user can access the legend of the colored indicators by clicking on the Legend (Legend) button.


Colored Indicators are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Resource Utilization Preferences.

Capacity folder

The Capacity folder provides a chart and a spreadsheet to review the resources’ available effort as compared to the Dedicated, Allocated, and Committed Effort (depending on the resource’s Origin on the projects).


The resource capacity spreadsheet provides the list of the projects on which the resource is working, as well as the Total Effort, Usable Effort, and acquired effort (Dedicated, Allocated, and/or Committed).


The time period can be modified using the Time Navigation toolbar located above the chart.

Colored indicators are provided to highlight the % shift between the resources available effort and usable effort. The user can access the legend of the colored indicators by clicking on the Legend (Legend) button.


Colored Indicators are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Resource Utilization Preferences.

Allocations folder

The Allocation time-distributed spreadsheet displays the Total Allocation and the Remaining Capacity of the resource, followed by the details of Allocations grouped by project and classified as follows:

  • Direct Allocations (i.e., allocations not linked to a request) – Only one direct allocation is possible per resource per project.

  • Confirmed Allocations – Allocations whose corresponding Allocation Request has reached its final Workflow State (by default, “Accepted”).

Highlighted cells are displayed to emphasize the Task (or Project) boundaries.

The following tools are available to review the allocations:


Scroll Into View

Scrolls the view to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0 for the selected resource.



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • View Allocation – Opens a read-only version of the Edit Allocation dialog box.

  • View Request – Opens the Edit Allocation Request dialog box.

  • Scroll Into View – Scrolls the spreadsheet to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0.

Calendar folder

The Calendar folder provides a chart and a list of the resource’s Calendar Requests, allowing the user to prepare for the resource’s upcoming unavailability.

The chart displays, for the next twelve months, a summary of the Working Days vs. Non-Working Days per month.

Work Items folder

The Work Items folder provides a spreadsheet displaying the Work Items the selected Resource is assigned to.


The Work Items are grouped by category and project, and the following attributes are displayed: Key, Name, Type, Workflow State, Estimated Date, and Estimated Effort.

Upon clicking on the Details (DetailsReview) button, a read-only version of the Work Item dialog box is displayed for the corresponding item.

The user can take advantage of the Time Navigation Toolbar and the Show Closed (ShowHide) display option to choose the items to display in the view.