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How to create Soft Assignments using Generic Resources

A Generic Resource is a combination of an Organization and/or a Job classification, and/or Skills. Once created, you will be able to create a Soft Assignment using this Generic Resource.

Assigning a Generic resource is the same as if you were creating a soft assignment.


Generic Resources must first be created as part of the Project Team.


Deleting a Generic Resource that is part of the Project Team does not delete the corresponding soft assignments.


If your Schedule Mode is "Critical Chain", do not forget to select the Planning Mode. The Switch to Tracking Mode (alarm22_md.png) button must be displayed in the Main toolbar.

  1. Log in to the HTML5 client.

  2. Select the Projects Center workspace and open the Project Card.

One selected task

  1. Select a task in the Gantt spreadsheet to display the Task panel.

  2. Select the Assignments tab (viewmode_activeresourceutilization22_md.png).

  3. Click on the NEW button and select the Soft Assignment command to display the Create Soft Assignment dialog box.


    The Soft Assignment dialog box displays and lists all the existing Generic Resources.

  4. Select the Generic Resources (multi-selection is possible) by ticking the corresponding checkboxes and then click on the CREATE button.

  5. The Soft Assignments are added to the Task panel.

  6. In the Soft Assignment card, modify the Rate (PrinceTagGrey) or the Total Effort (ganttSidePanel_icons_tabs_panels_daterange22_md.png) if needed.


The Create Soft Assignment dialog box can also be displayed by clicking on the Assign (AddResources) button available in the Gantt toolbar, and by choosing the Soft Assignment command.

Several selected tasks

  1. Select several tasks in the Gantt spreadsheet by ticking their respective checkboxes.

  2. The Assignment panel is displayed.

  3. In the Quick Assign section, click on the Browse (Hamburger) button of the Select Generic field.

  4. In the Create Soft Assignment dialog box, click on the Generic resource to be assigned.

  5. The Generic Resource you selected becomes the active one in the Quick Assign section.

  6. Modify the Rate if necessary.

  7. Click on the Add (Icon___Plus_White_on_Blue_Circle_BG.png) button.