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How to analyze Timesheets


Elements taken into account for some alerts are conditioned by the options available in the System Settings workspace.

  1. Log in to the HTML5 client.

  2. Select the Projects Center workspace and open the Project Card.

  3. Select the Task tab, Tracking sub-tab.

  4. By default, the Timesheets Overview displays the Resource Timesheets for the Current Week. Select another time frame if needed.

  5. Analyze the Timesheets using the following Warning tools.

Outstanding Timesheets in the past

The Outstanding_Timesheets_in_the_past.png alert indicates that the Actual Effort of at least one Timesheet is different from its corresponding Labor Assignment, and/or there is at least one Timesheet whose Status has not been “Approved” in the past.

  1. Click on the DETAILS button of this alert, to open the Outstanding Timesheets in the Past popup.

  2. Click on the JUMP TO TIMEFRAME button to review the exceptions and to resolve them.

Notifications and Alerts

The Tracking views provide a series of notifications and alerts that bring potential discrepancies between the initial plan and the Timesheet entries to the Project Manager’s attention:


Outstanding Timesheets in the past

Indicates that the Actual Effort of at least one Timesheet is different from its corresponding Labor Assignment, and/or there is at least one Timesheet whose Status has not been “Approved” in the past.

Upon clicking on the “Details” label of this alert, the Outstanding Timesheets in the Past popup is displayed, allowing the user to review the exceptions and to go to the corresponding time frame to resolve them.


Not Compliant with Activity Log entries

Indicates that the Timesheet Actual Effort is not equal to the Actual Effort entered in the Activity Logs.

Upon clicking on the “Details” label of this alert, the Not Compliant with Activity Log entries popup is displayed, allowing the user to review the corresponding Activity Logs.


Not as Planned

Indicates that the Actuals from the Timesheets are not equal to the Planned Effort for a given Resource or Timesheet.


New Assignments

Indicates that the Team Member was not initially planned (at any time) for the Task (i.e., he/she assigned himself/herself to the Task).


Remaining Effort Revised

Indicates that the Remaining Estimate (Duration) entered by the Team Member is not equal to the planned Remaining Effort value.


New Notes

Indicates that at least one Note has been entered. Upon clicking on the Notes button, the Timesheet Daily Notes popup is displayed.



Indicates that some corrections have been entered.

In some views, a red dot (Red_dot.png) can be displayed next to the Timesheet values depending on the encountered alerts. The following alerts can be taken into account: “Not as Planned”, “New Assignments”, and “Not Compliant with Activity Log entries”.


The alerts taken into account differ depending on the options selected by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, Project Settings folder, Time Tracking Options tab.