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Fulfill Soft Allocation dialog box

The Fulfill Soft Allocation dialog box allows the Resource Manager to turn a Soft Allocation into a Hard Allocation.

The upper section of the dialog box provides the following information regarding the Soft Allocation: Project Name, Related Task (if any), and Allocation Dates.

Allocations spreadsheet

The Allocations spreadsheet allows the user to review the Hard Allocations made to fulfill the Soft Allocations.

The first row allows the user to compare the Original Effort (from the soft allocation to fulfill), and the Gap (which indicates how much effort should be allocated to fulfill the soft allocation).

For each allocation, the following information is displayed: Resource Name, Rate, Allocated Effort, and time-distributed Allocated Effort.

Upon clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button, the following commands are displayed:

Edit Details

Opens the corresponding Edit Allocation dialog box.


Allows the user to delete the corresponding hard allocation.

Matching Resources section

The Matching Resources Remaining Capacity section displays the list of Resources whose attributes match the selected Soft Allocation.

The following options are available to manage the display of the assignable resources list:



Opens the Filters popup, which provides the following filtering options:

  • Organizations – Allows the user to only display resources belonging to the selected Organization.

  • Job Classifications – Allows the user to only display resources whose Job Classification has been selected.

  • Skills – Allows the user to only display resources whose Skills have been selected.

  • Show Inactive Resources – Allows the user to filter the view to only display resources whose Status is “Inactive”.



Allows the user to find a specific resource name in the list.


Sort By

Allows the user to sort the resource list by Utilization (ascending order) or by Name (alphabetical order).


The filters are automatically prefilled with information regarding the soft assignment Organization, Job Classification, and Skills.

For each resource, the time-distributed Remaining Capacity is displayed.

Indicators are provided to highlight the resource's capacity:



There is enough Resource Capacity to fulfill the Soft Allocation.



The Resource is already Overallocated for the period.

The following commands are available to manage the assignable resources:



Adds the resource to the New Allocations section of the spreadsheet.

Once at least one resource has already been allocated, the following commands are available:

  • Split Effort Equally – The Allocated Effort of the New Allocations section will be split Equally between the Allocated resources.

  • Respect Usable Effort – The Allocated Effort will be equal to the Resource's capacity.

  • Remaining Original Effort – The new allocation's Effort will be equal to the “Effort to be fulfilled”.

  • Allocate with Default Rate – When several resources are allocated, their Default Rate will be respected.



Opens the corresponding Resource Brief dialog box.