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Allocation Request Workflow

By default, the Resource Allocation Request Workflow is the following:


By default, the Default Permissions (Users allowed to read or write the object) and the Default Responsibles (Users responsible for moving an object from one state to another) are set to all users at the Workflow level.


The Resource Allocations Workflow feature has been introduced with Sciforma 2021.09 version.

Legacy Requests are still available and are supported with the "Open" and "Closed" status. The corresponding "Closed" field is displayed when necessary in the Edit Allocation Request dialog box.

Workflow State



Initial Workflow State of the Allocation Request when the PM creates it.


The Request is submitted to the RM so he/she can review it and allocate the resources accordingly.


The Request is rejected by the RM.

This is a final state, the Request is therefore considered as "Closed".


The situation has changed and therefore the Request needs to be reworked accordingly before being resubmitted to the RM.


The RM allocated the necessary resources in response to the Request, and the PM now can review the allocations.

Not Accepted

The PM has rejected the allocations made by the RM.

This is a final state, the Request is therefore considered as "Closed".


The RM decides he/she needs to update the allocations and recalls to requests to make the necessary changes.


The PM has accepted the allocations made in response to his/her requests. Upon Accepting an Allocation, the corresponding resources are added to the Project Team.

This is a final state, the Request is therefore considered as "Closed".


The user will be prompted to enter a comment upon changing the Workflow State if the Administrator has activated the corresponding Enable Allocation Request Workflow Comments in the System Settings workspace, Resource Settings folder, Allocations & Commitments tab.