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Project Definition popup

The Project Definition popup allows the user to fill in the main project information regarding the project main attributes, stakeholders, and team.


At this point in the project creation process, the project will have already been created.

The following tools are provided to navigate through the Project Definition:

  • Next – Allows to go to the next step.

  • Edit (ProcessEdit.png) – Allows to go back to a step that has already been filled in.

  • Close – Allows the user to leave the project definition, but the fields that are already filled in will be kept.

  • Done – Completes the project definition and closes the popup.


Once the Project Definition is completed and the popup is closed, the user cannot open this popup again.

  1. Step 1 – Basic Attributes

    The Basic Attributes step contains the following project fields: Name, Type, ID, Portfolio Folder, Schedule Method, Use Agile Methodology, Start Constraint, Deadline, and Calendar.


    If the CCPM methodology is used, the Start Constraint field is replaced by the Finish Constraint field to schedule the project backward. The Schedule Method field also indicates that the Critical Chain methodology will be used upon project creation.

  2. Step 2 – Custom Attributes

    If the Administrator has activated the Enable Custom Attributes option in the System Settings workspace, an additional step will be available here, with customized fields for the user to fill in.

  3. Step 3 – Stakeholders

    The Stakeholders step allows the user to define rights and permissions fields for viewing and editing the project: Manager 1, Manager 2, Manager 3, Organization Readers, Organization Writers, Users Readers, and Users Writers.

  4. Step 4 – Project Team

    Initially, the Team step allows the user to start building his/her Project Team by defining resources as Team Members. When no Team Member has been added yet, the Add my Team empty state is displayed. Upon clicking on it, all the resources belonging to the same Organization as the logged-in user are added to the Team.


    When the logged-in User belongs to a Parent Organization branch, he/she also will have the opportunity to add resources belonging to the corresponding children Organization branches.