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Budget dialog box

The Budget dialog box allows the user to manage the selected project's Direct Budget.


When accessed in multiple project selection, some commands of the Budget dialog box will not be available.

Display Options

The following filtering and display options are available:



Allows the user to display or hide the Chart section.

Cost Centers

Allows the user to only display the selected Cost Center(s) in the view.


Allows the user to only display the Cost Center(s) whose Type has been selected.

Note: This option is only available when both Effort and Cost Cost Centers are available; in that case, both the Type and Cost Centers options will be available in the Filters popup.

Show Total Cost/Effort

Allows the user to display or hide the related Total Cost (or Effort) for each Cost Center.


Show Inactive

Allows the user to display or hide Cost Centers whose Workflow State is “Inactive”.


Effort Display

Allows the user to display the Effort values as entered by the user (“As Defined”) or as Monetized Amount (“As Costs”).

This option is only available when the "Mixed Budget Types" setting is activated.


The "Mixed Budget Types" setting is available to the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, Budget / Finance Settings folder.

Budget spreadsheet

The Budget spreadsheet displays the selected project(s) Direct Budget.


The Budget spreadsheet provides the following information: Cost Center, Total (for the selected time period), and the time-distributed Direct Budget as entered in the corresponding time intervals.


When Cost Centers whose Type is “Effort” are involved, the Monetized Amount displayed at the bottom of the spreadsheet will take into account both Effort and Cost (if any) budget.

When the “Enable Project Cost Center Cost Reallocation in %” option (available in the Finance Advanced Attributes popup) is activated, the display will be affected as follows:

  • The Reallocation % column will allow the user to reallocate the Costs/Effort.

  • The “Total” column will no longer be available.

  • The “Update from Total Cost/Effort” command will no longer be available.



The following tools are provided in the spreadsheet and the corresponding toolbar:



Allows the user to add new Cost Centers to the spreadsheet, which he/she can then fill in.

Only Cost Centers whose Status is "Active" will be available for selection.

Note: If the project belongs to a Portfolio Folder, then only the Cost Centers defined at the Portfolio level (Portfolio Center workspace, Budget tab, Portfolio Budget mode) will be available for selection.



Allows the user to remove the selected Cost Center(s) from the spreadsheet. This command is only available if at least one cost center is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


Update from Forecast

Updates the spreadsheet with the Cost Centers and their corresponding values as entered in the Forecast dialog box.


Update from Total Cost/Effort

Updates the spreadsheet with the project’s Total Cost (or Effort) values (only for costs that have been associated with a Cost Center).


Shift Data

Allows the user to postpone (or bring forward) the selected time-distributed values. This command is only available if at least one cost center is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


Apply Pending

Updates the spreadsheet with the applied Budget Simulation. For more information, please refer to the Apply Budget Scenario command article.



Opens the Cost Center Brief dialog box.


Scroll Into View

Scrolls into view the first time period where the Budget value is other than null.

About the Update Commands

Upon using the Update from Total Cost/Effort (update_budget_v2_22_md.png) and Update from Forecast (update_budget_v1_22_md.png) commands, the user will be prompted to set up the following options:

Time Period

Allows the user to choose the time frame to take into account when importing the Cost Center values (“All Period”, “From Today” and “Custom”).

Clear Existing Forecast Lines

Upon activating this switch button, the Cost Centers that belong to the spreadsheet but do not appear in the project’s Total Cost or Forecast will be removed.

Create Missing Forecast Lines

Upon activating this switch button, Cost Centers that do not belong to the spreadsheet but appear in the project’s Total Cost or Forecast will be imported, creating new project Cost Center rows.


Using these commands will overwrite the entered values.

Chart section

When the Charts (Charts) display option is activated, the following chart is displayed at the top of the view.


This histogram allows the user to review the project’s Direct Budget (as a Monetized Amount when necessary) and Cost per Cost Center.

Key Facts section

Located in the right-hand side of the dialog box, the Key Facts section provides the following information: Direct Budget, Indirect Budget (if any), Delegated Budget (if any), Total Cost (or Adjusted Total Cost), and Forecast Cost (if any).