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How to pre-approve a Business Case

  1. Log in to the HTML5 client.

  2. Select the Portfolio Ranking workspace.

  3. Select a Portfolio folder in the Data Selector.

  4. Select either the Budget (viewmode_activerankingcontraint22_md.png) mode or the KPI (viewmode_activeranking22_md.png) mode.

  5. In the spreadsheet, click on the Gear (GearOther) button of the Business Case you want to pre-approve, and select the Edit the object command.

  6. In the Focus Mode full screen view, select the Administration tab, Definition sub-tab.

  7. Click on the Workflow Actions (WorkflowAction) button and then select the "Pre-Approved" Workflow State.


Portfolio Managers need to have "Write" permissions to take this action.