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Work Package Brief dialog box

The Work Package Brief dialog box displays all the relevant information regarding the Work Package contract and scheduling.


In the upper part of the Status sub-tab, the Work Package’s main attributes are displayed: Start, Finish, Completed Date, Total Cost, Actual Cost, Remaining Cost, Total Effort, Actual Effort, Remaining Effort, and % Completed.

The Latest Status Report section displays the data captured in the Work Package Scheduler workspace, Status Reports tab. From there, it is possible to print the full report, and to view the Status Report History dialog box.

Time & Constraints sub-tab

The Time & Constraints sub-tab provides information regarding the Work Package schedule.

The Time section gives the following Work Package information: Contract Start, Current Start, Current Finish, Contract Finish, Baseline Start, and Baseline Finish.

The Key Facts section shows the difference between the Work Package Finish date and the Finish date as of the Latest Status Report (i.e., slippage since last report).

The External Constraints section lists all the Tasks for the selected Work Package that have a link with a Task outside the Work Package.

This section is filled in automatically with the links that have been created by the Project Manager in the Project Gantt Chart.

The Inbound Constraints spreadsheet identifies the Tasks that have predecessors outside the Work Package. The list displays the external predecessor’s Name, the Work Package of its origin, the Task used to link the external predecessors, the external predecessor’s Finish Date and its Baseline Finish.

The Outbound Constraints spreadsheet lists the Tasks that have external successors. The list displays the external successor’s Name, the Work Package of its origin, the Task used to link the external successors, the external successor’s Finish Date and its Baseline Finish.


If the Finish date comes after the Baseline Finish, the Finish date field is highlighted in red in order to warn the Project Manager of a possible project slippage.

Contract Changes sub-tab

The Contract Changes sub-tab provides information similar to the Work Package Center workspace, Contract tab, Contract Changes mode.

Macro-Planning sub-tab

The Macro-Planning sub-tab displays the Work Package Gantt chart, with the Name, Duration, Start, and Finish of the tasks displayed in the same way as in the Work Package Scheduler workspace, Planner tab, Scheduler mode.

Budget sub-tab

The Budget section displays the same Budget spreadsheet as the one available in the Work Package Center workspace, Contract tab, Contract mode. On the right-hand side of the spreadsheet, a Key Facts section indicates the following Work Package Budget information: Total Cost, Direct Budget, Indirect Budget, and Total Budget.

Work Items sub-tab

The Work Items sub-tab presents summarized information regarding the Work Package Issues, Change Requests, Actions, and Deliverables.

The available charts and popups are identical to the ones encountered in the Project Brief dialog box, Work Items folder (with only the selected Work Package Work Items available).

Risks sub-tab

The Risks sub-tab presents summarized information regarding the Work Package Risks.

The available charts are identical to the ones encountered in the Project Brief dialog box, Risks folder (with only the Work Package Risks available).