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Connections sub-tab

The Connections sub-tab available in the Project Card, Administration tab, allows the user to link together various objects to facilitate the visibility and the tracking of related elements. Optionally, connections between two objects can be determined by a Contract.


Connections are always created and edited at the Source object level. The information displayed at the Target object level is read-only.

The Connections tab is made up of different elements:

  1. The Display Options

  2. The Commands

  3. The Connections view or the Parents view depending on the selected pivot.

Display Options

The Connections tab provides the following display options:


Show Closed or Completed

Allows the user to display closed connected projects (projects whose % Completed = 100% and/or are indicated as Closed)

Connections/Parents pivot

Allows the user to display either:

  • The Connections view – Provides the list of the Target projects connected to the currently selected project.

  • The Parents view – Provides the list of the Source objects connected to the currently selected project.

Note: The pivot is only available when relevant (i.e., at least one of the corresponding connection exists).


The New Connections button available in the upper left corner of the view, allows the user to create a connection:

  • To an existing object (depending on the currently selected object) or

  • To a new project (the user will be prompted to start project creation process, in which he/she will have to choose the relevant project Nature for the target object)

Connections view

The Connections view is displayed if the Connections pivot is selected.

It lists all the Target objects connected to the currently selected project, and grouped by Connections types. Those connections are editable and can be one of the following:

  • Projects – Target objects of all Natures (depending on the selected project Nature).

  • Work Packages – Specific hierarchy connection which can have a Contract.

Project connections


Project connections provide the following attributes regarding the connected object: Nature, Name, Workflow State, Manager 1, Portfolio Folder, Type, number of days before the Finish date, and % Completed.

The Status section of the card displays the Health Score, as well as the last submitted Status Report date and indicators.

The user can interact with the project card in the following ways:

  • Clicking on the project Name opens the corresponding Project Brief dialog box.

  • Clicking on the Health Score value opens the corresponding Heath Score Details popup.

  • Clicking on the Last Report date opens the Last Report popup.

In addition, the following tools are available:



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • Delete Connection – Allows the user to remove the connection.

  • Create Dependency (when applicable) – Allows the user to create a dependency between two connected objects.


Add Contract

Indicates that no contract has not been created yet between the Source object (selected project) and the Target object. Upon clicking on it, the Contract Details dialog box is displayed, allowing the user to define the contract's dates, budget, and deliverables.

This button is only available for connections allowing Contracts.

Open Contract

Opens the Contract Details dialog box for the user to view or edit the contract's dates, budget, and deliverables.



Opens the Work tab of the corresponding project Focus view.

Work Package connections

Work Packages connections provide the following attributes regarding the connected Work Package: Name, Workflow State, Manager 1, Portfolio Folder, and Type.

The Status section of the card displays the Health Score, as well as the last submitted Status Report date and indicators.

The user can interact with the project card in the following ways:

  • Clicking on the Work Package Name opens the corresponding Work Package Brief dialog box.

  • Clicking on the Health Score value opens the corresponding Health Score Details popup.

  • Clicking on the Last Report date opens the Last Report popup.

In addition, the following tools are available:



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.

Open Contract

Indicates that the Contract not editable. Upon clicking on it, the read-only Contract Details dialog box is displayed, allowing the user to review the Contract's dates, budget, and deliverables.

Edit Contract

Indicates that the Contract is editable. Upon clicking on it, the Contract Details dialog box is displayed, allowing the user to edit the Contract's dates, budget, and deliverables.

Parents view

The Parents view is displayed if the Parents pivot is selected. It lists all the Source objects of the currently selected project. Those connections can be one of the following:

  • Ideas – Ideas that have been connected to the project from the Idea Center workspace.

  • Projects – Source objects of all Natures (depending on the selected project Nature).


The Parents view is not available if the selected project does not have any Source object.

Idea connections


Ideas connections are non-editable and provide the following attributes regarding the connected Idea: Name, Workflow State, Originator, Type, Score, and Idea Folder.

Upon clicking on the Idea’s Name, the corresponding Idea Details dialog box is displayed.

In addition, the Notes (notesNewUnread22_md.png) button indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.

Project connections


Project connections provide the following attributes regarding the connected object: Nature, Name, Workflow State, Manager 1, Portfolio Folder, Type, number of days before the Finish date, and % Completed.

The Status section of the card displays the Health Score, as well as the last submitted Status Report date and indicators.

The user can interact with the project card in the following ways:

  • Clicking on the project Name opens the corresponding Project Brief dialog box.

  • Clicking on the Health Score value opens the corresponding Heath Score Details popup.

  • Clicking on the Last Report date opens the Last Report popup.

In addition, the following tools are available:



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • Delete Connection – Allows the user to remove the connection.

  • Create Dependency (when applicable) – Allows the user to create a dependency between two connected objects.


Add Contract

Indicates that no contract has not been created yet between the Source object (selected project) and the Target object. Upon clicking on it, the Contract Details dialog box is displayed, allowing the user to define the contract's dates, budget, and deliverables.

This button is only available for connections allowing Contracts.

Open Contract

Opens the Contract Details dialog box for the user to view or edit the contract's dates, budget, and deliverables.



Opens the Work tab of the corresponding project Focus view.