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Risk Card

The purpose of the Risk Card (i.e., creation, modification, read-only) differs depending on the way it is accessed.

The card is made up of:

  • A header, which provides the Risk's key information and commands,

  • A common section, which is always displayed and provides the main commands and attributes, and

  • A series of optional sections that can be added by using the buttons located on the right-hand side of the card.


To remove an optional section, the user has to delete all the existing objects it contains first (if any).

In cases where the Risk Card is used to create a new Risk, the following buttons will be available in the bottom right section of the card:

  • Done – Allows the user to complete the Risk creation and closes the card.

  • Cancel – Closes the card without creating the Risk.


The upper section of the card provides the Risk Key, Level, and Name, as well as the following tools:


Workflow State

Indicates the Risk's current Workflow State, which can be modified upon clicking on it. The Workflow State can be: New, Open, Duplicate, On-going, Canceled, or Closed.


When the Risk Workflow State is New, users are only able to change it to Open, Duplicate or Canceled.



Allows the user to mark the Risk as flagged.



Indicates whether there are new notes or not, and displays the Notes dialog box.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • History – Displays the Workflow Information dialog box.

  • Move – Allows the user to attach the Risk to a Portfolio Folder, Project, or Work Package.

  • Copy – Allows the user to duplicate the Risk.

  • Delete – Allows the user to delete the selected Risk.

  • Print – Opens a printer-friendly version of the Risk in a new tab.

In addition, the following attributes are displayed:


Indicates the person in charge of handling the Risk. The following actions are possible:

  • Clicking on the "Add Owner" label (or on the defined Owner's Name) allows the user to select who is in charge of the Risk. Note: A prompt will list the following users to select from: Performing Users (Project Team resources who are defined as users), Manager 1, 2, 3, Users Readers, and Users Writers.

  • Clicking on the Remove (cancel.png) button empties the Owner field.


Indicates the Parent Object (Project, Work package, or Portfolio) the Risk is attached to. By using the Move feature, the user can change a Parent object.


Indicates the Type of the Risk. The following actions are possible:

  • Clicking on the Attach (EditColor) button (or on the defined Type's Name) prompts the Types popup, allowing the user to select a Type for the Risk.

  • Clicking on the Remove (cancel.png) button empties the Type field. Note: The Remove button is only available if the Type is not a required field.

Estimated Date

Date on which the Risk might materialize. By default, the Estimated Date is automatically filled in as follows (from highest to lowest priority):

  • Start date of the Task (if a Task has been defined in the Related Task field)

  • Due Date (if any)

Common section


The main section provides the following fields:


Name of the Risk

Related Task

Allows the user to attach the Risk to a task. In doing so, the Risk will then be available in the Gantt side panel, Work Objects tab. The following alerts can be displayed:

  • ExclamationPointFullRedRed: Indicates that the Estimated Date falls outside the Task’s Start and Finish time frame.

  • ExclamationPointFullAmberAmber: Indicates that the Estimated Date is not aligned with the Task Finish date but still falls between the Task’s Start and Finish.

Due Date

Date on which the Risk should be addressed.

Estimated Date

Date on which the Risk might materialize. By default, the Estimated Date is automatically filled in as follows (from highest to lowest priority):

  • Start date of the Task (if a Task has been defined in the Related Task field)

  • Due Date (if any)


The Estimated Date can be overwritten manually at any time.

Impact Cost

Indicates how much the risk would impact the cost if the risk were to materialize. For Task Risks, this cost is taken into account when performing a Risk Simulation

Impact Time

Indicates the delay the risk would create if it were to materialize. For Task Risks, this delay is taken into account when performing a Risk Simulation.


Allows the user to enter a URL link regarding the Risk. He/she can then click on the arrow icon to open the link in a new browser tab.

In addition, the following icons indicating that an issue exists with a Risk date can be displayed:


Indicates that the Risk is open and that the Due Date falls before Today’s date.


Indicates that the Risk is open and the Estimated Date falls before Today’s date.


Indicates that the Risk is open and that the Estimated Date falls after the Due Date.

Risk Factors

The right-hand side of the view provides the number of Risk Factors defined for the selected Risk.


Upon clicking on the Manage button, the Risk Factors popup is displayed, allowing the user to define the identified Risk Factors.

Current Risk Level

The Current Risk Level section provides the Risk Level Indicators and the Risk Level as currently assessed.


The bottom right corner of the section provides the following buttons:

  • Manage Snapshots – Opens the Snapshot History popup.

  • Create Snapshot – Allows the user to capture the Current Risk Level.

If a Snapshot has been defined as the Initial value in the Snapshot History popup, then the Show Initial (ShowHide) display option will be available in the top right corner of the section. Upon activating it, the Initial section will be displayed, showing the captured Risk Level indicators for the user to compare with the current values.

By clicking on the Edit button, the user is able to define other snapshot values as the Initial ones.

Optional sections

Description & Cause

The Description and Cause sections provide Rich Text sections where the user can fill in information regarding the Risk.


The Mitigation section provides the Risk Level Indicators and the Risk Level as they would be if the Risk were properly mitigated.

The Copy to Current button allows the user to copy the Mitigated Risk Level Indicators in the Current Risk Level’s section fields.

A Rich text field is available for the user to describe the Mitigation Plan.

Clicking on the Mitigation Plan button opens the Mitigation Plan popup, allowing the user to define the items or Actions to be completed in order to mitigate the Risk (and, therefore, reach the Mitigated Risk level).


The Contingency section provides the Risk Level Indicators and the Risk Level as they would be once the Contingency Plan is executed.

A Rich text field is available to describe the Contingency Plan.

Clicking on the Contingency Plan button opens the Contingency Plan popup, allowing the user to define the items or Actions to be completed in order to limit the negative consequences of the Risk.


The Connections section provides information regarding the relationship between the selected Risk and other objects.


For more information regarding the possible connections available for a Risk, please refer to the Risks concept article, Risk Life cycle section.

Each connection is represented by a card, providing the following attributes of the connected object: Kind of object, ID, Type, Description, Assignee, and Workflow State.

The following tools are provided:


Create & Connect

Allows the user to create a new object that will be automatically connected to the current Risk.

Note: If the Risk is closed, and if the “No further action” option was selected upon reaching the “Closed” Workflow State, then other connection options will be made available upon clicking on the “Create & Connect” command.


Connect to Existing

Allows the user to connect the current Risk to another object.

Note: The Backlog Item option will only be displayed if at least one Backlog Item exists for the selected project.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • Remove Connection – Allows the user to delete the selected connection.

  • Connection Details – Opens a popup displaying the Name of the creator of the connection, and the Created Date.


The Actions section provides information regarding the relationship between the selected Risk and its Actions. The following Actions can be viewed and created:

  • Action (Mitigation) – If the “Risk Action” field of the Action has been defined as “Mitigation”

  • Action (Contingency) – If the “Risk Action” field of the Action has been defined as “Contingency”

  • Action – If the “Risk Action” field of the Action is left empty


For more information regarding the possible Action connections, please refer to the Actions concept article.

The following information regarding the connected Actions is displayed: Key, Type, Name, Assignee, and Status.

The following commands are available:


Create & Connect

Opens the Actions Card where the user can create a new action that will be automatically connected to the selected Risk.


Connect to Existing

Opens the Global Actions list from which the user can select an existing action to be connected to the Risk.


Remove Connection

Allows the user to delete the selected Action connection to the Risk. This command is only available if at least one relationship is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


The Attachments section provides a spreadsheet where the user can attach information to the Risk in the form of URL links. Attachments can be of any type (i.e., spreadsheets, documents, images, etc.), and they are not saved in the Sciforma database.


The Attachments section is only displayed if the corresponding option has been activated by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, Work Management Settings folder, Display Preferences tab.

The following attributes are available for viewing and editing: Type, Initiator, Name, and URL.

The following commands are available:



Allows the user to create a new Attachment.


Connect to Existing

Opens the Global Attachments list from which the user can select an existing Attachment to be connected to the Risk.


Remove Connection

Allows the user to delete the selected Attachment relationship(s). This command is only available if at least one relationship is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).