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Contingency Plan popup

The Contingency Plan popup allows the user to describe and plan out the Contingency Plan to be executed to respond to a Risk(s) that materializes.

The upper part of the dialog box provides the following statistics regarding the Contingency Items and Actions.

  • Number of open Contingency Items

  • Number of completed Contingency Items

  • Number of open Contingency Actions

  • Number of completed Contingency Actions

In the Description Rich text field, the user can enter a precise description of the Contingency Plan.


This field is identical to the one available in the Risk dialog box, Contingency section.

Contingency Items sub-tab

The Contingency Items sub-tab allows the user to identify the different items to be completed to realize the Contingency Plan. Each item is identified by two attributes: Name and Completion Date.


The Completion Date is automatically filled in when an element is checked by the user.

In addition, the following tools are available to manage the Contingency Items:



Opens a Contingency Item popup where the user can enter the following Contingency Item attributes: Name, Done, Completed Date, and Description.



Allows the user to delete the selected Contingency Item(s). This command is only available if at least one item is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Allows the user to indicate that the item has been addressed. Upon clicking on the Grey check icon, the icon turns Green and the Completed Date field is automatically filled in with Today's date.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • Edit – Opens the Contingency Item popup for the user to edit the corresponding attributes.

  • Convert – Automatically turns the item into an Action. As such, the Contingency Item is no longer displayed in the list, and the newly created Action is displayed in the Contingency Actions sub-tab.

  • Delete – Allows the user to delete the corresponding Contingency Item.

Contingency Actions sub-tab

The Contingency Actions sub-tab allows the user to identify the Actions to be completed to realize the Contingency Plan. As opposed to Contingency Items, Actions can be specifically assigned to a user.

The following information regarding the connected Actions is displayed: Key, Type, Name, Assignee, and Status.

The following commands are available:


Create & Connect

Opens the Action dialog box where the user can create a new action that will be automatically connected to the selected Risk’s Contingency Plan.


Connect to Existing

Opens the Global Actions list from which the user can select an existing action to be connected to the Risk’s Contingency Plan.


Remove Connection

Allows the user to delete the selected Action connection to the Risk. This command is only available if at least one relationship is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).