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Iteration Details full screen view

Overview tab

The Overview tab allows the user to review the current Iteration status.

It is made up of the following sections:

  1. Iteration Details panel

  2. Remaining Backlog Items

  3. Charts

Iteration Details panel

The top of the Iteration Details panel provides an Edit (EditColor) icon that enables access to the Iteration dialog box.

The Workflow State Vote along with the Workflow Actions (WorkflowAction) button are displayed, allowing the user to change the Iteration Workflow State Vote.

The upper section of the Iteration Details panel provides the following Key Facts: Start, Finish, Backlog Items progress and % Completed, Story Points progress and % Completed, Estimated Effort, Actual Effort,WIP, and Stretch Items.

Upon selecting the Team radio button, details about the Iteration Team Members are displayed with each Team Member represented in the form of a card. Each card provides the Team Member Name, as well as his/her Capacity indicator:



Indicates that the Team Member Assigned Points have surpassed his/her Budget Points.



Indicates that the Team Member Assigned Points have fallen below his/her Budget Points.



Indicates that the Team Member Assigned Points have equaled his/her Budget Points.

Upon clicking on the “Only” label of the card, only the Backlog Items whose Assignee is the selected User will be displayed in the Remaining Backlog Items section.

The user can also use the Add as filter option (available upon clicking on the More (MoreVertical) icon) or the Filters dialog box to display information regarding several Team Members at once.

The “Remove” label is then made available in the card, allowing the user to remove the corresponding filter.

When there has been no Team Member defined for the Iteration yet, the following options are provided to add Team Members:

Create Team from Scratch

Allows the user to add new Team Member(s) to the current Team.


The prompted User list displays users who belong to the Project Team.

Import an Agile Team

Allows the user to choose a Team from the Agile Teams defined in the Project Structure full screen view, Teams tab. This option is available if at least one Agile Team has been defined.

Bring in the Iteration Team

Allows the user to import the Team Members from the Agile Team already specified in the Iteration Team field. This option is only available if the Iteration Team field is not empty.

Import from Backlog Items Assignees

Allows the user to import the users assigned to the Backlog Items belonging to the Iteration. This option is only available if the Iteration Team field is empty and if at least one Assignee exists for the Iteration Backlog Items.

Import from Assignments

Allows the user to import the nominative resources assigned to the Task linked to the Iteration. This option is only available if:

  • The Iteration is linked to a Gantt Task with Hard Assignments.

  • If the corresponding Nominative Resources are also Users.

Import the Project Team

Allows the user to import the users from the Project Team. This option is only available when the “Import from Assignments” option is not available.

Additionally, the following tools are provided to manage the Iteration Team Members:



Allows the user to add a new Team Member to the current Team.


The prompted User list displays users who belong to the Project Team.


Import Team Members

Provides access to the following commands:

  • Import from Agile Team – Allows the user to import the Team Members from the Iteration Team (as defined in the Project Structure view, Teams tab).

  • Import from Backlog Item Assignees – This command is only available if at least one user who is not included on the Team Members list is defined as the Assignee of an Iteration Backlog Item.

  • Import from Assignments – This command is only available in cases where at least one user who is not included on the Team Members list is assigned to a Gantt Task linked to the Agile Iteration.



Provides access to the following options:

  • Add as filter – Allows the user to add the corresponding resource in the Team Members field found in the Filters dialog box.

  • Edit – Opens the Edit Team Member Information popup, allowing the user to modify the Budget Points and Assignment Default Rate.

  • Delete – Removes the Team Member from the Iteration.

Upon selecting the Epics radio button, the list of Epics for the selected Iteration is displayed (i.e., Epics attached to the Iteration’s Backlog Items). Each Epic is represented by a card featuring the Epic Name.

Upon clicking on the “Only” label of the Epic card, only the Backlog Items belonging to the corresponding Epic will be displayed.

The user can also use the Add as filter option (available upon clicking on the More (MoreVertical) icon) or the Filters popup to display information regarding several Epics at once.

The “Remove” label is then made available in the card, allowing the user to remove the corresponding filter.

Upon clicking on the card’s More (MoreVertical) icon, the following options become available:

Add as filter

Allows the user to add the corresponding Epic in the Epics field of the Filters popup.


Opens the Epic dialog box, allowing the user to modify the corresponding Epic information.

The footer of the Iteration Details panel provides the Structure button, allowing the user to access the Project Structure full screen view.

Remaining Backlog Items section

The Remaining Backlog Items section displays all the Iteration’s Backlog Items whose Workflow State is not “Completed”.

Each Backlog Item is displayed in the form of a Backlog Item card.


The toolbar provides the following options:


Enable Filters

Allows the user to access the Filters popup, where all the Filtering Options are available.

Quick Filters

This series of chips allows the user to only display the Backlog Items that correspond to the options selected (i.e., “Stretch Items” and “Unassigned”).


Sort By

Allows the user to sort the Backlog Items by Business Value, Due Date, Priority, Story Points, or Key (default).

Charts section

The Backlog Items by Type chart displays the number of Backlog Items per Backlog Item Type.

The Iteration Burndown Chart shows the trend of the Remaining Points (i.e., how they decrease as the iteration progresses) as opposed to the Guideline (i.e., ideal progression of the Remaining Points over time to complete the Iteration on time).


Backlog tab (Build Mode ON)

Iteration Details panel

The top of the Iteration Details panel provides an Edit (EditColor) icon that enables access to the Iteration dialog box.

The Workflow State Vote along with the Workflow Actions (WorkflowAction) button are displayed, allowing the user to change the Iteration Workflow State Vote.

The upper section of the Iteration Details panel provides the following Key Facts: Start, Finish, Backlog Items progress and % Completed, Story Points progress and % Completed, Estimated Effort, Actual Effort,WIP, and Stretch Items.

Below the Key Facts, the following performance indicators are available: Remaining Issues & Defects, Defect Removal Efficiency, and Cycle Time.

The following Alerts can be displayed:

  • Assigned Points correspond to the Baseline.

  • Assigned Points are under Baseline by: XX%.

  • Assigned Points are over Baseline by: XX%.

  • Assigned Points correspond to the Budget.

  • There are no Assigned Points defined.

  • Assigned Points are under Budget by: XX%.

  • Assigned Points are over Budget by: XX%.

  • There is no Baseline defined.

Upon deactivating the Build Mode switch button, the view switches to the Iteration Review, where the user will no longer have the ability to add and remove Backlog Items from the Iteration.


The Build Mode switch button is not available for Completed Iterations.

The footer of the Iteration Details panel provides the Structure button, allowing the user to access the Structure full screen view.


The Backlog tab toolbar provides the following options:


Add Backlog Item

Opens the Backlog Item dialog box, enabling the user to create a Backlog Item.


Enable Filters

Allows the user to access the Filters popup, where all the Filtering Options are available.

Quick Filters

This series of chips allows the user to only display the Backlog Items that correspond to the options selected (i.e., “Stretch Items”, “Unassigned”, and "By Team").


Upon activating the By Team filter, only Backlog Items associated to the same Team as the Iteration will be displayed.


Sort By

Allows the user to sort the Backlog Items by Business Value, Due Date, Priority, Story Points, or Key (default).


The Backlog tab features two spreadsheets:

Iteration Backlog Items

Shows the Backlog Items that have been assigned to the current Iteration.

Project Backlog Items

Shows all the Backlog Items that have not yet been assigned to an Iteration.

Both spreadsheets provide the following Backlog Item attributes: Key, Name, Type, Business Value, Assigned Iteration, Epic, Story Points, Workflow State Vote, and Stretch Item.

The following commands are available to manage the Backlog Items:



Pushes the Backlog Item into the Iteration Backlog Items spreadsheet.



Moves the corresponding Backlog Item back into the Project Backlog and changes its Workflow State back to “New”.



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.



Opens the corresponding Backlog Item dialog box.

The Project Manager should take advantage of the built-in filtering and sorting capabilities of the spreadsheets to search for items with the highest Business Value or items whose size (i.e., Story Points) specifically fits the remaining Budget Points.


It is not possible to Add or Remove Backlog Items once the selected Iteration is marked as Completed.

Backlog tab (Build Mode OFF)

Iteration Details panel

The top of the Iteration Details panel provides an Edit (EditColor) icon that enables access to the Iteration dialog box.

The Workflow State Vote along with the Workflow Actions (WorkflowAction) button are displayed, allowing the user to change the Iteration Workflow State Vote.

The upper section of the Iteration Details panel provides the following Key Facts: Start, Finish, Backlog Items progress and % Completed, Story Points progress and % Completed, Estimated Effort, Actual Effort,WIP, and Stretch Items.

Below the Key Facts, the following performance indicators are available: Remaining Issues & Defects, Defect Removal Efficiency, and Cycle Time.

The following Alerts can be displayed:

  • Assigned Points correspond to the Baseline.

  • Assigned Points are under Baseline by: XX%.

  • Assigned Points are over Baseline by: XX%.

  • Assigned Points correspond to the Budget.

  • There are no Assigned Points defined.

  • Assigned Points are under Budget by: XX%.

  • Assigned Points are over Budget by: XX%.

  • There is no Baseline defined.

Upon activating the Build Mode switch button, the view switches to the Build Mode, where the user will have the ability to add and remove Backlog Items to the Iteration.


The Build Mode switch button is not available for Completed Iterations.

The footer of the Iteration Details panel provides the Structure button, allowing the user to access the Structure full screen view.


The Backlog tab toolbar provides the following options:


Add Backlog Item

Opens the Backlog Item dialog box, enabling the user to create a Backlog Item.


Enable Filters

Allows the user to access the Filters popup, where all the Filtering Options are available.

Quick Filters

This series of chips allows the user to only display the Backlog Items that correspond to the options selected (i.e., “Not Completed”, “Stretch Items”, “Not Accepted”, and “Unassigned”).


Sort By

Allows the user to sort the Backlog Items by Business Value, Due Date, Priority, Story Points, or Key (default).


Display Option

Allows the user to only display specific Backlog Item attributes.


The Iteration Backlog Item spreadsheet displays all the Backlog Items belonging to the selected Iteration.

The available Backlog Item information will differ depending on the view selected in the main toolbar display options (CarouselGrey):

Prioritization (default)

Key, Name, Type, Priority, Business Value, Assigned Iteration, Epic, Story Points, Workflow State Vote, and Accepted.

Key Attributes

Key, Name, Type, Workflow State Vote, and Accepted.

Export Only

This view will display the maximum number of columns (it is not meant to be readable, but only to be exported using the spreadsheet Print options).

The following tools are available to manage the Backlog Items:



Displays the Backlog Item dialog box, enabling the user to create a Backlog Item.


Add 10

Adds ten new rows in the spreadsheet for the user to fill in.



Allows the user to delete the selected Backlog Item(s). This command is only available if at least one Backlog Item has been selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Allows the user to attach the selected Backlog Item(s) to another Iteration if they are already attached to an Iteration or to another project. This command is only available if at least one Backlog Item has been selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Allows the user to duplicate the selected Backlog Item(s). This command is only available if at least one Backlog Item has been selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


Attach to

Allows the user to attach the selected Backlog Item(s) to an Iteration, Epic, or Team. This command is only available if at least one Backlog Item has been selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


Remove from

Allows the user to remove the selected Backlog Item(s) from an Iteration, Epic, or Team. This command is only available in cases where at least one Backlog Item has been selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Allows the user to define the Assignee for the selected Backlog Item(s). This command is only available in cases where at least one Backlog Item has been selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Opens the Backlog Item dialog box, allowing the user to modify the information for the corresponding Backlog Item.

Board tab

The Board tab provides a convenient way for Project Managers/Scrum Masters to update the status of all the Backlog Items within the selected iteration.


The Board tab is made up of the following sections:

  1. The Iteration Details panel

  2. The Backlog Items Board (made up of the Backlog Item cards and a swimlane view)

Iteration Details panel

The top of the Iteration Details panel provides an Edit (EditColor) icon that enables access to the Iteration dialog box.

The Workflow State Vote along with the Workflow Actions (WorkflowAction) button are displayed, allowing the user to change the Iteration Workflow State Vote.

The upper section of the Iteration Details panel provides the following Key Facts: Start, Finish, Backlog Items progress and % Completed, Story Points progress and % Completed, Estimated Effort, Actual Effort,WIP, and Stretch Items.

Upon selecting the Team radio button, details about the Iteration Team Members are displayed with each Team Member represented in the form of a card. Each card provides the Team Member Name, as well as his/her Capacity indicator:



Indicates that the Team Member Assigned Points have surpassed his/her Budget Points.



Indicates that the Team Member Assigned Points have fallen below his/her Budget Points.



Indicates that the Team Member Assigned Points have equaled his/her Budget Points.

Upon clicking on the “Only” label of the card, only the Backlog Items whose Assignee is the selected User will be displayed in the Remaining Backlog Items section.

The user can also use the Add as filter option (available upon clicking on the More (MoreVertical) icon) or the Filters dialog box to display information regarding several Team Members at once.

The “Remove” label is then made available in the card, allowing the user to remove the corresponding filter.

When there has been no Team Member defined for the Iteration yet, the following options are provided to add Team Members:

Create Team from Scratch

Allows the user to add new Team Member(s) to the current Team.


The prompted User list displays users who belong to the Project Team.

Import an Agile Team

Allows the user to choose a Team from the Agile Teams defined in the Project Structure full screen view, Teams tab. This option is available if at least one Agile Team has been defined.

Bring in the Iteration Team

Allows the user to import the Team Members from the Agile Team already specified in the Iteration Team field. This option is only available if the Iteration Team field is not empty.

Import from Backlog Items Assignees

Allows the user to import the users assigned to the Backlog Items belonging to the Iteration. This option is only available if the Iteration Team field is empty and if at least one Assignee exists for the Iteration Backlog Items.

Import from Assignments

Allows the user to import the nominative resources assigned to the Task linked to the Iteration. This option is only available if:

  • The Iteration is linked to a Gantt Task with Hard Assignments.

  • If the corresponding Nominative Resources are also Users.

Import the Project Team

Allows the user to import the users from the Project Team. This option is only available when the “Import from Assignments” option is not available.

Additionally, the following tools are provided to manage the Iteration Team Members:



Allows the user to add a new Team Member to the current Team.


The prompted User list displays users who belong to the Project Team.


Import Team Members

Provides access to the following commands:

  • Import from Agile Team – Allows the user to import the Team Members from the Iteration Team (as defined in the Project Structure view, Teams tab).

  • Import from Backlog Item Assignees – This command is only available if at least one user who is not included on the Team Members list is defined as the Assignee of an Iteration Backlog Item.

  • Import from Assignments – This command is only available in cases where at least one user who is not included on the Team Members list is assigned to a Gantt Task linked to the Agile Iteration.



Provides access to the following options:

  • Add as filter – Allows the user to add the corresponding resource in the Team Members field found in the Filters dialog box.

  • Edit – Opens the Edit Team Member Information popup, allowing the user to modify the Budget Points and Assignment Default Rate.

  • Delete – Removes the Team Member from the Iteration.

Upon selecting the Epics radio button, the list of Epics for the selected Iteration is displayed (i.e., Epics attached to the Iteration’s Backlog Items). Each Epic is represented by a card featuring the Epic Name.

Upon clicking on the “Only” label of the Epic card, only the Backlog Items belonging to the corresponding Epic will be displayed.

The user can also use the Add as filter option (available upon clicking on the More (MoreVertical) icon) or the Filters popup to display information regarding several Epics at once.

The “Remove” label is then made available in the card, allowing the user to remove the corresponding filter.

Upon clicking on the card’s More (MoreVertical) icon, the following options become available:

Add as filter

Allows the user to add the corresponding Epic in the Epics field of the Filters popup.


Opens the Epic dialog box, allowing the user to modify the corresponding Epic information.

The footer of the Iteration Details panel provides the Structure button, allowing the user to access the Project Structure full screen view.

Backlog Items Board

The Backlog Items Board provides a convenient way for Project Managers/Scrum Masters to update the status of all Backlog Items within the selected Iteration.


By simply dragging & dropping a Backlog Item card, the user is able to update the Workflow State of a Backlog Item.


When a user starts to move a Backlog Item that does not have an Assignee from “New” to “In-Progress”, the Backlog Item is automatically assigned to the logged-in user. This behavior can be turned off in the System Settings workspace, Agile Settings folder, Global Options tab folder by switching off the Auto Assign Upon Starting Task option.


Upon completing a backlog item (i.e., “Completed” Workflow State), Today’s date will be logged into a dedicated field (i.e., Completed Date). This will be used to calculate the Iteration Burndown Chart.

The toolbar provides the following options:


Add Backlog Item

Opens the Backlog Item dialog box, enabling the user to create a Backlog Item.


Enable Filters

Allows the user to access the Filters popup, in which all the Filtering Options are available.

Quick Filters

This series of chips allows the user to only display the Backlog Items that correspond to the options selected (i.e., “Not Completed”, “Stretch Items”, “Not Accepted”, and “Unassigned”).


Group By

Allows the user to group the Backlog Items by Story or Epic.


Sort By

Allows the user to sort the Backlog Items by Business Value, Due Date, Priority, Story Points, or Key (default).