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Full Backlog full screen view

Project Information panel

The Project Information panel is located on the left-hand side of the view and displays all the key information regarding the selected project.

The panel can be displayed or hidden using the following buttons:



Allows the user to display the panel.



Allows the user to hide the panel.

Key Facts

The following project Key Facts are provided:


Indicates the number of completed Epics as opposed to the total number of Epics for the selected project.


Indicates the number of completed Iterations as opposed to the total number of Iterations for the selected project.


Indicates the number of completed Releases as opposed to the total number of Releases for the selected project.


Epics, Iterations, and Releases can be created in the Project Structure full screen view.

The project progress indicators are then displayed:


Project Backlog Items

Provides the % Completed, the corresponding progress bar, the number of Completed Backlog Items, and the total number of Backlog Items.


Project Story Points

Provides the % Completed, the corresponding progress bar, the number of completed Story Points, and the total number of Story Points.

In the How’s the project doing? section, the user will find the following information: Remaining Issues & Defects, Defect Removal Efficiency, Average Velocity, Cycle Time, and the Projected Finish Date.


The Iterations section provides a list of the selected project Iterations. Each Iteration is displayed in the form of a card.

Upon clicking on the “Only” label of the card, only the Backlog Items belonging to the corresponding Iteration will be displayed in the Backlog Items spreadsheet.

The user can also take advantage of the Add as filter option (available upon clicking on the More (MoreVertical) icon) or the Filters popup to display information regarding several Iterations at once.

The “Remove” label is then made available in the card, allowing the user to remove the corresponding filter.

Upon clicking on the card’s More (MoreVertical) icon, the following options are available:

Add as filter

Allows the user to add the corresponding Iteration in the Iterations field of the Filters popup.


Opens the Iteration dialog box, allowing the user to modify the information for the corresponding Iteration.


The Assignees section displays the list of users assigned to the selected project Backlog Items. Each Assignee is represented by a card featuring the User Name.

Upon clicking on the “Only” label of the card, only the Backlog Items whose Assignee is the selected User will be displayed in the Backlog Items spreadsheet.

The user can also use the Add as filter option (available upon clicking on the More (MoreVertical) icon) or the Filters popup to display information regarding several Team Members at once.

The “Remove” label is then made available in the card, allowing the user to remove the corresponding filter.


The Epics section displays the list of Epics for the selected project. Each Epic is represented by a card featuring the Epic Name.

Upon clicking on the “Only” label of the Epic card, only the Backlog Items belonging to the corresponding Epic will be displayed in the Backlog Items spreadsheet.

The user can also use the Add as filter option (available upon clicking on the More (MoreVertical) icon) or the Filters popup to display information regarding several Epics at once.

The “Remove” label is then made available in the card, allowing the user to remove the corresponding filter.

Upon clicking on the card’s More (MoreVertical) icon, the following options become available:

Add as filter

Allows the user to add the corresponding Epic in the Epics field of the Filters popup.


Opens the Epic dialog box, allowing the user to modify the information for the corresponding Epic.


The Structure button is provided, allowing the user to access the Project Structure full screen view.

Backlog Items spreadsheet

The Backlog Items spreadsheet lists all the Backlog Items of the project Backlog.

The following Backlog Item attributes are displayed: Key, Name, Type, Business Value, Assigned Iteration, Epic, Story Points, Workflow State Vote, and Accepted.

The following tools are available to manage the Backlog Items:



Displays the Backlog Item dialog box, enabling the user to create a Backlog Item.


Add 10

Adds ten new rows in the spreadsheet for the user to fill in.



Allows the user to delete the selected Backlog Item(s). This command is only available if at least one Backlog Item has been selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Allows the user to attach the selected Backlog Item(s) to another Iteration if they are already attached to an Iteration or to another project. This command is only available if at least one Backlog Item has been selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Allows the user to duplicate the selected Backlog Item(s). This command is only available if at least one Backlog Item has been selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


Attach to

Allows the user to attach the selected Backlog Item(s) to an Iteration, Release, Epic, or Team. This command is only available if at least one Backlog Item has been selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


Remove from

Allows the user to remove the selected Backlog Item(s) from an Iteration, Release, Epic, or Team. This command is only available if at least one Backlog Item has been selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Allows the user to define the Assignee for the selected Backlog Item(s). This command is only available if at least one Backlog Item has been selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.



Opens the Backlog Item dialog box, allowing the user to modify the information for the corresponding Backlog Item.

The main toolbar provides the following options:


Enable Filters

Allows the user to access the Filters popup, in which all the Filtering Options are available.

Quick Filters

This series of chips allows the user to only display the Backlog Items that fit the selected options: “Unassigned” and “Accepted”.


Show Completed

Includes the Backlog Items whose Workflow State is “Completed”.


Sort By

Allows the user to sort the Backlog Items by Business Value, Due Date, Priority, Story Points, or Key (default).


Display Options

Allows the user to only display specific Backlog Item attributes. The following options are available:

  • Prioritization (default) – Key, Name, Type, Priority, Business Value, Assigned Iteration, Epic, Story Points, Workflow State Vote, and Accepted.

  • Key AttributesKey, Name, Type, Workflow State Vote, and Accepted.

  • Export Only – This view will display the maximum number of columns (it is not meant to be readable, but only to be exported using the spreadsheet Print options).