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Project Data Selector

Data Selectors are used to select the Sciforma “Object” (i.e., Project, Portfolio, Organization, etc.) whose information will be displayed or modified in workspaces. The selectors are interactive, meaning the data displayed will depend on the workspaces users select.

The user can simply select the item that contains the information he/she wants to view or edit.

Users do not need to open “Objects” in order to view them in a selector. The selector always displays all the appropriate items which the logged-in user has the permissions to access.

Click on the arrows (Hide_selector.png) (Display_selector.png) at the bottom of the selector to minimize (hide) or maximize (display) the selector.

Drill-down Path buttons

When the Drill-down button in the top-left corner of a selector points down (image3.png), clicking on it allows the user to select the drill-down path.

When the Drill-down button in the top-left corner of a selector points left (image1.png), clicking on it enables the selector to switch back to the higher drill-down level.


When using the Data Selector, it is not possible to move items (i.e., to move a project from one portfolio folder to another).

Displayed values

The following values can be displayed in a Project data selector:


Allows you to select several items for multi-selection data selectors.


Star – The icon is used to designate certain projects as favorites. Each successive click on the Star icon for a particular project toggles between marking that project as a favorite (solid gold) and marking the project as not a favorite (hollow gray).

Project Version

published.png– Published version

Working.png – Working version

Working_2.png – Working 2 version (2 to 11) - The number indicates the # of the Working version.

Template_version.png – Template version

Deactivated.png – Any of the icons above may also appear with a diagonal red line, which indicates that the version has been deactivated.


Items Name by ascending alphabetical order, or order defined by the Administrator.

Single vs. Multi-selection

Some selectors will allow the user to select multiple items, while others will only allow the user to select one item at a time.

To select one item, and one item only, you just have to click on the item’s name. As a result, the item will be selected (the corresponding checkbox will be ticked) and the item data will be displayed in the view.

To select several items at once, select the items by ticking the corresponding checkboxes. Validate the selection by clicking on the OK label located on the top right corner of the Data Selector.

Selected Object Name

The bottom section of the Data Selector displays the selected object Name. When multiple objects are selected, the Name will be replaced by the “Multiple Items Selected” label, followed by the number of selected objects.

For the specific case of projects, the Name of the selected object also indicates whether the project is Locked (LockedGrey) or Unlocked (UnlockedGrey). If the user hovers the cursor over the Project Name, additional information will be displayed: ID, and Version.

Search Field

Using the Search filtering function makes it easier for the user to find and select the desired item. The user simply types text in the Filter area, and then presses the Enter key. Only items with names containing the specified text will be included in the selector.


Entering “pro” in the Filter area will cause only those items whose name includes “pro” (e.g., “Product”, “Project”, and “Appropriate”) to be shown in the selector.

The Filter section can also be used with some key exposed fields, which will allow the user to only display specific objects in the data selector.

On the left-hand side of the Filter section, a checkbox allows the user to select all the objects available in the selector (when the multi-selection is possible). This checkbox is only available if the Data Selector contains 200 entries or less.

Filters panel

When the Data Selector displays a list of Projects, Sciforma offers the capability to filter the projects according to various criteria.

To access this Project Filters panel, you have to click on the Filters (FilterGrey) button available on the right-hand side of the Data Selector Search field.

The Project Filters panel provides the following options:


Provides Filters that have been defined by the Administrator. By default, the following presets are available: Agile, Business Cases, CCPM, Locked, Products, Programs, and Projects.


Only Filters defined as “Selector Enabled” in the Fields view of the Designer are available for selection (i.e., Filters marked as “Exposed” and “Searchable”).


Allows you to only display Projects whose Version or Status (“Active” or “Inactive”) has been selected.


Only Versions that have been defined for at least one project in the selector will be available for selection.


Allows you to only display Projects whose Type has been selected.


Only Types that have been defined for at least one project in the selector will be available for selection.

My Filters

Provides the "My Projects" filter, which allows the user to only display Projects for which he/she is a Manager.


Allows the user to only display Projects whose Manager 1, 2, or 3 has been selected.

Owning Organizations

Allows the user to only display Projects whose Owning Organization has been selected.

Team Members

Allows the user to only display Projects that have at least one Resource belonging to the corresponding Project Team.

The user can reset the Filters one by one either in the Project Filters panel or in the Project Data Selector by clicking on the Close (image18.png) button.

All filters can be cleared at once by clicking on the Reset button available in the top right corner of the Project Filters panel.


When selecting multiple filters in the same category, those filters will be combined with an “OR” logic. When selecting multiple filters from different categories, those filters will be combined with an “AND” logic.