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Work Items full screen view

The Work Item full screen view is named differently depending on the category of Work Item (Action, Change Request, Deliverable, or Issue).

Filters panel

The Filters panel is available on the left-hand side of the view, regardless of the tab selected.

The panel can be displayed or hidden using the following buttons:



Allows the user to display the panel.



Allows the user to hide the panel.

The upper section of the panel provides information regarding the progress, by comparing the number of closed items against the total number of items for a given category.

The Cycle Time indicator provides the average time spent between the open and closed states for the Work Items of a given category.

Below the indicators, the filtering options are divided into three sections that are accessible through the radio buttons: Filters, Assignees, and Tasks.

Filters section

The Filters section provides an easy way to access options otherwise available in the Filters popup.

Alert Filters

The following options allow the user to filter the view based on the Work Item alerts encountered:


Related to Critical Tasks

Allows the user to only display open Work Items whose “Related Task” is on the Critical Path.


Planned Beyond Due Date

Allows the user to only display open Work Items whose Estimated Date falls after the Due Date.



Allows the user to only display open Work Items whose Committed Date (or Due Date if the Committed Date field is empty) falls before Today’s date.


Estimated in the Past

Allows the user to only display open Work Items whose Estimated Date falls before Today’s date.

Quick Filters

The following quick filters options are available:

To Do

Allows the user to only display open Work Items for which the logged-in user is either the Assignee or whose Assignee field is empty.

Due Soon

Allows the user to only display open Work Items whose Committed Date falls between Today’s date and Today’s date + Alert Granularity value.

New Notes

Allows the user to only display the Work Items with at least one Note that has not been opened by the logged-in user.


Allows the user to only display the Work Items that have been Flagged (FlagBlue).

Recently Updated

Allows the user to only display Work Items that have been updated between Today’s date and Today’s date + Alert Granularity value.

The following events are considered as updates: Workflow State update, Activity Log entry, Work Item creation, moved Work Item, Assignee modification, and new Note.


Allows the user to only display Work Items that have not been assigned to any user yet.

Time Frame Filter

The Time Frame filter allows the user to only display Work Items whose Estimated Date falls in a specific Time Frame.


If there is no Estimated Date defined, the following dates will be taken into account instead, in the following priority order:

  • Related Task Finish date, or

  • Committed Date, or

  • Due Date.

The available time frames will differ depending on whether the Home Page view is planning-driven or chart-driven:

  • Planning-driven time frame: Corresponds to the Home Page pivot (Past, Current, and Next).

  • Chart-driven time frame: Corresponds to the charts' legend (Past, Current, Beyond, Unplanned).

Assignees section

The Assignees section displays the list of users who have been assigned to at least one Work Item.

Upon clicking on the “Only” label of the Assignee card, only the Work Items assigned to the corresponding user will be displayed.

The user can also use the Add as filter option (available upon clicking on the More (MoreVertical) icon) or the Filters popup to display information regarding several Assignees at once.

The “Remove” label is then made available in the card, allowing the user to remove the corresponding filter.

Tasks section

The Tasks section displays the list of tasks that have at least one Work Item attached to them and have a Start Date that falls before the end of next month and a Finish Date that falls before the beginning of the previous month (three-month period).

Upon clicking on the “Only” label of the Task card, only the Work Items attached to the corresponding Task will be displayed.

The user can also use the Add as filter option (available upon clicking on the More (MoreVertical) icon or the Filters popup to display information regarding several Tasks at once. The “Remove” label is then made available in the card, allowing the user to remove the corresponding filter.

The bottom section of the panel provides cards similar to the ones available in the Work Item Category Header, allowing the user to jump to full screen views of the other Work Item categories.

Inbox tab


The Inbox tab is made up of two panels:

  1. Work Items List – Provides a list of the Work Items available for the category, depending on the filtering, sorting, and grouping options defined in the rest of the view.

  2. Work Item Details – Allows the user to view the detailed information for the Work Item previously selected in the Work Items List panel.

Main toolbar

The main toolbar provides the following options:



Provides access to the Work Item dialog box, allowing the user to create a new Work Item from the selected Work Item category.



Provides access to the Filters popup.


Show Closed

Allows the user to display closed Work Items in the Work Items List panel (i.e., Work Items that have reached a specific Workflow State, considered as "Closed").


Workflow States considered as "Closed" are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, Work Management Settings folder, Work Items tab.


Sort By

Allows the user to sort the Work Items in the Work Items List panel by Created Date (default), Name, Key, Priority, Due Date, Estimated Date, Committed Date, and Overdue Gap.


Group by

Allows the user to group the Work Items in the Work Items List panel by Status (default), Type, Related Task, and Week.



Allows the user to filter the view based on the Work Item, Task, or Parent names, as well as the ID.

Work Items List panel

The Work Items List panel provides a list of the Work Items belonging to the selected category and project in the form of cards.


Each card provides the following information:



Provides the ability to flag and unflag the Work Item by clicking on the icon


Provides the Key of the Work Item in accordance with the automatic numbering process.


Indicates the name of the Work Item

Due Date Gap

Indicates the number of days between the Work Item Committed Date (or Due Date if the Committed Date is empty, or the Estimated Date if both the Due Date and Committed Date are empty) and Today’s date.


The Due Date Alert Granularity is defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, Work Management Settings folder, Global Options tab.



Indicates whether or not there are new notes and opens the Notes dialog box.


The number of elements displayed is conditioned by the "Set Inbox Number of Cards" setting available in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Global Options tab.

Work Item Details view

The Details view is made up of:

  • A header, which provides the Work Item's key information and commands,

  • A common section, which is always displayed and provides the main commands and attributes, and

  • A series of optional sections that can be added by using the buttons located on the right-hand side of the dialog box.


To remove an optional section, the user has to delete all the existing objects it contains first (if any).


The upper section of the dialog box provides the Work Item Category, Key, Name, and Workflow State, as well as the following tools:


Workflow Actions

Allows the user to change the Work Item Workflow State.



Allows the user to mark the Work Item as flagged.



Indicates whether there are new notes or not, and displays the Notes dialog box.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • History – Displays the Workflow Information dialog box, with an additional sub-tab including the Work Item Cycle Time and Activity Stream.

  • Move – Allows the user to attach the Work Item to a new Project, Portfolio, or Work Package.

  • Copy – Allows the user to duplicate the Work Item.

  • Delete – Allows the user to delete the selected Work Item.

  • Print – Opens a printer-friendly version of the Work Item in a new tab.

In addition, the following attributes are displayed:


Indicates the Resource assigned to the Work Item. The following actions are possible:

  • Clicking on the "Add Assignee" label (or the assigned Team Member's Name) allows the user to select who is in charge of the Work Item. Note: A prompt will list the following users to select from: Performing Users (Project Team resources who are defined as users), Manager 1, 2, 3, Users Readers, and Users Writers.

  • Clicking on the Remove (closepopupcirclehover22_md.png) button empties the Assignee field.


Indicates the Parent Object (Project, Work package, or Portfolio) the Work Item is attached to. By using the Move feature, the user can change a Parent object.


Indicates the Type of the Work Item. The following actions are possible:

  • Clicking on the Attach (EditColor) button (or on the defined Type's Name) prompts the Types popup, allowing the user to select a Type for the Work Item.

  • Clicking on the Remove (closepopupcirclehover22_md.png) button empties the Type field.


The Remove button is only available if the Type is not a required field

Estimated Date

Indicates the date on which the Project manager plans to deliver the Work Item. By default, the Estimated Date is automatically filled in as follows (from highest to lowest priority):

  • Finish date of the Task (if a Task has been defined in the Related Task field)

  • Committed Date (if any)

  • Due Date (if any)

Common section


The main section provides the following fields:


Name of Work Item

Risk Action

Allows the user to define whether the Action is part of the Mitigation or the Contingency Plan. (For Actions connected to Risks only.)

Related Task

Allows the user to attach the Work Item to a task. In doing so, the Work Item will then be available in the Gantt side panel, Work Objects tab. The following alerts can be displayed:

  • ExclamationPointFullRedRed – Indicates that the Estimated Date falls outside the Task’sStart and Finish time frame.

  • ExclamationPointFullAmberAmber – Indicates that the Estimated Date is not aligned with the Task Finish date but still falls between the Task’s Start and Finish.


Indicates the urgency of the Work Item (for informative purposes only).


Indicates which Organization has requested the Work Item. This field also conditions the Work Item availability in the Client Portal workspace. By default, the Client field is filled in with the Initiator’s Organization.


The following date fields are provided:

Due Date

Indicates the delivery date requested by the Initiator.

Committed Date

Indicates the date on which the accountable User plans to deliver the Work Item.

Estimated Date

Indicates the date on which the Project manager plans to deliver the Work Item. By default, the Estimated Date is automatically filled in as follows (from highest to lowest priority):

  • Finish date of the Task (if a Task has been defined in the Related Task field)

  • Committed Date (if any)

  • Due Date (if any)

Note: The Estimated Date can be overwritten manually at any time.

Completed Date

Date on which the Work Item has reached the “Closed” Workflow State (or “Completed” in the case of the Deliverables).

When the Activity Log feature is active, the following fields will also be available: Estimated Effort, Actual Effort, and Remaining Effort.


The Administrator can make the Activity Log available for each Work Item in the System Settings workspace, Work Management settings folder, Work Items tab.

In addition, the following icons that indicate there is an issue with a Work Item Date can be displayed:


Indicates that the Work Item is open and that the Committed Date (or Due Date if the Committed Date field is empty) falls before Today’s date.


Indicates that the Work Item is not closed and the Estimated Date falls before Today’s date.


Indicates that the Work Item is open and that the Estimated Date falls after the Due Date.

Optional sections

Other Attributes

The Other Attributes section provides the following fields:

Other Assignees

Allows the user to add other stakeholders to the Work Item.


Allows the user to enter a URL link regarding the Work Item. He/she can then click on the arrow icon to open the link in a new browser tab.

Acceptance Criteria

The Acceptance Criteria section is specific to Deliverables and provides a Rich Text section, which allows the user to describe the criteria required for the Deliverable to be defined as “Completed”.


The Impact section is specific to Change Requests and allows the user to enter information regarding the possible consequences if a Change Request is implemented (for informative purposes only). Here the user may specify the following:

  • Budget Min – Minimum estimated cost of the Change Request

  • Budget Max – Maximum estimated cost of the Change Request

  • Schedule Min – Minimum estimated impact of the change request on the schedule

  • Schedule Max – Maximum estimated impact of the change request on the schedule


The Resolution section is specific to the Issues and provides a Rich Text section where the user can fill in information regarding how an Issue was resolved.


The Connections section can be added for all kinds of Work Items. It provides information regarding the relationship between the selected object and other objects.


For more information regarding the possible connections for an object, please refer to the Connections topic.

Each connection is represented by a card, providing the following attributes of the connected object: category of object, ID, Type, Description, Assignee, and Workflow State.

The following tools are provided:


Create & Connect

Allows the user to create a new object that will be automatically connected to the current object.

Note: If the Work Item is closed, and if the “No further action” option was selected upon reaching the “Closed” Workflow State, then the other options will be made available upon clicking on the “Create & Connect” command.


Connect to Existing

Allows the user to connect the current object to another object.

Note: The Backlog Item option will only be displayed if at least one Backlog Item exists for the selected project.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • Remove Connection – Allows the user to delete the selected connection.

  • Connection Details – Opens a popup displaying the Name of the creator of the connection, and the Created Date.


The Actions section can be added for the following kinds of Work Items: Change Requests, Deliverables, and Issues. It provides an interface for creating the relationships between the current Work Item and different Actions.


For more information regarding the possible Action connections, please refer to the Action topic.

The following information regarding the connected Actions is displayed: Name, Due Date, Assignee, and Status.

The following commands are available:

Create & Connect

Opens the Action dialog box where the user can create a new action that will be automatically connected to the selected Work Item.

Connect to Existing

Opens the Global Actions list from which the user can select an existing action to be connected to the Work Item.

Remove Connection

Allows the user to delete the selected Action relationship(s). This command is only available if at least one relationship is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


The Attachments section can be added for all kinds of Work Items. It provides a spreadsheet, which allows the user to attach information to the Work Items in the form of URL links. Attachments can be of any type (i.e., spreadsheets, documents, images, etc.) and are not saved in the Sciforma database.


The Attachments section is only displayed if the corresponding option has been activated by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, Work Management Settings folder, Display Preferences tab.

The following attributes are available for viewing and editing: Type, Initiator, Name, and URL.

The following commands are available:



Allows the user to create a new Attachment.


Connect to Existing

Opens the Global Attachments list from which the user can select an existing Attachment to be connected to the Work Item.



Allows the user to delete the selected Attachment relationship(s). This command is only available if at least one relationship is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).

Activity Log

The Activity Log section can be added for all kinds of Work Items. It allows users to specify the effort spent on a Work Item, and then import the Effort in his/her Timesheet. Each Activity Log entry is defined by the following attributes: User, Date, Actual Effort, and Comments.

The following commands are available:



Adds a new entry in the spreadsheet for the user to fill in. The User field will be automatically filled in with the name of the logged-in user.



Deletes the selected Activity Log entry. This command is only available when at least one entry is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).

Grid tab

The Grid tab provides a spreadsheet listing the Work Items belonging to a selected category and project.

The following options are available in the main toolbar:



Provides access to the Filters popup.


Show Closed

Allows the user to display closed Work Items (i.e., Work Items that have reached their final Workflow State).


Display Options

Allows the user to display specific Work Item attributes in the spreadsheet. The following options are available:

  • Prioritization (default) – Flagged, Key, Name, Parent, Related Task, Type (read-only), Priority, Assignee (read-only), Due Date, and Workflow State Vote.

  • Key Attributes – Flagged, Key, Name, Type (read-only), and Workflow State Vote.

  • Export Only – This view will display the maximum number of columns (it is not meant to be readable, but only to be exported using the spreadsheet Print options).

The spreadsheet provides the following tools:



Provides access to the Work Item dialog box, allowing the user to create a new Work Item from the selected Work Item category.



Allows the user to choose a new parent object (Project, Work Package, or Portfolio) for the selected Work Item.

This command is only available if at least one Work Item is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Creates a duplicate of the selected Work Item(s).

This command is only available if at least one Work Item is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


Define Related Task

Allows the user to define the “Related Task” field for the selected Work Item(s).

This command is only available if at least one Work Item is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Allows the user to delete the selected Work Item(s).

This command is only available if at least one Work Item is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Allows the user to indicate the Work Item as flagged.



Opens the corresponding Work Item dialog box.

Board tab

The Board tab provides a convenient way for Project Managers to update the Workflow State of the Work Items by dragging & dropping the Work Item cards in the desired swimlane.


The main toolbar provides the following options:



Provides access to the Work Item dialog box, allowing the user to create a new Work Item from the selected Work Item category.



Provides access to the Filters popup.


When Work Items with different Workflows are available, the user will be prompted to either reduce the scope using the filtering options or to choose a specific Workflow in the dedicated pick-list located in the top-right corner of the view. Otherwise, no Board will be displayed.


Show Closed

Allows the user to display closed Work Items (i.e., Work Items that have reached their final Workflow State).



Allows the user to filter the view based on the Work Item, Task, or Parent names, as well as the ID.


The Administrator can attach a specific Workflow to the Work Item Types in the System Data workspace, Work Objects tab.

Build tab

The Build tab is only available when accessing the Work Item full screen view from the Gantt side panel, Work Objects tab.


The following spreadsheets are available:

Current Task Work Items

Lists all the Work Items whose “Related Task” field is filled in with the current Task (i.e., the Task from which the full screen view has been accessed in the Gantt side panel).

Project Work Items

Lists all the Work Items whose “Related Task” field has been left empty.

Upon activating the Show Related Tasks (ShowHide) display option, the Work Items having a “Related Task” field that is filled in will be displayed as well.

Both spreadsheets provide the following Work Item attributes: Flag, Key, Name, Parent, Type (Read-Only), Priority, Assignee (read-only), Due Date, and Workflow State Vote.

The following commands are available to manage the Work Items:



Pushes the Work Item into the Current Task Work Items spreadsheet and therefore updates the “Related Task” field accordingly.



Moves the corresponding Work Item back into the Project Work Items spreadsheet, and empties the “Related Task” field.



Opens the corresponding Work Item dialog box.