Comment évaluer le plan de charge des ressources

  1. Connectez-vous dans le client HTML5.

  2. Sélectionnez l’espace de travail Centre des projets et ouvrez la Carte Projet.

  3. Sélectionnez l’onglet Ressources.

  4. [en] Click on the Manage_people.png button available in the Barre d’outils du Gantt to display the [en] Resource Panel.

  5. [en] Choose the data you wish to display by selecting a field, a unit, and a scope.

    [en] The available field, unit, and scope are the following:

    • [en] Field:

      • [en]Total Effort

      • [en]Remaining Effort

      • [en]Available Effort

    • [en] Unit:

      • [en]Hours

      • [en]Days

      • [en] Percentage

    • [en] Scope:

      • [en]Selected Project

      • [en]Selected and Published Projects

  6. [en] Analyze the resource utilization.


    [en] Data cells for the Total Effort and Available Effort will be colored according to the colored indicators set by the Administration in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored indicators tab, Gantt Resource Utilization Preferences section.


    [en] Users will be able to open the Legend details by clicking on the Legend button available on the bottom right-hand side of the distributed grid.


[en] The [en] Resource Panel distributed grid is read-only.