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Gantt Filters dialog box

Upon clicking the Filters (FilterGrey) button located in the Gantt toolbar, the Filters dialog box is displayed, enabling users to select built-in filters for filtering project tasks.

On the right-hand side of the dialog box, a list of the filter categories is displayed. When one of the categories has at least one active filter, a blue icon (Icon_Checkmark_Circle_Blue.png) is displayed next to it.

At the bottom of the panel, the Reset button is displayed, allowing the user to clear all the filtering fields at once.


Task Tags section

The Task Tags category allows the user to only display tasks to which a specific tag has been assigned.

Status section

Not Started

If activated, only tasks with a % Completed equal to zero are displayed


If activated, only tasks with a % Completed between zero and 100% are displayed.


If activated, only tasks with a % Completed equal to 100% are displayed.


If activated, only tasks whose Closed field is activated are displayed.

Not Closed

If activated, only tasks whose Closed field is deactivated are displayed.

Methodology section


If activated, only tasks identified as an Agile object (Iteration, Release, or Epic) will be displayed.

Dependency Target Task(s)

If activated, only tasks which are a Dependency Target are displayed.

Dependency Source Task(s)

If activated, only tasks which are a Dependency Source are displayed.

Scope section

Critical Path

If activated, only tasks with no positive float are displayed.

Watch List

If activated, only tasks that have been marked as “watched” are displayed. Tasks can be added to the Watch List in the Task Panel available in the Work workspace, Gantt tab, Scheduler view mode.


If activated, only tasks that have been marked as “flagged” (FlagBlue) are displayed.


If activated, only tasks with a zero duration are displayed.


If activated, only tasks whose duration is equal to “0” and belonging to the Watch List and tasks whose Workflow has been set to “Gate” will be displayed.

Work Items

If activated, only tasks with Work Items attached will be displayed.


If activated, only tasks with Risks attached will be displayed.

Critical Chain section

Critical Chain

If activated, only tasks belonging to the Critical Chain are displayed.

Feeding Buffers

If activated, only Feeding Buffers are displayed.

Project Buffers

If activated, only tasks Project Buffers are displayed.

Outline section

Only Parent

If activated, only tasks with children are displayed.

Only Elementary

If activated, only tasks without children (non-parent tasks) are displayed.

Note: This option is only available in some specific views.

No Predecessor

If activated, only tasks without a predecessor are displayed.

Up to Level

If a level (from 1 to 10) is selected, only tasks at that WBS level or above are displayed.

Chain Task

Upon selecting a task in this field, only tasks belonging to the same chain (i.e., linked) as this task will be displayed. The user can take advantage of the Chain Display Options to choose whether only successors or predecessors should be taken into account for the filtering.

Note: When a task has already been selected in the Gantt chart, the user can click on the button located on the right-hand side (newallocationfromrequest64_md.png) to automatically fill in the field with the task’s name.


If activated, only tasks for which the selected Owning Organization has been defined will be displayed.

Note: This filter is only available if at least one Task of the project has an Owning Organization defined.

Assignments section


Only tasks for which the selected resources are assigned are displayed. (Only Resources belonging to the Project Team are available for selection).


If the Logged-in User is part of the Project Team, the My Tasks (user64_md.png) button is available, allowing him/her to directly insert his/her Name in the Resources filtering field.


Only tasks with at least one labor assignment whose Effective Organization is the same as the selected organizations are displayed.

Job Classification

Only tasks with at least one labor assignment whose Effective Job Classification is the same as the selected job classifications are displayed.


Only tasks with at least one labor assignment whose Effective Skill is the same as the selected skills are displayed.

Generic Resources

Only tasks for which the selected Generic resources have been assigned are displayed.


Only tasks with No Assignment or with at least one Soft Assignment are displayed.

Contract Type

Allows the user to only display Resources whose Contract Type is "External" or "Internal".

Task Allocation Requests Workflow

Allows the user to only display tasks with at least one Allocation Request whose Workflow State has been selected.

Time Frame section

The Time Frame (Month) category allows the user to set the Start Date and Intervals options; the filter created defines the time frame for which only tasks falling within it are displayed.


When Start Date is set to “Custom”, the Calendar (Today) button appears to let the user select a specific date.

Problems section

Delayed task(s)

The task is not completed and the Finish date is later than the Baseline Finish.

Task(s) with open risk(s)

The task has at least one opened risk.

Task(s) finished before predecessors

The task finishes before at least one of its predecessors.

When necessary, Billing and Work Objects problems can be displayed as well.

When the dialog box is accessed from the Work workspace, Gantt tab, the Pin Filters Panel and Unpin Filters Panel buttons are displayed, allowing the user to close the dialog box while managing the display of the Gantt Filters panel.