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How to take advantage of the Assignments Scheduling full screen view

  1. Log in to the HTML5 client.

  2. Select the Work workspace, Gantt tab.

  3. Select a project in the Project Data Selector.

  4. Click on the Review Assignments (AssignmentsScheduling.png) button to open the Assignments Scheduling full screen view.

Task-Driven Review

The Task-Driven Review tab has been designed to:

  • Facilitate the review and update of the selected Task Labor Assignment, and

  • Review the impacts of a Task modification on the Resource assignments and availability.

  1. Select the Task-Driven Review tab.

  2. If needed, display the Filters panel (FilterGrey) to proceed to another tasks selection.

  3. Select a task in the Gantt section to display the task labor assignments details.


    Only one task can be selected at a time.

  4. In the Task Assignments section:

    1. Select the Details view mode (viewmode_activeresourcedetails22_md.png) to display the selected task's assignments time distributed effort for the selected time period.

      On the resource row, click on the DETAILS button to open the Assignment Details full screen view, and review the details of all the assignments for the selected resource.

    2. Select the List view mode (viewmode_activetaskdetails22_md.png) to display the selected task's assignments in the form of a flat list, with the overall values (not based on the selected time frame).

      On the resource row, click on the Details (EditPenGrey.png) button to open the Labor Assignment dialog box.

  5. If nedeed, modify data in the Task Assignments section to visualize directly the impact on the Gantt chart, and vice versa.

  6. Click on the New Assignment (AddResources) button to add an assignment to the selected task.

    1. Select the Hard Assignment command to open the Assign Resources dialog box.

    2. Select the Soft Assignment command to open the Create Soft Assignment dialog box.

  7. Click on the Close () button to close the full screen view.

Assignment-Driven Review

The Assignment-Driven Review tab has been designed to:

  • Review the list of Tasks a resource has been assigned to for a given time period, and

  • Review the potential impacts of a Labor Assignment modification on the Gantt schedule.

  1. Select the Assignment-Driven Review tab.

  2. If needed, display the Filters panel (FilterGrey) to proceed to another resources selection.

  3. In the Assignments section, click on the REVIEW button of the resource for which you want to review the corresponding tasks.


    The selection of only five Resource or Soft Assignments is supported. When this limit is reached, the REVIEW button and the (AddRoundGrey.png ) button will turn grey as disabled.


    The Assignments section is read-only.

  4. If needed, modify the duration of the tasks in the Gantt spreadsheet in order to see the impact on the Assignments.

  5. In the Assignments section, click on the REMOVE button to deselect a Resource.

  6. Click on the Close (close22_md.png) button to close the full screen view.