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Home tab

The Portfolio Center workspace Home tab allows the user to review the main information regarding the selected Portfolio Folder(s).

Single Portfolio Folder selection

When in single Portfolio Folder selection, the Home tab provides the following sections:

  1. The Portfolio Folder card in the left-hand side of the view and,

  2. The Right panel, which displays Work Objects-related information.

Portfolio Folder card

The Header section of the card provides the following Portfolio Folder attributes: Name, Parent, Manager 1, 2, and 3.

The Health Score section provides the Portfolio overall Health Score (as well as the Time, Cost, and Quality Scores).

The Health Score breakdown by Project Type chart shows, for each Project Type, the number of projects featuring a Green, Amber, or Red Health Score.

Clicking on one of the chart’s bars opens the corresponding Portfolio Health Score Details dialog box, filtered to display only the projects whose Type and Score correspond to the chart’s bar.

The Finance (current year) section provides the following values for the current year: Total Budget, Total Cost, and Forecast (if any).

The Work Items section provides the following information regarding Portfolio Folder Work Items for the selected time period:

  • Work Items created over the “Last Period” by category.

  • Work Items that are to be delivered in the “Next Period” (based on the Estimated Date field) by category.

Clicking on the More button opens the Work Items popup.

The Risks section provides the following information regarding the Portfolio Folder Risks for the selected time period:

  • Risks created over the “Last Period”.

  • Risks whose Estimated Date falls within the Next Period.

Clicking on the More button opens the Risks popup.

Right panel

For each Work Item category, the Work Items section provides the number of open Items. This number will be displayed with a red dot if at least one Work Item of the category features one of the following alerts: Overdue, Planned beyond Due Date, and Estimated in the Past.


Clicking on a category will display the corresponding Work Items full screen view.

Clicking on the Work Items button located in the bottom right corner of the section switches the view to the Portfolio Work Management workspace, Work Items tab.

The Risks section indicates the number of open Risks. This number will be displayed with a red dot if at least one Risk features one or more alerts.


Clicking on the Risk icon or number will display the Risks full screen view.

Clicking on the Risks button located in the bottom right corner of the section switches the view to the Portfolio Work Management workspace, Risks tab.

Multi-Portfolio Folder selection

When in multi-Portfolio Folder selection, the Home tab displays the selected Portfolio Folders in the form of cards.


The number of elements displayed is conditioned by the "Set Portfolio Number of Cards" setting available in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, General Options tab.

The user can take advantage of the following options to display the events in the Work Items and Risks sections of the cards:

Last Period

Allows the user to define which time frame should be taken into account for the past events: "1 Day", "2 Days", "1 Week", or "1 Month".

Next Period

Allows the user to define which time frame should be taken into account for the future events: "1 Week", "2 Weeks", "1 Month", or "1 Quarter".

Portfolio Folder card

The Header section of the card provides the following Portfolio Folder attributes: Name, Parent, Manager 1, 2, and 3.

Upon clicking on the Go to Portfolio button, the view switches to the single Portfolio Folder selection Home tab.

The Health Score section provides the Portfolio overall Health Score (as well as the Time, Cost, and Quality Scores).

The Health Score breakdown by Project Type chart shows, for each Project Type, the number of projects featuring a Green, Amber, or Red Health Score.

Clicking on one of the chart’s bars opens the corresponding Portfolio Health Score Details dialog box, filtered to display only the projects whose Type and Score correspond to the chart’s bar.

The Finance (current year) section provides the following values for the current year: Total Budget, Total Cost, and Forecast (if any).

The Work Items section provides the following information regarding Portfolio Folder Work Items for the selected time period:

  • Work Items created over the “Last Period” by category.

  • Work Items that are to be delivered in the “Next Period” (based on the Estimated Date field) by category.

Clicking on the More button opens the Work Items popup.

The Risks section provides the following information regarding the Portfolio Folder Risks for the selected time period:

  • Risks created over the “Last Period”.

  • Risks whose Estimated Date falls within the Next Period.

Clicking on the More button opens the Risks popup.