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Project Supervision tab

The Project Supervision tab aims at providing the Portfolio Managers and PMOs with all the relevant data they need to supervise the projects available in their Portfolio Folder. It also includes the tools to review various indicators and update the projects.

Display Options

The following display options are available:


Group By

Allows the user to group the spreadsheet projects by Type, Manager, Portfolio Folders, and Workflow State.


Sort By

Allows the user to sort the spreadsheet projects according to the following criteria:

  • Alphabetical Order – Sorts by ascending order (based on the Name).

  • Reverse Alphabetical Order – Sorts by descending order (based on the Name).

  • Earliest First – Sorts from the Project finishing first to the one finishing last.

  • Latest First – Sorts by the reverse order of “Earliest First”.

  • Most Healthy First – Sorts using the Health Score (highest score first).

  • Least Healthy First – Sorts using the Health Score (lowest score first).



Allows the user to filter the projects by name.


The Project Supervision spreadsheet lists all the projects (Working versions) belonging to the selected Portfolio Folder(s).


The following project attributes are displayed: Portfolio Folder, Name, ID, Type, Manager 1, Workflow State Vote, Start, Finish, and Published Date.


The user will need to be Manager 1, 2, or 3 of a project in order to be able to edit the project’s Workflow State Vote.

Additionally, the following indicators are available:

Status Report

Indicates the overall Project Status based on the subjective Status Report indicators. Upon clicking on the indicator, the latest Status Report pops up.


An Overdue (TriangleRed) indicator can also be displayed for open projects depending on the value entered for the Status Report Alert Granularity setting (System Settings workspace, Project Settings folder, Status Report Options tab, Global Options sub-tab).

Health Score

Indicates the overall project health, based on the Health Score calculated by Sciforma. Upon clicking on the indicator, the details of the health score are displayed.

The explanations for each indicator are available upon accessing the Legend popup, available when clicking on the Legend (Legend) button, located in the bottom right corner of the screen.

The following tools are available:



Publishes any changes made to the selected project(s).

This command is only available if at least one project has been selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox has been ticked).



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box for the corresponding project.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • Open the Object Brief – Opens the corresponding Project Brief dialog box.

  • Edit the Object – Opens the corresponding project Focus Mode full screen view.

  • Publish the Object – Publishes the corresponding project.

  • Manage Baselines – Opens the Manage Baselines dialog box.

  • Deactivate All Versions