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Health Score tab

The Health Score tab of the Portfolio Center workspace allows the user to review the Portfolio Health Score, which consolidates the Health Score data from the projects belonging to the selected Portfolio Folder(s).

For a project to be eligible to contribute to the Portfolio Health Score, it must:

  • Be an Active project, published and not closed.

  • Have the Health Score feature activated in its Setup options.

In addition, the Portfolio Manager will be able to restrict the list of projects by defining specific Natures, Types, and Workflow States to be taken into account.

The Portfolio Health Score is made up of the Time, Cost, and Quality scores. These are calculated by taking into account the sum of the projects’ scores while considering the Portfolio Weight.

The combination of the sub-scores gives the Portfolio Health Score, which is calculated as follows:

Portfolio Health Score = (Time Weight * Portfolio Time Score + Cost Weight * Portfolio Cost Score + Quality Weight * Portfolio Quality Score) / (Sum of Weights)

Single-Portfolio Selection


When only one Portfolio Folder is selected in the Data Selector, the Health Score tab is made up of:

  1. The left panel, which provides information about the overall Health Score and which allows the user to narrow down the scope,

  2. The Evolution chart, which displays information regarding the Snapshots taken over the last twelve months, and

  3. The list of projects contributing to the Portfolio Health Score calculation.

Left panel

The Current Health Score section displays the overall Portfolio Health Score, as well as the details of the Time, Cost, and Quality Scores used to calculate it.

The user can access the legend of the colored indicators by clicking on the Legend (Legend) button located in the bottom right corner of the view.


The Health Score colored indicator ranges can be defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab.

The Scope section allows the user to filter the view as follows:


Only takes into consideration projects whose Type has been selected.


Only takes into consideration projects whose Nature has been selected.

Workflow States

Only takes into consideration projects whose Workflow State has been selected.


The defined Scope will also be taken into account when capturing a Snapshot of the Portfolio Health Score.

Evolution chart

The Evolution over the last 12 months chart is a histogram that displays data from the Portfolio Health Scores Snapshots taken over the last twelve months.


The Manage Snapshot button located above the chart provides access to the Snapshot History dialog box, allowing the user to capture the Portfolio Health Score.


Contributing Projects spreadsheet

The Contributing Projects section displays the projects belonging to the selected Portfolio Folder whose individual Health Scores are taken into consideration when calculating the Portfolio Health Score.

The scope of the list of projects to be taken into account can be narrowed by using the Scope fields available in the left-hand side of the view.

The spreadsheet provides the following information regarding each project:


Indicates the Name of the project.

Manager 1

Indicates the person defined as Manager 1 of the project.

Portfolio Weight

Allows the user to define the level of importance of a project in the overall Portfolio Health Score. The value can be edited directly in the spreadsheet and can be one of the following: “Very High”, “High”, “Medium”, “Low”, “Very Low”.

Health Score

Indicates the project’s Health Score (as well as the detail of the Time, Cost, and Quality Scores).

The user can access the legend of the colored indicators by clicking on the Legend (Legend) button located in the bottom right corner of the view.

Published Date

Indicates the date on which the project was last published.


The Health Score colored indicator ranges can be defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab.

The user can also take advantage of the Sort By (SortBy) display option to optimize the display of the list as follows:

Alphabetical Order

Sorts by ascending order (based on the Name).

Reverse Alphabetical Order

Sorts by descending order (based on the Name).

Most Healthy First

Sorts using the Health Score (highest score first).

Least Healthy First

Sorts using the Health Score (lowest score first).

The Health Score pick-list allows the user to only display projects for which the overall Health Score or at least one of the sub-scores is either "Not Good" (red), "Must Improve" (amber), or "Good" (green).

Upon clicking on the Enable Filters (FilterGrey) button, the Filters popup will be displayed.

The following tools are provided to manage the projects:


Opens the Focus Mode full screen view for the corresponding project.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • Open the Object Brief – Opens the corresponding Project Brief dialog box.

  • Publish the Object – Publishes the corresponding Project.

Multi-Portfolio Selection

When multiple Portfolio Folders are selected in the Data Selector, the Health Score tab displays all the selected Portfolio Folders as cards.


The upper section of the card provides the name of the Portfolio Folder.

The “Go To Portfolio” button switches the view to the Single-Portfolio Folder Selection view, with the corresponding Portfolio Folder made current.

The Current Health Score section displays the overall Portfolio Health Score, as well as the details of the Time, Cost, and Quality Scores used to calculate it.

The user can access the legend of the colored indicators by clicking on the Legend (Legend) button located in the bottom right corner of the view.


The Health Score colored indicator ranges can be defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab.

The Evolution over the last 12 months chart is a histogram that displays data from the Portfolio Health Scores Snapshots taken over the last twelve months.