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Action items are discrete tasks that must be accomplished, usually by a single individual or a small team or group. They differ from Task in that they are driven by execution.

In other words, Tasks are activities that are assigned to a resource for project completion, and Action Items are tasks that are defined to mitigate a risk, to solve an issue, to split a deliverable into smaller tasks or take into account a change request.

Action Items are usually created during meetings when Project stakeholders discover that some kind of action is needed. The act required is then documented as an Action Item and usually assigned to someone, usually a Team member. The person to whom the action is assigned is then obligated to perform the action and report back to the group on the results. As people complete Action Items, the items are documented as being completed and the item is removed from the list of outstanding Action Items.

Relationships to other Sciforma Objects

The relationships available for Actions are as follows:



Transformed into

This relationship will be created when the Action reaches the “Closed” Workflow State. The Action can thereupon be transformed into another object, while allowing the user to keep track of its evolution.

Actions can be turned into Deliverables (1-1) and Tasks (1-1).


Attached to

The Action can be attached to another object, allowing the user to associate some or all of the elements they respectively share with each other. This connection can be created and deleted without any consequences.

Attachments (1-N) and Backlog Items (N-N) can be attached to Actions.

Actions can be attached to Change Requests, Issues, and Deliverables.


Attach to

Actions can have connections with other Actions (1-N).

In this section