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Resource Allocations full screen view

Hard Allocations tab

Filters panel

The Filters panel allows the user to narrow down the list of Hard Allocations displayed in the Hard Allocations tab views.

The Filters panel can be displayed or hidden using the following buttons:



Allows the user to display the panel.

When some filters are active, the icon is displayed in blue.



Allows the user to hide the panel.

The following filtering options are available:


Allows the user to display only Allocated Resources whose Organization has been selected.

Job Classifications

Allows the user to only display Allocated Resources whose Job Classification has been selected.


Allows the user to only display Allocated Resources whose Skills have been selected.

Contract Type

Allows the user to only display Allocated Resources whose Contract Type is "External" or "Internal".


Allows the user to select specific resources to review.

Show Inactive Resources

Allows the user to display resources whose Status is “Inactive”.

In the Resources Overview sub-tab only, the following additional options are available:

Show Inactive Projects

Allows the user to display projects whose Status is “Inactive”.

Resources with Upcoming Non-Working Days only

Allows the user to only display Resources with at least one non-working day in the upcoming period.

Allocations Starting Soon Only

Allows the user to only display Allocations whose Start Date (i.e., first date on which the Allocated Effort > 0) falls within the upcoming period.

Allocations Finishing Soon Only

Allows the user to only display Allocations on which the Finish Date (i.e., last date on which the Allocated Effort > 0) falls within the upcoming period.


The upcoming period considered in the Upcoming Events panel is defined by the Administrator using the “Upcoming Events Granularity (days)” setting available in the System Settings workspace, Resource Settings folder, Allocations & Commitments tab, Allocations Options section.

In addition, the following alert-related filters are available:


New Notes

Indicates the number of Hard Allocations with unread notes.



Indicates the number of Resources whose Allocated Effort is lower than the Resource Availability value for the current period (according to the selection made in the Time Navigation toolbar).



Indicates the number of Resources whose Allocated Effort is greater than the Resource Availability value for the current period (according to the selection made in the Time Navigation toolbar).


Not Allocated

Indicates the number of Resources belonging to the selected Organization(s) with no Allocated Effort for the current period (according to the selection made in the Time Navigation toolbar).

Clicking on the Reset button located in the bottom right corner of the panel sets all the filters back to their default value.

Resource Details sub-tab

The Resource Details sub-tab allows the user to review the Allocations of the selected Resource individually, in a detailed manner.

The Resource Details sub-tab is made up of:

  1. The Resources List panel, which allows the user to select the Resource whose Allocations are to be reviewed in detail.

  2. The Resource Allocation Details views, which provide not only the details of the allocations but also the assignments and matching resource requests, when relevant.

Resources List panel

The Resources List panel displays the list of Resources belonging to the selected Organization(s).


The number of elements displayed is conditioned by the "Set Inbox Number of Cards" setting available in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Global Options tab.

The Group By (GroupBy) display option allows the user to group the list by Organization (default) or Job Classification.

Each Resource is displayed in the form of a card featuring the following information: Resource Picture, Name, and Job Classification (or Organization when the list is grouped by Job Classification).

In addition, colored indicators are provided to highlight the % shift between the Allocated Effort and the Resource Availability for the entire selected period.


Colored Indicators are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Resource Utilization Preferences.

Resource Allocation Details view

The Details section header provides the following information regarding the selected resource: Picture, Name, Job Classification, and Organization.

Upon clicking on the Resource Brief button in the upper right corner, the corresponding Resource Brief dialog box is displayed.

The upper section also provides the following display option:

Display Projects

Allows the user to display projects according to whether or not they have some Effort in the selected time period.

Show Assignments

Allows the user to display the effort resulting from existing assignments.

The Allocation time-distributed spreadsheet displays the Total Allocation and the Remaining Usable Effort of the resource, followed by the details of Allocations grouped by project and classified as follows:

  • Direct Allocations (i.e., allocations not linked to a request) – Only one direct allocation is possible per resource per project.

  • Confirmed Allocations – Allocations whose corresponding Allocation Request has reached its final Workflow State (by default, “Accepted”).

  • Pending Allocations – Allocations whose corresponding Request has not reached the final Workflow State yet.

The Total column displays the total values for the selected time frame.

Highlighted cells are displayed to emphasize the Task (or Project) boundaries.

The following tools are available to manage the allocations:


Add Allocation

Prompts the user to select a project to which the selected Resource is to be allocated. Upon doing so, the corresponding Direct Allocation is added to the spreadsheet, and the user can directly allocate effort in the spreadsheet.


Scroll Into View

Scrolls the view to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0 for the selected resource.



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.



Provides access to the following commands (the list of commands can differ depending on whether the button has been clicked at the direct, confirmed, or pending allocation level):

  • Edit Allocation – Opens the Edit Allocation dialog box.

  • Shift Data – Allows the user to postpone (or bring forward) the selected time-distributed values.

  • View Allocation – Opens a read-only version of the Edit Allocation dialog box.

  • View Request – Opens the Edit Allocation Request dialog box.

  • Replace – Allows the user to reallocate the corresponding effort to another resource.

  • Delete – Allows the user to delete the corresponding Allocation. 

  • Scroll Into View – Scrolls the spreadsheet to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0.

Upon activating the Show Assignments (ShowHide) display option, an additional row is displayed at the project level with the corresponding time-distributed Total Effort.

Upon clicking on the Update command, the Update Allocations from Assignments dialog box is displayed, allowing the user to update the Direct Allocations Effort with the existing assignment(s)’ values.

Matching Resource Requests section

The Matching Resource Requests section displays the list of Allocation Requests corresponding to the selected Hard Allocation that meet the following criteria:

  • Open Allocation Request whose Workflow State is either “Submitted”, “Not Accepted”, or “Recalled”,

  • With some Remaining Requested Effort for the selected time period, and

  • Whose definition is matching the Resource’s Organization, Job Classification, and Skills.

Upon accessing the Filters (FilterGrey) popup, the following filtering options are available:


Allows the user to only display Allocation Requests whose Project has been selected.

Display Requests

Allows the user to display Allocation Requests that have been created at the Project level, Task level, or both.

Hide Inactive Projects

Allows the user to only display projects whose Status is “Active”.

The user can also take advantage of the Sort By (SortBy) display option to sort the list by Requested Effort (default), Start Date, Request Priority, Project Priority, Project Evaluation Score, or Project Strategic Score.

The following tools are available:



Allows the user to allocate the selected resource to answer the corresponding Allocation Request.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • View Request – Opens the read-only Edit Allocation Request dialog box.

  • Scroll Into View – Scrolls to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0 for the corresponding Allocation.

In addition, a green indicator (GreenCellIndicator.png) is displayed to indicate whether or not the Resource’s Remaining Capacity is enough to fulfill the Remaining Requested Effort.

Resources Overview sub-tab

The Resources Overview sub-tab displays a list of the selected Organization(s) Hard Allocations.

In addition to the Time Navigation toolbar, the following display options are available in the top of the view:

Show Availability

Allows the user to display the Total Availability or the Remaining Capacity in the spreadsheet.

Display Projects

Allows the user to display projects according to whether or not they have some Effort in the selected time period.

Group By

Allows the user to group the Hard Allocations by Organization, Job Classification, Skills, Contract Type.

Clicking on the Spreadsheet button in the upper right corner opens a popup with the list of Hard Allocations belonging to the selected Organization(s) in the format of a flat list.

The following tools are available to manage the Resource Allocations:


New Hard Allocation

Allows the user to create new Hard Allocations by selecting the resources to allocate as well as the project to which the resources are to be allocated.


Update Allocations

Opens the Update Allocations from Assignments dialog box, allowing the user to update/create Hard Allocations based on existing hard assignments.



Allows the user to delete the selected Direct Allocation.

This command is only available when at least one Direct Allocation is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


Clear selection

Deselects all the ticked checkboxes of the spreadsheet.


Opens a popup whose content is similar to the Hard Allocations tab, Resource Details sub-tab, with the selected resource made current.



Allows the user to create a Direct Allocation for the corresponding resource. Upon doing so, the user is prompted to select the project(s) to which the Resource is to be allocated.


Scroll Into View

Scrolls the view to the first date with Effort > 0.



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.

Colored indicators are provided to highlight the % shift between the Allocated Effort and the Resource Availability. The user can access the legend for the colored indicators by clicking on the Legend (Legend) button located in the bottom right corner of the view.


Colored Indicators are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Resource Utilization Preferences.

When clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button for a Direct Allocation, the following commands are displayed:

Edit Allocation

Opens the Edit Allocation dialog box.


Allows the user to reallocate the corresponding effort to another resource.

Shift Data

Allows the user to postpone (or bring forward) the selected time-distributed values.


Allows the user to delete the corresponding Allocation.

Scroll Into View

Scrolls the view to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0.

When clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button for a Pending Allocation, the following commands are displayed:


Allows the user to reallocate the corresponding effort to another resource.

Shift Data

Allows the user to postpone (or bring forward) the selected time-distributed values.

Scroll Into View

Scrolls the view to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0.

Project Allocations sub-tab

The Project Allocations sub-tab provides a list of the selected Organization(s)’ Hard Allocations grouped by projects.

The spreadsheet displays for each project the time-distributed Allocated Effort, followed by the details of Allocations for each resource, classified as follows:

  • Direct Allocations (i.e., allocations not linked to a request) – Only one direct allocation is possible per resource per project.

  • Confirmed Allocations – Allocations whose corresponding Allocation Request has reached its final Workflow State (by default, “Accepted”).

  • Pending Allocations – Allocations whose corresponding Request has not reached the final Workflow State yet.

The Display Resources option is available in the top of the view for the user to display information depending on whether or not the Resource has some Allocated Effort for the selected time period.

Clicking on the Spreadsheet button in the upper right corner opens a popup with the list of Hard Allocations belonging to the selected Organization(s) in the format of a flat list.

The following tools are available to manage the project allocations:


New Hard Allocation

Allows the user to create new Hard Allocations by selecting the resources to allocate as well as the project to which the resources are to be allocated.


Update Allocations

Opens the Update Allocations from Assignments dialog box, allowing the user to update/create Hard Allocations based on existing hard assignments.



Allows the user to delete the selected Direct Allocation.

This command is only available when at least one Direct Allocation is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


Clear selection

Deselects all the ticked checkboxes of the spreadsheet.


Opens the corresponding Project Brief dialog box.



Prompts the user to select a Resource to allocate to the corresponding project.


Opens a popup whose content is similar to the Hard Allocations tab, Resource Details sub-tab, with the selected resource made current.



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.

Clicking on the white More (MoreVertical) button at the project level displays the following commands:

Update from Assignments

Opens the Update Allocations from Assignments dialog box, allowing the user to update/create Hard Allocations based on existing hard assignments.

Recall All Allocations

Allows the user to reset the Workflow State of all the project Requests to “Recalled”.

Shift Data

Allows the user to postpone (or bring forward) the selected time-distributed values.

Clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button at the Direct Allocation level displays the following commands:


Opens the corresponding Edit Allocation dialog box.


Allows the user to reallocate the corresponding effort to another resource.

Shift Data

Allows the user to postpone (or bring forward) the selected time-distributed values.

Delete Allocation

Allows the user to delete the corresponding allocation.

Scroll Into View

Scrolls the view to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0.

Clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button at the Pending Allocation level displays the following commands:

Edit Allocation

Opens the corresponding Edit Allocation dialog box .


Allows the user to reallocate the corresponding effort to another resource.

Shift Data

Allows the user to postpone (or bring forward) the selected time-distributed values.

View Request

Opens a read-only version of the Edit Allocation Request dialog box.

Delete Allocation

Allows the user to delete the corresponding allocation.

Scroll Into View

Scrolls the view to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0.

Clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button at the Confirmed Allocation level displays the following commands:

View Allocation

Opens a read-only version of the corresponding Edit Allocation dialog box.

View Request

Opens a read-only version of the Edit Allocation Request dialog box.

Scroll Into View

Scrolls the view to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0.

Soft Allocations tab

The Soft Allocations tab allows the user to perform soft resource allocations on projects. In other words, instead of immediately providing a nominative resource, the user will be able to perform an allocation based on an Organization, and/or a Job Classification, and/or Skills which can be fulfilled later.

Regardless of the sub-tab selected, the upper section of the Soft Allocations tab provides a series of display and filtering options for managing the display of data in the spreadsheets:


Allows the user to only display Soft Allocations whose Organization has been selected.

Job Classification

Allows the user to only display Soft Allocations whose Job Classification has been selected.


Allows the user to only display Soft Allocations whose Skills have been selected.


Allows the user to only display Soft Allocations associated with the selected Projects.

Show Inactive Projects

Allows the user to display projects whose Status is “Inactive”.

The Time Navigation toolbar allows the user to define the time frame and intervals to be displayed in the spreadsheet.

In addition, the Display Projects picklist allows the user to define which projects are to be included in the spreadsheet, as follows:

With Effort in the period

Displays projects with at least one Soft Allocation in the selected time frame, as well as any Project with a Soft Allocation created in the last seven days.

Without Effort in the period

Displays only projects whose existing Soft Allocations do not span through the selected time frame, as well as any Project with a Soft Allocation created in the last seven days.


Displays all the projects with at least one Soft Allocation.

Clicking on the Spreadsheet button located in the upper right corner opens a popup with the list of Soft Allocations belonging to the selected Organization(s) in the format of a flat list.

Overview by Organization sub-tab

The Overview by Organization sub-tab provides the list of Soft Allocations from an Organization perspective.

The spreadsheet displays for each Organization the time-distributed Soft Allocated Effort, followed by the details of Allocations for each resource, classified as follows:

  • Direct Allocations (i.e., allocations not linked to a request) – Only one direct allocation is possible per resource per project.

  • Confirmed Allocations – Allocations whose corresponding Allocation Request has reached its final Workflow State (by default, “Accepted”).

  • Pending Allocations – Allocations whose corresponding Request has not reached the final Workflow State yet.

The Group By (GroupBy) display option allows the user to group the Soft Allocations by Organization (default), Job Classification, or Skills.

The following tools are available to manage the Soft Allocations:


New Soft Allocation

Prompts the user to create a new Soft Allocation.



Allows the user to delete the selected Soft Allocation(s).

This command is only available when at least one Soft Allocation is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked.


Clear Selection

Allows the user to deselect all the elements in the spreadsheet.



Allows the user to allocate the same Soft Allocation (combination of Organization, Job Classification, and/or Skills attributes) to a selected project.



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.

Clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button at the Direct Allocation level displays the following commands:


Opens the corresponding Edit Allocation dialog box.

Fulfill Soft Allocation

Opens the Fulfill Soft Allocation dialog box.


Allows the user to delete the corresponding Soft Allocation.

Shift Data

Allows the user to postpone (or bring forward) the selected time-distributed values.

Scroll Into View

Scrolls to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0 for the corresponding Allocation.

Clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button at the Pending Allocation level displays the following commands:

Edit Allocation

Opens the Edit Allocation dialog box.

Fulfill Soft Allocation

Opens the Fulfill Soft Allocation dialog box.

View Request

Opens the read-only Edit Allocation Request dialog box.


Allows the user to delete the corresponding allocation.

Shift Data

Allows the user to postpone (or bring forward) the selected time-distributed values.

Scroll Into View

Scrolls to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0 for the corresponding Allocation.

Clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button at the Confirmed Allocation level displays the following commands:

View Allocation

Opens the read-only Edit Allocation dialog box.

View Request

Opens the read-only Edit Allocation Request dialog box.

Scroll Into View

Scrolls to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0 for the corresponding Allocation.

Overview by Project sub-tab

The Overview by Project sub-tab provides the list of Soft Allocations from a Project perspective.

The spreadsheet displays for each Project the time-distributed Soft Allocated Effort, followed by the details of Allocations for each resource, classified as follows:

  • Direct Allocations (i.e., allocations not linked to a request) – Only one direct allocation is possible per resource per project.

  • Confirmed Allocations – Allocations whose corresponding Allocation Request has reached its final Workflow State (by default, “Accepted”).

  • Pending Allocations – Allocations whose corresponding Request has not reached the final Workflow State yet.

The following tools are available to manage the Soft Allocations:


New Soft Allocation

Prompts the user to create a new Soft Allocation.



Allows the user to delete the selected Soft Allocation(s).

This command is only available when at least one Soft Allocation is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked.


Clear Selection

Allows the user to deselect all the elements in the spreadsheet.



Allows the user to allocate the same Soft Allocation (combination of Organization, Job Classification, and/or Skills attributes) to a selected project.



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.

Upon clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button at the project level provides the following commands:

Recall All Allocations

Allows the user to reset the Workflow State of all the project Requests to “Recalled”.

Shift Data

Allows the user to postpone (or bring forward) the selected time-distributed values.

Scroll Into View

Scrolls to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0 for the corresponding Project.

Clicking on the Brief button opens the corresponding Project Brief dialog box.

Clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button at the Direct Allocation level displays the following commands:


Opens the corresponding Edit Allocation dialog box.

Fulfill Soft Allocation

Opens the Fulfill Soft Allocation dialog box.


Allows the user to delete the corresponding Soft Allocation.

Shift Data

Allows the user to postpone (or bring forward) the selected time-distributed values.

Scroll Into View

Scrolls to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0 for the corresponding Allocation.

Clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button at the Pending Allocation level displays the following commands:

Edit Allocation

Opens the Edit Allocation dialog box.

Fulfill Soft Allocation

Opens the Fulfill Soft Allocation dialog box.

View Request

Opens the read-only Edit Allocation Request dialog box.


Allows the user to delete the corresponding allocation.

Shift Data

Allows the user to postpone (or bring forward) the selected time-distributed values.

Scroll Into View

Scrolls to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0 for the corresponding Allocation.

Clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button at the Confirmed Allocation level displays the following commands:

View Allocation

Opens the read-only Edit Allocation dialog box.

View Request

Opens the read-only Edit Allocation Request dialog box.

Scroll Into View

Scrolls to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0 for the corresponding Allocation.

Requests tab

Filters panel

The Filters panel allows the user to narrow down the list of Allocation Requests displayed in the Requests tab views.

The Filters panel can be displayed or hidden using the following buttons:



Allows the user to display the panel.

When some filters are active, the icon is displayed in blue.



Allows the user to hide the panel.

The following filtering options are available:


Allows the user to display only Allocation Requests whose Organization has been selected.

Job Classifications

Allows the user to only display Allocation Requests whose Job Classification has been selected.


Allows the user to only display Allocation Requests whose Skills have been selected.

Workflow States

Allows the user to only display Allocation Requests whose Workflow State has been selected.

Display Requests

Allows the user to display Allocation Requests that have been created at the Project level, Task level, or both.

Show Inactive Projects

Allows the user to display projects whose Status is “Inactive”.

In addition, the following alert-related filters are available:


New Notes

Indicates the number of Requests with unread Notes.


To Do

Indicates the number of Requests whose Workflow State is “Submitted”, “Not Accepted”, or “Recalled”.


Due Soon

Indicates the number of Requests whose Workflow State is “Working”, “Rejected”, or “Reworked”.


The Allocation Request Due Date Alert period is defined by the Administrator with the “Allocation Request Problem Granularity” setting available in the System Settings workspace, Resource Settings folder, Allocations & Commitments tab, Allocations Options section.



Indicates the number of open Requests whose Start Date (i.e., first date on which the Requested Effort > 0) falls before Today’s date.



Indicates the number of open Requests that have been Flagged.


Recently Updated

Indicates the number of Requests that were last modified during the Allocation Request Due Date Alert period.


The Allocation Request Due Date Alert period is defined by the Administrator with the “Allocation Request Problem Granularity” setting available in the System Settings workspace, Resource Settings folder, Allocations & Commitments tab, Allocations Options section.

Clicking on the Reset button located in the bottom right corner of the panel sets all the filters back to their default value.

Requests Inbox sub-tab

The Requests Inbox sub-tab allows the user to review the selected project Allocation Requests individually, in a detailed manner.

The Requests Inbox sub-tab is made up of:

  1. The Requests List panel, which allows the user to select the Allocation Request whose details are to be displayed, and

  2. The Request Details view, whose display varies depending on the status of the Request.

Requests List panel

The Requests List panel displays the list of Allocation Requests for the selected Organization(s).


The number of elements displayed is conditioned by the "Set Inbox Number of Cards" setting available in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Global Options tab.

The following display options are provided at the top of the panel and enable the user to manage the list:


Group By

Allows the user to group the list of Allocation Requests by Organization, Job Classification, Workflow State (default), or Project.


Sort By

Allows the user to sort the Allocation Requests by Request Created Date, Request Start Date, Request Priority, Project Priority, Project Evaluation Score, or Project Strategic Score.

Selected Request Header

The upper section of the header provides the following reminders regarding the selected project:  Name (followed by the request’s Task when relevant), and Manager 1.


The user can access the dialog boxes for more information:

Cost Impacts

Opens the Cost Impacts popup, allowing the user to review the impacts of the request on the corresponding project’s cost.

Project Brief

Opens the corresponding Project Brief dialog box.

The following information regarding the Allocation Request is available in the header:

Organization & Job Classification

Indicates the Organization and Job Classification required for the Allocation.


Indicates the Skills required for the Allocation.

Suggested Resources

Displays the name of the suggested resource (if only one), or indicates that multiple resources have been suggested for the request.


Indicates the Start and Finish dates for the request (i.e., the first and last dates for which the Requested Effort > 0).


Indicates the level of priority for the Allocation Request (default value: 50).


The lower the number, the more important the request.

In addition to the Allocation Request Workflow State, the right-most section of the header provides the following tools:



Allows the user to mark the allocation as “flagged”.



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.



Provides access to the following commands:


Workflow Actions

Allows the user to modify the Workflow State Vote associated with the Allocation Request.

Request Details section

The Request Details section displays the time-distributed Requested Effort at the top, along with the Gap, which represents the shift between the Allocated Effort and the Requested Effort for the request.


Colored indicators are provided to highlight the % shift between the Requested Effort and the Allocated Effort. The user can access the legend for the colored indicators by clicking on the Legend (Legend) button located in the bottom right corner of the view.


Colored Indicators are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Resource Utilization Preferences.

The following tools are available to manage Soft and Hard Allocations:



For the Hard Allocations row, the user is prompted to select a resource to allocate. Once the selection is made, the newly allocated resource is directly added to the spreadsheet, wherein the user can enter the desired Allocated Effort.

For the Soft Allocations row, the Edit Allocation dialog box is displayed for the user to define the Soft Allocation.



Allows the user to delete the corresponding Allocation. When the Hard Allocation is deleted, the corresponding resource will be available in the “Matching Resources” section (when relevant).



Opens the corresponding Edit Allocation dialog box.

Upon activating the Remaining Capacity (ShowHide) display option, an additional row detailing the remaining availability of the resource will be displayed for each Hard Allocation.

Matching Resources section

The Matching Resources section allows the user to easily allocate resources that match the Allocation Request attributes, sorted into two categories: Suggested Resources (if the Allocation Request “Suggested Resources” field has been filled in) and Other Resources.

Above the list of matching resources, the following filtering options are available:


Allows the user to display only Allocation Requests whose Organization has been selected.

Job Classifications

Allows the user to only display Allocation Requests whose Job Classification has been selected.


Allows the user to only display Allocation Requests whose Skills have been selected.


Allows the user to search for a specific Resource Name.

Clicking on the Reset button on the right-hand side of the filters empties the fields.

The following tools are available to manage the Matching Resources:



Allows the user to allocate the resource. If another resource is already allocated in response to the selected Request, the following options will be available:

  • Split Effort Equally – The new assignment is created with the same Uniform/Non-uniform values as the Soft Assignment and the Total Effort equals the Original Effort divided by the number of selected Resources.

  • Respect Usable Effort – The new assignment will always be non-uniform and its Total Effort will be equal to the Usable Effort for the duration of the Task.

  • Remaining Original Effort – The new assignment’s Total Effort will be equal to the “Effort to be fulfilled”.


Opens a popup with the same content as that found in the Hard Allocations tab, Resource Details sub-tab, with the corresponding resource made current.



Opens the corresponding Resource Brief dialog box.

The following indicators are displayed for each interval displayed:



There is enough Resource Remaining Capacity to accommodate the Requested Effort.



There is not enough Resource Remaining Capacity to accommodate the Requested Effort, so the resource can only partially fill in the gap.



The resource is overallocated for the period.

Requests Overview sub-tab

The Requests Overview sub-tab provides a list of the selected organization(s) Allocation Requests for the selected time frame.

The Group By (GroupBy) display option allows the user to group the spreadsheet data by Organization, Job Classification, or Parent.

For each Request, the following attributes are displayed: Name, Organization, Job Classification, Skills, Workflow State, and Priority, along with the time-distributed Allocated Effort from allocations linked to the Request.

Below each request, the corresponding Soft and Hard Allocations are displayed.

Colored Indicators are provided to highlight the % shift between the Requested Effort and the Allocated Effort. The user can access the legend for the colored indicators by clicking on the Legend (Legend) button located in the bottom right corner of the view.


Colored Indicators are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Resource Utilization Preferences.

The following tools are available to manage the Requests and the corresponding Allocations:



Allows the user to delete the selected allocations.

This command is only available when at least one allocation is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


Shift Data

Allows the user to postpone (or bring forward) the selected time-distributed values.

This command is only available when at least one element is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


Clear Selection

Allows the user to deselect all the elements in the spreadsheet.



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.

Clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button at the Request level provides the following commands:

View Request

Opens the read-only Edit Allocation Request dialog box.

Scroll Into View

Scrolls to the first date with Requested Effort > 0 for the corresponding Request.

Clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button for an allocation whose corresponding Request Workflow State is “Submitted”, “Not Accepted”, or “Recalled” provides access to the following commands:

Edit Allocation

Opens the Edit Allocation dialog box.


Allows the user to reallocate the corresponding effort to another resource.

This command is only available for Hard Allocations.

Fulfill Soft Allocation

Opens the Fulfill Allocation Request dialog box. This command is only available for Soft Allocations.

Shift Data

Allows the user to postpone (or bring forward) the selected time-distributed values.


Allows the user to delete the corresponding allocation.

Scroll Into View

Scrolls to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0 for the corresponding Allocation.

Clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button for allocations whose corresponding Request Workflow State is “Working”, “Rejected”, “Reworked”, “Answered”, or “Accepted” provides the following commands:

View Request

Opens the read-only Edit Allocation dialog box.

Scroll Into View

Scrolls to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0 for the corresponding Allocation.

Assignments tab

The Assignments tab allows the user to compare the selected Organization(s) Resources Assigned Effort with the Allocation Effort.

Upon accessing the Filters (FilterGrey) popup, the following filtering options are available:


Allows the user to only display resources whose Organization has been selected.

Job Classification

Allows the user to only display resources whose Job Classification has been selected.


Allows the user to only display resources whose Skills have been selected.

Contract Type

Allows the user to select whether to only display Internal Resources, External Resources, or both.

Display Resources

Allows the user to select whether to display only resources With Allocated Effort, Overallocated resources, or all of the above.

Show Inactive Resources

Allows the user to display resources whose Status is “Inactive”.

Show Inactive Projects

Allows the user to display projects whose Status is “Inactive”.

In addition, the user can take advantage of the Group By (GroupBy) display option to group the spreadsheet data by Organization, Job Classification, Skills, or Contract Type.

For each Resource, the spreadsheet displays the Resource name and the Allocated Effort for the selected time period.

Clicking on the Details button opens a popup with the same content as that found in the Hard Allocations tab, Resource Details sub-tab, with the corresponding resource made current.

In the rows that follow, the user can review the time-distributed Assigned and Allocated Effort by project.

Upon clicking on the Update button, the Update Allocations from Assignments dialog box is displayed, allowing the user to update the allocated effort using the existing hard assignments.

Colored indicators are provided to highlight the % shift between the Assigned Effort and the Allocated Effort for the resources. The user can access the legend for the colored indicators by clicking on the Legend (Legend) button located in the bottom right corner of the view.


Colored Indicators are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Resource Utilization Preferences.