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Update Allocations from Assignments dialog box

The Update Allocations from Assignments dialog box allows the user to define how to generate and/or update Direct Allocations using existing hard assignments.

Scope Options

The following options are available to define the scope to be considered when updating the allocations:


Allows the user to select the project(s) whose hard assignments will be used to create/update the allocations.

In order to use the Update Allocations command, at least one project is required.


Allows the user to define specific resources whose assignments are to be taken into account to create/update the allocations.

Scope Options

Provides the following options: 

  • Update existing Allocations only – Updates the Allocated Effort of the existing Direct Allocations only.

  • Create new Allocations only – Creates new Direct Allocations from the hard assignments.

  • Both – Creates and updates the Direct Allocations.

Time Frame

The Time Frame section allows the user to create/update allocations using hard assignments available either for the whole project duration, or for a specific time period.

Upon selecting the Custom Period option, the Start and Finish fields become available, allowing the user to define the desired time period.


If multiple projects have been selected in the Scope Options section, only the Custom Period option will be available.