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Assign from Allocation dialog box

The Assign from Allocation dialog box is displayed upon clicking the "Assign/Fulfill from Allocation" command and allows the Project Manager to assign resources based on the allocations granted by the Resource Manager.


The header of the dialog box provides the resource's Picture, Name, Job Classification, and Organization.

Upon clicking on the Resource Brief button, the corresponding Resource Brief dialog box is displayed.

The Time Navigation Toolbar is also displayed, allowing the user to display the desired time frames in the spreadsheets.

Assignments section

The first spreadsheet of the dialog box displays the time-distributed Total Effort for the selected resource, along with the corresponding Remaining Usable Effort.

Colored indicators are provided to highlight the % shift between the Total Effort and the Usable Effort. The user can access the legend for the colored indicators by clicking on the View Legend label in the bottom of the dialog box.


Colored Indicators are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Resource Utilization Preferences.

Upon clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button, the following commands are available:

Edit Task

Opens the corresponding Task Details dialog box.

Edit Assignment

Opens the corresponding Labor Assignment dialog box.

Delete Assignment

Allows the user to delete the corresponding assignment.

Scroll Into View

Scrolls to the first date with Effort > 0.

The Add Assignment (alert_close22.png) command prompts the user to select a Task to assign the current Resource.

Fulfill Matching Soft Assignments

The Fulfill Matching Soft Assignments section lists Soft Assignments that correspond to the resource allocation.

The following filtering options are available above the spreadsheet to narrow down the list of soft assignments: Organizations, Job Classifications, and Skills.

Clicking on the Reset button on the right-hand side empties the field.

The following tools are available to manage the list of Soft Assignments:


Fulfill All

Allows the user to fulfill all the matching soft assignments with the current resource.



Allows the user to fulfill the corresponding soft assignment with the selected resource.

Upon clicking on this button, the soft assignment disappears from the list, and the new hard assignment is displayed in the Assignments spreadsheet of the dialog box.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • Edit Task – Opens the corresponding Task Details dialog box.

  • Edit Assignment – Opens the corresponding Labor Assignment dialog box.

  • Delete Assignment – Allows the user to delete the corresponding assignment.

  • Scroll Into View – Scrolls to the first date with Effort > 0.

Assign directly to Tasks (selected period)

The Assign directly to Tasks (selected period) section displays the tasks whose duration spans the currently selected time frame.


Only the first twenty tasks will be displayed.

The following Task attributes are displayed: Name, Start, Finish, Duration, % Completed, as well as the assigned resources.

The following tools are available to manage the tasks:



Allows the user to assign the current resource to the corresponding Task.



Opens the Task Details dialog box.