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Edit Allocation Request dialog box

The Edit Allocation Request dialog box allows the user to modify a request made to the Resource Manager.


It can also be accessed in read-only by the Resource Manager. In that case, some commands will not be available.

The upper right corner of the dialog box provides the Request Workflow State, as well as the following tools:


Workflow Actions

Allows the user to modify the Workflow State Vote associated with the Allocation Request.



Indicates whether or not there are new notes and opens the Notes dialog box.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • History – Opens the Workflow Information dialog box.

  • Duplicate – Allows the user to create a copy of the Allocation Request.

  • Delete – Allows the user to delete the Allocation Request.

  • View Legend – Allows the user to access the legend for the colored indicators.

The following Allocation Request attributes are available for the user to define:


Allows the user to specify the Organization of the requested resource.

Job Classification

Allows the user to specify the desired Job Classification of the requested resource.


Allows the user to specify the desired Skills of the requested resource.


Allows the user to specify the priority level of the Allocation Request (default value: project Leveling Priority).


The lower the number, the more important the request.

Suggested Resources

Allows the user to indicate if a specific resource is required.

The prompted Resources list will be filtered according to the Organization and Job Classification fields if they have already been filled in. In the same way, selecting a resource will automatically fill in the Organization and Job Classification fields.

Related Task

Indicates the Task to which the Allocation Request is linked.

This field is only available if the Allocation Request is created from a Soft Assignment in the Work workspace, Gantt tab, Scheduler view mode, Gantt side panel.


Allows the user to mark the Allocation Requests with no Workflow (legacy feature) as closed.

The Requested Organization Managers section displays the names of Manager 1, Manager 2, and Manager 3 who proceed the requests. Those fields are read only.

The Requested Effort and Allocations spreadsheet provides the time-distributed Requested Effort and illustrates as well the gap between the Allocated Effort and the Requested Effort.

The following tools can be available to manage soft and hard allocations:



Indicates whether or not there are new notes and opens the Notes dialog box.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • Quick Assign – If the Allocation is created at the Project level, the user is prompted to select the Task the Resource will be assigned to, and to select whether the assignment should be done in a Uniform way (based on the default rate) or Non-Uniform way (based on the Allocated Effort). If the Allocation is created at the Task Level, the request will be accepted and the corresponding soft assignment is fulfilled with the resource upon clicking on the command.

  • Assign/Fulfill from Allocation – Opens the Assign from Allocation dialog box.

  • Scroll Into View – Scrolls the view to the first date with Allocated Effort > 0.

Colored indicators are provided to highlight the % shift between the Allocated and Requested Effort.


Colored Indicators are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Resource Utilization Preferences.

Next to the Close button available in the bottom right corner of the dialog box, the following additional commands can be displayed depending on the context:


Allows the user to add the allocated resource to the Project Team and automatically fulfills the soft assignment from which the Request was created with the Allocated Resource.


Allows the user to automatically update the Requested Effort with the Labor Assignment Total Effort, when different.


The Accept and Sync buttons are only available when the Request has been created from a Soft Assignment in the Gantt Task panel, Assignments tab.