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Export XML


Export scenarios are defined by Sciforma Administrators in the XML Export Scenarios Designer view.

The data that will be included in the XML file to be exported from Sciforma can be specified in an XML Export scenario definition. It is possible to include or exclude entire data categories. For example, if resource assignment information is confidential, it can be excluded from the file (For example: Tasks Only).

Additionally, for those data categories that are included in the scenario, a custom filter can be specified so that only certain data objects belonging to the data categories--those objects that pass the filter—are included.

Four different predefined XML Export scenarios are available:

All (Built-in only)

This scenario will export all of the built-in fields and formulas of all of the built-in data categories (Project Fields, Tasks, Assignments, Resources, etc.).

Export to MSP

This scenario has been configured to only export built-in fields and formulas of the following data categories to MSP: Project Fields, Assignments, Calendars, Resources, Task fields, and Links.

Tasks only

This scenario has been configured to only export built-in fields and formulas of the following data categories: Project Fields, Calendars, and Tasks.


For the Tasks data category, an “MSP Integration” system filter has been added to the scenario so that only tasks flagged as “Export to MSP” will be exported.

Tasks and Assignments

This scenario has been configured to only export built-in fields and formulas of the following data categories: Project Fields, (Labor) Assignments, Calendars, Cost Item Assignments, and Tasks.


Please note that:

  • In the case where a task's predecessors or successors are filtered out, the links that refer to the missing predecessor or successor tasks are automatically removed. Additionally, if children tasks pass the filter, their parents are always included in the file, even if the parent itself does not pass the filter.

  • Only the data categories and fields specified in the scenario definition are included in the file. Also, if a filter is specified for a selected data category, it is automatically applied so that only the data objects that pass the filter will be included in the file.