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Vantage platform

What is Vantage?

Vantage is a platform that enables users to navigate in a unique way between Plan (previously known as Sciforma) workspaces and Deliver (previously known as One2Team) workspaces.


Note that Plan customers who created custom workspaces will be able to display them in the Vantage platform.

Vantage Navigation

The Vantage navigation is based on a left bar navigation that can be extended or collapsed. The bar will automatically be extended when users hover the Modules icons. Then, users will be able to access directly the list of workspaces linked to the each Module.


Modules will only be displayed if a workspace coming from Plan or Deliver is linked to it.


Note that the Modules order cannot be modified.

To be displayed, workspaces:

  • Must be linked to a Module.

  • Must be attached to a User Role.

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