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Portfolio Center

Objectives tab

The Portfolio Center workspace, Objectives tab allows the user to review and manage both Portfolio Objectives and Project Objectives for projects belonging to the selected Portfolio Folder.

Portfolio Objectives view

The Portfolio Objectives view allows the user to review and manage the selected Portfolio Folder Objectives.


This view is only available if the Strategy Execution option has been activated at the Portfolio level in the Strategy Definition dialog box (accessible from the Strategy workspace).

Completion over time chart

The chart displays for each Objective the evolution of the completion % (i.e., the ratio between the Current and Target values).

The available time frame is driven by the Changelogs dates.

Portfolio Objectives list

The Portfolio Objectives list provides a list of Objectives the selected Portfolio Folder contributes to.


Each Objective is represented in the form of a card which provides the following information:

Objective Information section


Indicates the name of the Objective.

Upon clicking on it, the Objective Brief dialog box is displayed.


Indicates the Objective Workflow State.


Indicates the name of the Objective to which the current Objective is hierarchically attached.


Indicates the Name of the KPI.

Manager 1

Indicates the person in charge of the Objective.

Project Objectives tile

Number of projects

Indicates the number of Projects belonging to the Portfolio Folder that contribute to the same Objective.


Opens the Portfolio Project Details dialog box.

Current tile

The display of the Current tile will differ depending on the options selected in the Strategy Definition dialog box.


When there is no tracking feature, the Completed indicator will be displayed. It allows the user to mark and unmark the Portfolio Objective as completed by clicking on the Checkmark icon.


When the tracking is made directly at the Portfolio Folder level, the Current tile displays the following information:

  • Objective Current value

  • Objective Health Indicator

  • Objective Target value

  • Edit – Opens the Track Values popup.


When the tracking is made at the Project level, the Current tile displays the following information:

  • Objective Current value

  • Objective Health Indicator

  • Objective Target value

  • Details – Opens the Track Values popup in read-only.


The Objective Health indicator's colors are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Objective Health Preferences.

The following tools are also available:

Attach Objective

Provides access to the following commands:

  • Add an Objective – Prompts the user to select one Objective to which the Portfolio Folder contributes. Once the Objective is selected, the Attach to Objective popup allows the user to enter Target and Current values of the Portfolio Folder's contribution to the Objective (if necessary).

  • Add multiple Objectives – Prompts the user to select several Objectives to which the Portfolio Folder contributes.


Enable Filters

Opens the Filters popup.


Show Completed

Allows the user to display or hide Portfolio Objectives that have been marked as Completed.



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • Mark as Completed – Allows the user to indicate the Objective as completed.

  • Unmark as Completed – Allows the user to indicate the Objective as not completed.

  • Go to Portfolio Folder – Switches the view to the Portfolio Center workspace, with the corresponding Portfolio Folder selected.

  • Remove Attachment – Allows the user to delete the Portfolio Objective.

Filters popup

Upon clicking on the Filters (FilterGrey) button located in the toolbar, the Filters popup is displayed.

On the right-hand side of the popup, a list of the filter categories is displayed (the categories may differ depending on the tab selected). When one of the categories has at least one active filter, a blue icon (Icon_Checkmark_Circle_Blue.png) is displayed next to it.

Portfolio section

Managed By

Allows the user to only display Portfolio Folders whose Manager 1 has been selected from the User list.

Health Score ≥

Allows the user to display only Portfolio Folders whose Health Score is higher than or equal to the entered value.

Health Score ≤

Allows the user to display only Portfolio Folders whose Health Score is below or equal to the entered value.

Objective section



Allows the user to display only Portfolio Objectives whose health indicator is “Good”.


Must Improve

Allows the user to display only Portfolio Objectives whose health indicator is “Must Improve”.


Not Good

Allows the user to display only Portfolio Objectives whose health indicator is “Not Good”.

The user can access the legend of the colored indicators by clicking on the Legend (Legend) button located in the bottom right corner of the view.


The Objective Health indicator's colors are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Objective Health Preferences.

Project Objectives view

The Project Objectives view allows the user to understand the progress and the health of the projects belonging to the selected Portfolio Folder.


This view is only available if the Strategy Alignment or the Strategy Execution have been activated at the project level in the Strategy Definition dialog box (accessible from the Strategy workspace).

Charts section


The Charts section provides a series of pie charts allowing the user to review the distribution of the project Objectives as follows:

  • Objectives by Objective Health – Indicates the number of project Objectives per Objective Health ("Good", "Must Improve", and "Not Good").

  • Objectives by KPI Unit – Indicates the number of project Objectives per KPI Unit ("Cost", "Decimal", and "Percentage").

  • Objectives by Alignment Level – Indicates the number of project Objectives per Alignment level.

Upon clicking on one of the pie chart slices, the projects list is automatically filtered accordingly. The user can reset the filters by using the Active Filters button.


Project Objectives list

The Project Objectives list provides the list of Objectives the projects belonging to the selected Portfolio Folder contribute to. The Objectives are sorted by projects.


Above the list, the following tools are available:

Attach Objective

Provides access to the following commands:

  • Add an Objective – Prompts the user to select one project and then Objective to which the project contributes. Once the Objective is selected, the Attach to Objective popup allows the user to enter the Alignment level, as well as the Target and Current values of the project’s contribution to the Objective.

  • Add multiple Objectives – Prompts the user to select one project and then several Objectives to which the project contributes.


Enable Filters

Provides access to the Filters popup.


Show Completed

Allows the user to display or hide Project Objectives that have been marked as Completed.

At each project level, the following tools are available:

Attach Objective

Provides access to the following commands:

  • Add an Objective – Prompts the user to select one Objective to which the project contributes. Once the Objective is selected, the Attach to Objective popup allows the user to enter the Alignment level, as well as the Target and Current values of the project’s contribution to the Objective.

  • Add multiple Objectives – Prompts the user to select several Objectives to which the project contributes.


Opens the corresponding project Focus Mode full screen view, Home tab, Objectives sub-tab.

Each project Objective is represented in the form of a card with the following information:

Objective Information section


Indicates the name of the Objective.

Upon clicking on it, the Objective Brief dialog box is displayed.


Indicates the Objective Workflow State.


Indicates the name of the Objective to which the current Objective is hierarchically attached.


Indicates the Name of the KPI.

Manager 1

Indicates the person in charge of the Objective.

Alignment tile

The Alignment tile display differs depending on the options selected in the Strategy Definition dialog box.

When the Strategy Alignment feature is deactivated, the Alignment tile is not displayed.


When the Strategy Alignment is enabled and the “Project Management” option is set to “Manual”, the Alignment tile displays the following information:

  • Alignment Level – Indicates how much the Project is aligned with the Objective.

  • Alignment Score – Represents a combination of the Alignment level and the Corporate Objective’s Final Weight.

Current tile

The Current tile display differs depending on the options selected in the Strategy Definition dialog box.


When there is no tracking feature, the Completed indicator will be displayed.

It allows the user to mark and unmark the Project Objective as completed by clicking on the Checkmark icon.


When the tracking is made at the Project level, the Current tile displays the following information:

  • Objective Current value

  • Objective Health Indicator

  • Objective Target value

  • Edit – Opens the Track Values popup.


When the tracking is made at the Project level but the user is not enabled to edit the tracking information, the Current tile displays the following information:

  • Objective Current value

  • Objective Health Indicator

  • Objective Target value

  • Details – Opens the Track Values popup in read-only.


The “Enabled User Roles for Project Objective Target and Current Modification” setting, available in the System Settings workspace, Strategy and Benefits Settings folder, defines which users can edit information in the Current tile.

Filters popup

Upon clicking on the Filters (FilterGrey) button located in the toolbar, the Filters popup is displayed.

On the right-hand side of the popup, a list of the filter categories is displayed (the categories may differ depending on the tab selected). When one of the categories has at least one active filter, a blue icon (Icon_Checkmark_Circle_Blue.png) is displayed next to it.

At the bottom of the panel, the Reset button is displayed, allowing the user to clear all the filtering fields at once.

Project section

Portfolio Folders

Allows the user to only display projects whose Portfolio Folder has been selected.


Allows the user to only display projects whose Nature has been selected.


Allows the user to only display projects whose Type has been selected.

Owning Organizations

Allows the user to only display projects whose Owning Organization has been selected.

Workflow States

Allows the user to only display projects whose Workflow State has been selected.

Managed By

Allows the user to only display projects whose Manager 1 has been selected.


Allows the user to display projects depending on their Status (Active, Inactive, or both).

Health Score ≥

Allows the user to display only projects whose Health Score is higher than or equal to the entered value.

Health Score ≤

Allows the user to display only projects whose Health Score is below or equal to the entered value.

Objective section

Workflow States

Allows the user to display only project Objectives whose Workflow State has been selected.

Alignment Level

Allows the user to display only projects whose Alignment Level has been selected.

Strategy Score ≥

Allows the user to only display projects whose Strategic Alignment Score is higher than or equal to the entered value.

Strategy Score ≤

Allows the user to only display projects whose Strategic Alignment Score is below or equal to the entered value.



Allows the user to display only Project Objectives whose health indicator is “Good”.


Must Improve

Allows the user to display only Project Objectives whose health indicator is “Must Improve”.


Not Good

Allows the user to display only Project Objectives whose health indicator is “Not Good”.

The user can access the legend of the colored indicators by clicking on the Legend (Legend) button located in the bottom right corner of the view.


The Objective Health indicator's colors are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Objective Health Preferences.