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Assignments Scheduling full screen view

The Assignments Scheduling full screen view aims at providing both the Gantt feature and the resource utilization spreadsheets in a single view.

This full screen view is accessible upon clicking on the Assignments Scheduling (AssignmentsScheduling.png) button available in the main toolbar.


While opening the full screen view, the selected project(s) will be automatically locked, allowing the Undo/Redo operations. While closing the popup, the lock(s) will be removed.

Task-Driven Review tab

The Task-Driven Review tab has been designed to:

  • Facilitate the review and update of the selected Task Labor Assignment, and

  • Review the impacts of a Task modification on the Resource assignments and availability.

Filters panel

The Filters panel allows the user to narrow down the list of Tasks displayed in the Gantt chart. Most filters are common to the Gantt Filters dialog box.

The Filters panel can be displayed or hidden using the following buttons:



Allows the user to display the panel.

When some filters are active, the icon is displayed in blue.



Allows the user to hide the panel.

The Display Tasks option available in the top of the panel allows the user to filter the Gantt Task based on whether or not they have some effort in the selected time frame as follows:

  • With Effort in the Period – Displays only the tasks for which there is some Effort in the selected time frame.

  • With Effort in the past Period – Displays only tasks for which there is some Effort in the selected time frame and the previous time frame (based on the selected intervals and number of intervals).

  • With Effort in the next Period – Displays only tasks for which there is some Effort in the selected time frame and in the next time frame (based on the selected intervals and number of intervals).

  • All – Displays all the tasks, regardless of the time frame selected or the effort.

The following filtering options are available:

Status section

Not Started

If activated, only tasks with a % Completed equal to zero are displayed


If activated, only tasks with a % Completed between zero and 100% are displayed.


If activated, only tasks with a % Completed equal to 100% are displayed.


If activated, only tasks whose Closed field is activated are displayed.

Not Closed

If activated, only tasks whose Closed field is deactivated are displayed.

Methodology section


If activated, only tasks identified as an Agile object (Iteration, Release, or Epic) will be displayed.

Dependency Target Task(s)

If activated, only tasks which are a Dependency Target are displayed.

Dependency Source Task(s)

If activated, only tasks which are a Dependency Source are displayed.

Scope section

Critical Path

If activated, only tasks with no positive float are displayed.

Watch List

If activated, only tasks that have been marked as “watched” are displayed. Tasks can be added to the Watch List in the Task Panel available in the Work workspace, Gantt tab, Scheduler view mode.


If activated, only tasks that have been marked as “flagged” (FlagBlue) are displayed.


If activated, only tasks with a zero duration are displayed.


If activated, only tasks whose duration is equal to “0” and belonging to the Watch List and tasks whose Workflow has been set to “Gate” will be displayed.

Work Items

If activated, only tasks with Work Items attached will be displayed.


If activated, only tasks with Risks attached will be displayed.

Critical Chain section

Critical Chain

If activated, only tasks belonging to the Critical Chain are displayed.

Feeding Buffers

If activated, only Feeding Buffers are displayed.

Project Buffers

If activated, only tasks Project Buffers are displayed.

Outline section

Only Parent

If activated, only tasks with children are displayed.

No Predecessor

If activated, only tasks without a predecessor are displayed.

Up to Level

If a level (from 1 to 10) is selected, only tasks at that WBS level or above are displayed.

Chain Task

Upon selecting a task in this field, only tasks belonging to the same chain (i.e., linked) as this task will be displayed. The user can take advantage of the Chain Display Options to choose whether only successors or predecessors should be taken into account for the filtering.

Note: When a task has already been selected in the Gantt chart, the user can click on the button located on the right-hand side (newallocationfromrequest64_md.png) to automatically fill in the field with the task’s name.


If activated, only tasks for which the selected Owning Organization has been defined will be displayed.

Note: This filter is only available if at least one Task of the project has an Owning Organization defined.

Assignments section


Only tasks for which the selected resources are assigned are displayed. (Only Resources belonging to the Project Team are available for selection).

If the Logged-in User is part of the Project Team, the My Tasks (user64_md.png) button is available, allowing him/her to directly insert his/her Name in the Resources filtering field.


Only tasks with No Assignment or with at least one Soft Assignment are displayed.

Note: The “Pending and Answered Requests” is only available when the “Enable Convert Assignment into Request” option has been activated (System Settings workspace, Resource Settings folder, Allocations & Commitments tab).


Only tasks with at least one labor assignment whose Effective Organization is the same as the selected organizations are displayed.

Job Classification

Only tasks with at least one labor assignment whose Effective Job Classification is the same as the selected job classifications are displayed.


Only tasks with at least one labor assignment whose Effective Skill is the same as the selected skills are displayed.

Contract Type

Allows the user to only display Allocated Resources whose Contract Type is "External" or "Internal".

Generic Resources

Only tasks for which the selected Generic resources have been assigned are displayed.

Problems section

Delayed task(s)

The task is not completed and the Finish date is later than the Baseline Finish.

Task(s) with open risk(s)

The task has at least one opened risk.

Task(s) finished before predecessors

The task finishes before at least one of its predecessors.

When necessary, Billing and Work Objects problems can be displayed as well.

At the bottom of the panel, the Reset button is displayed, allowing the user to clear all the filtering fields at once.

Gantt section

The Gantt section displays the filtered version of the Gantt view, with a graphic pane displaying only the time frame selected in the Time Navigation toolbar.


By default, the period will be set to display the next six months and only the Tasks with effort on this period.

Gantt toolbar

Insert Tasks

The Insert Tasks area gives users the opportunity to insert one or more tasks simultaneously into the project.


In order to insert some tasks, the user needs first to select the number of tasks that are to be created in the drop-down list, and then click on the Insert Tasks (addnewbluecircle_22_md.png) button.

The following options are available when inserting a task:

Insert Before

New rows for the newly created tasks will be inserted in the Gantt spreadsheet above the selected task at the same WBS level.

Insert After

New rows for the newly created tasks will be inserted in the Gantt spreadsheet beneath the selected task at the same WBS level.

Insert Children

New rows for the newly created tasks will be inserted as children in the Gantt spreadsheet beneath the selected task. If there are assignments on the new Parent task, then a pop-up will be displayed, warning the user that the assignments of the task will be deleted.


If no task is selected when the Insert Tasks button is clicked, the new tasks created appear at the end of the list.


The commands available in this area may vary depending on the selected workspace or view mode. However, the most common commands are the following:


Insert Template

Allows the user to insert a Template as follows:

  • At the end of the project if no Task is selected in the spreadsheet.

  • Above the last selected task if some tasks are selected in the spreadsheet.



Allows the user to move the task one level lower in the WBS hierarchy.



Allows the user to move the selected task one level higher in the WBS hierarchy.



Allows the user to delete the selected task(s).


Summarize At Level

Allows the user to specify the level of detail (number of levels of descendant tasks) to display.


Assign Resources

Provides access to the following commands:

  • Hard  Assignment – Allows the user to assign a nominative resource.

  • Soft Assignment – Allows the user to make a soft assignment (either by entering some soft assignment attributes or by selecting a Generic Resource).

  • Replace Resource – Opens the Replace Resource dialog box, allowing the user to replace a nominative resource by another.

  • Fulfill Generic Resource – Allows the user to replace a generic resource by a nominative resource.


Remove Resources

Provides access to the following commands:

  • Remove Resources – Allows the user to delete a nominative resource's assignment.

  • Remove Generic Resources – Allows the user to delete a generic resource's assignment.



Provides access to the following additional commands:

  • Level Resources – Allows the user to level the project's resources automatically.

  • Update Progress

  • Renumber Tasks – Allows the user to renumber the project's tasks.

  • Generate Outline Code – Allows the user to create their own outline codes using a prefix, a suffix, text, and separators.

  • Insert Recurring Tasks – Allows the user to insert a task that automatically repeats at a specified interval.

  • Remove Actuals – Allows the user to remove any actual data that has been applied to the selected tasks.

  • Dissolve Tasks – Allows the user to delete the selected tasks while preserving the logic between the predecessors and the successors.

  • Remove Delays & Gaps – Allows the user to remove any task delays and/or gaps within selected tasks.

  • Close Tasks – Allows the user to define the selected tasks as Closed.


    Upon closing a Parent task, the user will be prompted to choose whether or not he/she wants to close the corresponding children tasks as well.

  • Flag Tasks – Marks all the selected tasks as Flagged.

  • Remove Flags – Marks all the selected tasks as unflagged.

  • Tag Tasks – Prompts the Tags popup, allowing the user to create new project tags and assign them to the selected task(s).

  • Remove Tags – Removes the tags previously assigned to the selected task(s).


Critical Chain

The Critical Chain button is only available when the project Schedule Method is set to "Critical Chain".

The following commands can be displayed: Define Critical Chain, Add Critical Chain Resource Links, Remove Critical Chain Resource Links, Insert Buffers, Update Buffers, Dissolve Buffers, CC Save Baseline (in Tracking Mode only), CC Remove Baseline (in Tracking Mode only), and Remove Critical Chain.

Gantt spreadsheet

The Gantt spreadsheet displays the following Tasks attributes: #, Name, Duration, Start, and Finish.

Cmd Gear icon

The Gantt chart Cmd (for Command) column provides the following Gear icons:



Indicates that the corresponding task is not linked to another object.



Indicates that the corresponding task is linked to an Agile object.



Indicates that the corresponding task has an Inbound Dependency.


Work Package

Indicates that the corresponding task is a Work Package.

Upon clicking on the Gear button, the following commands are displayed:

Edit Task details

Opens the Task Details dialog box, allowing the user to view and edit all the selected task information.

Mark Task as Closed

Checks the task Closed field.

Mark Task as Opened

Unchecks the task Closed field (this command is only available if the task has previously been marked as Closed).

Add Task to Watch list

Allows the user to review the task by using the Watch List built-in filter (Filters dialog box).

Remove Task from Watch list

The Task will no longer be displayed when using the Watch List built-in filter (Filters dialog box).

Disable Timesheet Add Assignment

Upon using this command, users will no longer be able to assign themselves to the task when using the Add Assignment command in the Timesheet workspace.

Allow Timesheet Add Assignment

Upon clicking on it, users will be able to assign themselves to the task when using the Add Assignment command in the Timesheet workspace.

This command is only available if the "Disable Timesheet Add Assignment" command has previously been used on the selected task.

Create Agile Object

Allows the user to create a new Agile Object (Release, Iteration, or Epic) which will be linked to the corresponding task.

Convert to Work Package

Displays the Convert to Work Packages popup, allowing the user to enter a Name and a Work Package ID for the new Work Package.

Create Dependency

Displays the Create a New Dependency popup, allowing the user to select the Mapping Type and the relationship for the new Dependency to create.

Create Sub-Project

Allows the user to create a new project with a Hierarchy Connection.


The dates of the newly created project will be defined as follows: The Project Start Constraint will correspond to the Task Start date, and the Project Deadline will correspond to the Task Required Date.

Tag Task

Displays the Tags dialog box, allowing the user to create project tags and add some of them to the currently selected task.

Drag & Drop Capability

The Drag & Drop capability allows users to change the position of one or several tasks in the Gantt. This operation is available for contiguous tasks only.

The user simply needs to hold down the left mouse button to grab the handle (grey part located on the left-hand side of a task checkbox) of the task or tasks selected.


As a consequence, a thick blue line appears on the spreadsheet, indicating where the selected task(s) are to be dropped. When dragging the tasks, the user can scroll to reach parts of the Gantt spreadsheet that are not within the immediate range.


Upon releasing the mouse button, the tasks are dropped to the selected position (represented by a thick blue line).


Pressing the Esc. key when performing a drag & drop will cancel the operation.

Built-In Context Menu

When the user does a right-click on the selected tasks, the following commands are displayed: Copy, Cut, Paste, Delete, Indent, Outdent, Insert Before, and Insert After.


Please do not forget that the copy, cut, and paste capabilities behave differently depending on whether the content has been implicitly (specific cells) or explicitly (entire row) selected.


If several tasks are selected, the Insert Before and Insert After commands will specify the number of selected tasks. Clicking on the Insert before or Insert after commands will then insert an equal number of tasks.

Also, upon clicking on the “Add More Tasks” button located in the bottom of the spreadsheet, ten new task rows will be added at the end of the task list.


Gantt chart

The Gantt chart is a graphical depiction of a project schedule. It's is a type of bar chart that shows the start and finish dates of several elements of a project that include resources, milestones, tasks, and dependencies.

Graphic pane legend

The Gantt chart legend is the following:


Corresponding display

Completed task


Current baseline


Scheduled task


Free float


Total float


Critical, scheduled task


Critical, completed task


Negative float


Parent task


Parent, completed task


Date constraints and milestones appear as follows:


Corresponding display

Must Start On


Start No Earlier Than


Required date





The color of a specific Gantt bar can be changed upon right-clicking on the bar, then selecting the “Change Color” command to display the color panel and select the new color. When a new color is selected, the entire bar color is changed and the task’s attributes (float, completion, etc.) are displayed with a color graduation.

A “Reset” button is available so the color can be reset back to the original one.


Gantt chart cursors

The Gantt chart’s cursors legend is the following:


Corresponding display

How to access

Set/Change the % Completed


To set the % Completed for the first time on a task, users will either need to hover the left-hand side of the bar and hold down the Ctrl key, or right-click on the bar, then select the “Update Completion” command to display the “Update Completion” popup and select a Completed Date.


Once the % Completed has already been set on a task, the cursor will be displayed upon hovering the right-hand side of the completed portion of the bar, allowing users to change it.


Create a link


Users will first hover the bar.


Then click to link to the second bar to create the link.


Decrease/increase duration


While hovering the left-hand side or right-hand side of the Gantt bar.


Shift a task


While hovering the bar.



While pressing.


Split a task


While hovering the bar and holding down the Shift key.


Milestones cursors

For milestones, the cursors legend is the following:


Corresponding display

How to access

Create a link


Users will first hover the milestone, then click to the bar to create the link.


Shift a milestone


While hovering the milestone. Shift_a_milestone_hovering.png


While pressing. Shift_a_milestone_pressing.png


To set the % Completed for the first time on a milestone, users will need to hover the milestone and select the “Set as completed” command.


Once the milestone has been set as completed, the Increase duration cursor can be displayed upon hovering the milestone and holding down the Ctrl button.


To cancel the operation, users will need to hover the milestone and select the “Set as uncompleted” command.


Task Assignments section

The Task Assignments section displays information regarding the assignments of the selected Task.

The following view modes are provided:



Provides the selected task's assignments time distributed effort for the selected time period.



Provides the selected task's assignments in the form of a flat list, with the overall values (not based on the selected time frame).

When no Task is selected, an empty state will be available to guide the user.

As soon as a Task is selected (implicit selection by clicking on a cell or explicit selection by clicking the checkbox), the task labor assignment details will be displayed.


Only one task can be selected at a time.

Details mode

The Details mode (viewmode_activeresourcedetails22_md.png) provides the list of hard and soft assignments of the selected task, with the corresponding time-distributed Actual, Remaining, and Total Effort.

The following tools are available to manage the Task Assignments:


New Assignment

Allows the user to create a new Hard or Soft assignment for the selected task.



Allows the user to delete the selected assignment(s). This command is only available if at least one assignment is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


Group By

Allows the user to group the assignments list by Organization or Job Classification.



Allows the user to search for a specific resource's name.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • Edit Task – Opens the Task Details dialog box.

  • Edit Assignment – Opens the Labor Assignment dialog box.

  • Replace Resource – Opens the Replace Resource dialog box.

  • Fulfill Assignment – Opens the Fulfill Soft Assignment dialog box.

  • Delete Assignment – Allows the user to delete the corresponding assignment.



Indicates that only uniform assignment is allowed. Upon clicking on it, the assignment allows non-uniform assignment.

Non Uniform

Non Uniform

Indicates that non-uniform assignment is allowed. Upon clicking on it, the assignment only allows uniform assignment.

Colored indicators are provided to highlight the % shift between the resources Total Effort and Remaining Usable Effort. The user can access the legend of the colored indicators by clicking on the Legend (Legend) button located in the bottom right corner of the view.


Colored indicators are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Resource Utilization Preferences.

Upon clicking on Resource name, the Resource Assignment Details full screen view is displayed, providing the details of all the assignments for the selected resource.


If the Contract Type feature is enabled, External Resources will be flagged with the External (ExternalResources.png) icon.

List mode

The List mode (viewmode_activetaskdetails22_md.png) provides the list of hard and soft assignments of the selected task, in a format that allows to easily edit the corresponding attributes.

Users will be able to view and edit the following information: Resource Name, Organization, Job Classification, Skills, Distribution Type, Rate, Actual Effort, Remaining Effort, and Total Cost (read-only).

The following tools are available:


New Assignment

Adds a new row to the spreadsheet, allowing the user to create a new labor assignment.



Allows the user to delete the selected assignment(s). This command is only available if at least one assignment is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Opens the corresponding Labor Assignment dialog box.

Assignment-Driven Review tab

The Assignment-Driven Review tab has been designed to:

  • Review the list of Tasks a resource has been assigned to for a given time period, and

  • Review the potential impacts of a Labor Assignment modification on the Gantt schedule.

Filters panel

The Filters panel allows the user to narrow down the list of assignments displayed in the spreadsheet.

The Filters panel can be displayed or hidden using the following buttons:



Allows the user to display the panel.

When some filters are active, the icon is displayed in blue.



Allows the user to hide the panel.

The following filtering options are available:


Opens a list of Organizations from which the user can select one or several organizations. Upon making the selection(s), only resources belonging to the selected organizations will be displayed in the spreadsheet.

Job Classifications

Opens a list of Job Classifications from which the user can make one or several selections. Upon making the selection(s), only the resources with the corresponding Job Classification will be displayed in the spreadsheet.


Opens a list of Skills from which the user can make one or several selections. Upon making the selection(s), only resources with the corresponding Skills will be displayed in the spreadsheet.

Contract Type

Allows the user to only display Allocated Resources whose Contract Type is "External" or "Internal".

Display Resources

Allows the user to select whether to display resources (and soft assignments) with Effort values in the selected time frame.

Show Inactive Resources

Allows the user to filter the view to display resources whose Status is “Inactive”.

Hide Soft Assignments

Allows the user to hide the soft assignments from the spreadsheet.

Team Origin

Opens a pick-list of Team Origin from which the user can make one or several selections. Upon making the selection(s), only the corresponding resources will be displayed in the spreadsheet. By default, all the Project Team Members are listed.

Show Only Resources with overallocation within one interval

Allows the user to display only resources that are overallocated in at least one time interval during the selected time period.

Show Only Resources with underallocation within one interval

Allows the user to display only resources that are underallocated in at least one time interval during the selected time period.

At the bottom of the panel, the Reset button is displayed, allowing the user to clear all the filtering fields at once.

Assignments section

The Assignments section displays a spreadsheet listing all the assigned resources (and soft assignments) with the corresponding time-distributed Total Effort for the corresponding time frame.

Upon expanding the resource's row, additional information regarding the Usable Effort, as well as the details of the assignments is displayed as well.

The last column shows the Total values for the selected time period.

The following tools are provided:


New Assignment

Allows the user to create a new Hard or Soft Assignment.


Group By

Allows the user to group the resources by Organization, Job Classification, or Contract Type.



Allows the user to search for a specific resource based on its name.


Allows the user to select a resource to review. Upon doing so, the corresponding tasks are displayed in the Tasks section, and the "Remove" button is displayed.


The user can review up to 5 elements at once.


Allows the user to deselect a resource to review. Upon doing so, the corresponding tasks are no longer displayed in the Tasks section, and the "Review" button is displayed.


Add Assignment

Prompts the user to select a Task to which the corresponding resource will be assigned.



Indicates that only uniform assignment is allowed. Upon clicking on this icon, the assignment allows non-uniform assignment.

Non Uniform

Non Uniform

Indicates that non-uniform assignment is allowed. Upon clicking on it, the assignment only allows uniform assignment.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • Scroll Into View – Modifies the time period so that the first date when the Effort > 0 for the assignment is displayed.

  • Edit Task – Opens the Task Details dialog box.

  • Edit Assignment – Opens the Labor Assignment dialog box, allowing the user to modify the assignment attributes.

  • Fulfill Assignment – Opens the Fulfill Assignment dialog box, allowing the user to assign a nominative resource instead of the soft assignment.

  • Replace Resource – Opens the Replace Resource dialog box, where the user can choose a new nominative resource to assign instead of the current one.

  • Delete Assignment – Delete the corresponding assignment.

Colored indicators are provided to highlight the % shift between the resources Total Effort and Usable Effort. The user can access the legend of the colored indicators by clicking on the Legend (Legend) button located in the bottom right corner of the view.


Colored Indicators are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Resource Utilization Preferences.

The user can also take advantage of the Review Resources (AddRoundGrey.png) button in the main toolbar to select resources to review. Selected resources are then displayed in the form of a chip.

The Reset button located in the upper right corner of the view allows the user to clear the selected resources (both nominative and soft assignments).

Clicking on the REVIEW button will trigger the selection of a Resource or a Soft Assignment and display the Tasks on which the Resource or Soft Assignment is assigned to in the Gantt section. When an item is selected, the button will be replaced by REMOVE.


The selection of only five Resource or Soft Assignments is supported. When this limit is reached, the REVIEW button and the (AddRoundGrey.png) button will turn grey as disabled.

Clicking on the Origin chip (indicating if the resource has been added to the Project Team manually or through a Resource Acquisition Capability) opens the corresponding Team Member Details dialog box.

The Origin of Allocated, Committed, and Dedicated resources is displayed differently depending on the situation:



Indicates that the resource is “active” (the allocation Finish Date is in the future).



Indicates that the resource is “inactive” (the allocation Finish Date is in the past).

Tasks section

The Tasks section displays a Gantt filtered based on the selected assignment, with a graphic pane displaying only the time frame selected in the Time Navigation toolbar.

The title of the section indicates the selected soft or hard assignments (up to 5).


Insert Tasks

The Insert Tasks area gives users the opportunity to insert one or more tasks simultaneously into the project.


In order to insert some tasks, the user needs first to select the number of tasks that are to be created in the drop-down list, and then click on the Insert Tasks (addnewbluecircle_22_md.png) button.

The following options are available when inserting a task:

Insert Before

New rows for the newly created tasks will be inserted in the Gantt spreadsheet above the selected task at the same WBS level.

Insert After

New rows for the newly created tasks will be inserted in the Gantt spreadsheet beneath the selected task at the same WBS level.

Insert Children

New rows for the newly created tasks will be inserted as children in the Gantt spreadsheet beneath the selected task. If there are assignments on the new Parent task, then a pop-up will be displayed, warning the user that the assignments of the task will be deleted.


If no task is selected when the Insert Tasks button is clicked, the new tasks created appear at the end of the list.


The commands available in this area may vary depending on the selected workspace or view mode. However, the most common commands are the following:


Insert Template

Allows the user to insert a Template as follows:

  • At the end of the project if no Task is selected in the spreadsheet.

  • Above the last selected task if some tasks are selected in the spreadsheet.



Allows the user to move the task one level lower in the WBS hierarchy.



Allows the user to move the selected task one level higher in the WBS hierarchy.



Allows the user to delete the selected task(s).


Summarize At Level

Allows the user to specify the level of detail (number of levels of descendant tasks) to display.


Assign Resources

Provides access to the following commands:

  • Hard  Assignment – Allows the user to assign a nominative resource.

  • Soft Assignment – Allows the user to make a soft assignment (either by entering some soft assignment attributes or by selecting a Generic Resource).

  • Replace Resource – Opens the Replace Resource dialog box, allowing the user to replace a nominative resource by another.

  • Fulfill Generic Resource – Allows the user to replace a generic resource by a nominative resource.


Remove Resources

Provides access to the following commands:

  • Remove Resources – Allows the user to delete a nominative resource's assignment.

  • Remove Generic Resources – Allows the user to delete a generic resource's assignment.



Provides access to the following additional commands:

  • Level Resources – Allows the user to level the project's resources automatically.

  • Update Progress

  • Renumber Tasks – Allows the user to renumber the project's tasks.

  • Generate Outline Code – Allows the user to create their own outline codes using a prefix, a suffix, text, and separators.

  • Insert Recurring Tasks – Allows the user to insert a task that automatically repeats at a specified interval.

  • Remove Actuals – Allows the user to remove any actual data that has been applied to the selected tasks.

  • Dissolve Tasks – Allows the user to delete the selected tasks while preserving the logic between the predecessors and the successors.

  • Remove Delays & Gaps – Allows the user to remove any task delays and/or gaps within selected tasks.

  • Close Tasks – Allows the user to define the selected tasks as Closed.


    Upon closing a Parent task, the user will be prompted to choose whether or not he/she wants to close the corresponding children tasks as well.

  • Flag Tasks – Marks all the selected tasks as Flagged.

  • Remove Flags – Marks all the selected tasks as unflagged.

  • Tag Tasks – Prompts the Tags popup, allowing the user to create new project tags and assign them to the selected task(s).

  • Remove Tags – Removes the tags previously assigned to the selected task(s).


Critical Chain

The Critical Chain button is only available when the project Schedule Method is set to "Critical Chain".

The following commands can be displayed: Define Critical Chain, Add Critical Chain Resource Links, Remove Critical Chain Resource Links, Insert Buffers, Update Buffers, Dissolve Buffers, CC Save Baseline (in Tracking Mode only), CC Remove Baseline (in Tracking Mode only), and Remove Critical Chain.

Gantt spreadsheet

The Gantt spreadsheet displays the following Tasks attributes: #, Name, Duration, Start, and Finish.

Cmd Gear icon

The Gantt chart Cmd (for Command) column provides the following Gear icons:



Indicates that the corresponding task is not linked to another object.



Indicates that the corresponding task is linked to an Agile object.



Indicates that the corresponding task has an Inbound Dependency.


Work Package

Indicates that the corresponding task is a Work Package.

Upon clicking on the Gear button, the following commands are displayed:

Edit Task details

Opens the Task Details dialog box, allowing the user to view and edit all the selected task information.

Mark Task as Closed

Checks the task Closed field.

Mark Task as Opened

Unchecks the task Closed field (this command is only available if the task has previously been marked as Closed).

Add Task to Watch list

Allows the user to review the task by using the Watch List built-in filter (Filters dialog box).

Remove Task from Watch list

The Task will no longer be displayed when using the Watch List built-in filter (Filters dialog box).

Disable Timesheet Add Assignment

Upon using this command, users will no longer be able to assign themselves to the task when using the Add Assignment command in the Timesheet workspace.

Allow Timesheet Add Assignment

Upon clicking on it, users will be able to assign themselves to the task when using the Add Assignment command in the Timesheet workspace.

This command is only available if the "Disable Timesheet Add Assignment" command has previously been used on the selected task.

Create Agile Object

Allows the user to create a new Agile Object (Release, Iteration, or Epic) which will be linked to the corresponding task.

Convert to Work Package

Displays the Convert to Work Packages popup, allowing the user to enter a Name and a Work Package ID for the new Work Package.

Create Dependency

Displays the Create a New Dependency popup, allowing the user to select the Mapping Type and the relationship for the new Dependency to create.

Create Sub-Project

Allows the user to create a new project with a Hierarchy Connection.


The dates of the newly created project will be defined as follows: The Project Start Constraint will correspond to the Task Start date, and the Project Deadline will correspond to the Task Required Date.

Tag Task

Displays the Tags dialog box, allowing the user to create project tags and add some of them to the currently selected task.

Gantt chart

The Gantt chart is a graphical depiction of a project schedule. It's is a type of bar chart that shows the start and finish dates of several elements of a project that include resources, milestones, tasks, and dependencies.

Graphic pane legend

The Gantt chart legend is the following:


Corresponding display

Completed task


Current baseline


Scheduled task


Free float


Total float


Critical, scheduled task


Critical, completed task


Negative float


Parent task


Parent, completed task


Date constraints and milestones appear as follows:


Corresponding display

Must Start On


Start No Earlier Than


Required date





The color of a specific Gantt bar can be changed upon right-clicking on the bar, then selecting the “Change Color” command to display the color panel and select the new color. When a new color is selected, the entire bar color is changed and the task’s attributes (float, completion, etc.) are displayed with a color graduation.

A “Reset” button is available so the color can be reset back to the original one.


Gantt chart cursors

The Gantt chart’s cursors legend is the following:


Corresponding display

How to access

Set/Change the % Completed


To set the % Completed for the first time on a task, users will either need to hover the left-hand side of the bar and hold down the Ctrl key, or right-click on the bar, then select the “Update Completion” command to display the “Update Completion” popup and select a Completed Date.


Once the % Completed has already been set on a task, the cursor will be displayed upon hovering the right-hand side of the completed portion of the bar, allowing users to change it.


Create a link


Users will first hover the bar.


Then click to link to the second bar to create the link.


Decrease/increase duration


While hovering the left-hand side or right-hand side of the Gantt bar.


Shift a task


While hovering the bar.



While pressing.


Split a task


While hovering the bar and holding down the Shift key.


Milestones cursors

For milestones, the cursors legend is the following:


Corresponding display

How to access

Create a link


Users will first hover the milestone, then click to the bar to create the link.


Shift a milestone


While hovering the milestone. Shift_a_milestone_hovering.png


While pressing. Shift_a_milestone_pressing.png


To set the % Completed for the first time on a milestone, users will need to hover the milestone and select the “Set as completed” command.


Once the milestone has been set as completed, the Increase duration cursor can be displayed upon hovering the milestone and holding down the Ctrl button.


To cancel the operation, users will need to hover the milestone and select the “Set as uncompleted” command.
