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Project Dashboards reports (Multi-Selection)

Please find below the description of the themes and reports available in the Project Dashboards workspace when multiple projects are selected in the Project Data Selector.

Project Monitoring theme

The Project Monitoring theme provides a series of reports that allow users to review the overall situation regarding the selected projects.




Status Overview

The Status Overview report has been designed to help Project Managers to keep track of the Status of the selected projects (in terms of Workflow State, Status Report, and Health Score).

This report is relevant when the Status Report and/or Health Score features are used.

Milestone Trend Analysis

The Milestone Trend Analysis report allows the user to review the evolution of a specific type of milestone.

Monitored Milestones only (i.e., Tasks whose Duration is equal to 0 and that have been added to the Watch List, or Tasks whose Workflow has been set to “Gate”).

To be selected, Milestones must have the same names across the selected projects.

Controlling theme

The Controlling theme gathers a series of reports allowing the user to review the potential slippage in terms of time, effort, and costs for the selected projects.





The Performance report aims at providing the user with all relevant information regarding the selected projects shift as compared to their Baseline values.

This report is only relevant when the Baseline feature is used.

Capacity Planning

The Capacity Planning report allows the user to review the Capacity Forecast and Available Effort for the selected time period and projects.

Capacity Forecast as entered in the Organization Center workspace, Capacity Forecast tab.

Project Effort Breakdown

The Project Effort Breakdown report shows a matrix allowing the user to easily review the effort of the selected projects.

Baseline Comparison

The Baseline Comparison report gives the user the opportunity to compare two different Baselines in terms of dates, effort, and cost for each selected projects.

This report is only relevant when the Baseline feature is used and multiple Baselines are saved.

Agile theme

The Agile theme allows the user to review the projects for which the Agile feature is enabled.





The Releases report allows the user to review the progress of the Releases, and more specifically the status of the Iterations attached to the Releases.

Iteration and Releases.


The Epics report allows the user to review the progress of the Epics, and more specifically the status of the Backlog Items belonging to those Epics.

Backlog Items and Epics.


The Roadmap report allows the user to review whether or not the Agile phases of the projects are properly synchronized with the rest of the project when combining the Agile methodology with another methodology (such as Waterfall, for instance).

Epics, Iterations, and Releases.

Phases & Gates theme

The Phases & Gates theme provides all the tools to review the Phases and the Gates of the selected project(s).





The Overview report provides the list of projects with at least one Phase or one Gate in the form of cards.

Project "Phases & Gates" setup option is enabled.

Project has at least one Task identified as a Phase or a Gate.


The Gantt report provides a Gantt chart allowing the user to review the progress of the Phases & Gates projects.

Project "Phases & Gates" setup option is enabled.

Project has at least one Task identified as a Phase or a Gate.


The Status report provides a spreadsheet listing the selected project(s) Phases & Gates, grouped by project for the user to review.

Project "Phases & Gates" setup option is enabled.

Project has at least one Task identified as a Phase or a Gate.


The Supervision report provides a synthetic list of all projects using the Phases & Gates feature and contains the same information as the Portfolio Center workspace, Project Supervision tab, in addition to the following indicators: Current Phase, Next Gate, and OTD Status.

Project "Phases & Gates" setup option is enabled.

Project has at least one Task identified as a Phase or a Gate.

Finance theme

The Finance theme provides a series of reports dedicated to reviewing financial information regarding the selected projects.





The Billing report provides the Billing forecast of the selected projects.

The Billable elements are sorted as follows: Billed, Confirmed, and Planned.

To be taken into account, projects must have some Revenues, the Billing feature must be enabled (Setup options), and the Billing Mode has to be set to any other value than "None".


The Savings report provides a time-distributed view of the selected projects Savings (Project Savings and Transactions whose Type is “Savings”).

To be taken into account, projects must have some Revenues, the Billing feature must be enabled (Setup options), and the Billing Mode has to be set to any other value than "None".

Project Savings are entered in the project Finance workspace.


The Benefits report displays the Current and Target values for each of the Benefits attached to the Projects, as well as charts allowing the user to compare the Current Benefits, the Target Benefits, and the Total Cost, or to review the distribution of the Benefits by Type.

Only the Benefits created in the Benefits workspace that are of Cost Unit and Distributed Value Type are displayed.

The Benefits report is only available when the Value Management switch button is activated in the Administration workspace, Setup tab, Home Page features section.

Analytics theme

The Analytics theme allows the user to take advantage of the data by providing a series of Smart Grids.

The available set of data are the following: Tasks, Labor Assignments, Actions, Change Requests, Deliverables, Issues, Risks, and Backlog Items.