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Deliverables popup

The Deliverables popup is displayed when completing a Phase or approving a Gate, allowing the user to review the Deliverables for the selected Gate or Phase, and update them if need be.


This popup is only displayed if the "Enable Task Deliverables Pop-up upon Changing State" option in the System Settings workspace, Project Settings folder, Workflow Options tab has been activated by the Administrator.

For each Deliverable, the following attributes are displayed: Name, Type, Parent, M. (for Mandatory), Owner, Due Date, % Completed, and Workflow State.

The Details (DetailsReview) button provides access to the Deliverable dialog box.

The Show Only Deliverables related to selected Task switch button filters the Deliverables as follows:


Only displays deliverables whose Related Task field corresponds to the Phase being reviewed.


Only displays deliverables whose Related Gate field corresponds to the Gate being reviewed.