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Lessons Learned sub-tab – Inbox mode

The Lessons Learned sub-tab Inbox (viewmode_activeinboxtray22_md.png) mode, available in Project Card, Library Items tab, the Portfolio Work Management workspace, or Work Package Work Management workspace, has been designed to help the user easily go into details for a specific element, while swiftly performing actions on multiple elements.


The Inbox mode is divided into two panels:

  1. The Lessons Learned List panel on the left-hand side, with its toolbar above

  2. The Lessons Learned Details view, on the right-hand side

Lessons Learned List panel

The left-hand side of the view provides a list of the selected project's Lessons Learned, which are displayed in the form of cards.

Each card provides the Lessons Learned Name and Originator. Upon selecting a card, the corresponding information is displayed in the Lessons Learned Details view located on the right-hand side.

Above the list, the + Lessons Learned button allows the user to create new Lessons Learned.

Lessons Learned Details view

The Lessons Learned view displays information regarding the current Lesson Learned (an item is made current by clicking on its card name).

Lessons Learned Details main section

The Lessons Learned Details main section displays the following attributes:


Name of the Lessons Learned.


Lessons Learned Categories are defined by the Administrator in the System Data workspace, Work Objects tab, Lessons Learned Categories sub-tabs.


Read-only field which indicates the user who created the Lessons Learned.

Created Date

Read-only field which indicates the date on which the Lessons Learned was created.


Allows the user to enter an URL link regarding the Lessons Learned.

Upon clicking on the More (MoreVertical) button available in the upper right corner, the following commands are available to manage the Lessons Learned:


Allows the user to move the selected Lessons Learned to another Parent Object (Portfolio Folder, Project, or Work Package).


Creates a copy of the Lessons Learned.


Allows the user to delete the current Lessons Learned.

Description sub-tab

The Description sub-tab provides a rich text field to enter any relevant or descriptive information regarding the Lessons Learned.

Risks sub-tab

The Risks sub-tab allows the user to connect the Lessons Learned to existing Risks.

The following information is displayed regarding the connected Risks: Name, Type, Initiator, Due Date, Risk Level, and Status (i.e., the Risk Workflow State Vote).

The following tools are available to manage linked Risks:


Connect to Existing

Prompts the Global Risks list, for the user to choose a Risk to connect.


Remove Connection

Allows the user to delete the selected connection(s). This command is only available if at least one connection is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Opens the corresponding Risk dialog box.


For more information regarding risk attributes, please refer to the Risk dialog box.