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How to transform an Issue into a Task

If an Issue is inside the scope of an ongoing project, the Issue could be transformed into a task. In doing so, the Project Manager will be able to manage its duration, assignments, effort, etc.


The steps described below are the ones when the Enable Work Items Home Page Charts option is enabled by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, Work Management Settings folder, Global Options tab.

  1. Log in to the HTML5 client.

  2. Select the Projects Center workspace and open the Project Card.

  3. Select the Work Items tab.

  4. Click on the number of open Issues in the upper right corner of the Issues Chart section to open the Work Item full screen view, Inbox tab.

  5. Select an Issue in the Work Items List panel.

By selecting the appropriate Workflow State

  1. In the Work Item Details view, click on the Workflow button and select a Workflow State.

  2. After having reached the “Closed” Workflow State, the user will be prompted to take specific actions from a popup.

  3. Click on the Create a Connected Task button.

  4. In the Task list, select a task, so that the newly created task will be inserted after the selected one.

  5. In the Task Details dialog box, enter all the information related to this new task.

  6. Close the dialog box.

  7. The newly created task is now displayed in the Gantt view and the Issue has been removed from the list.

By creating a Connection


To perform this action, the Workflow State Vote must be set to “Closed”.

  1. In the Work Item Details view, click on the Connections button to activate the Connections section.

  2. In the Connections section, click on the Create & Connect button and select Task to open the Task list.

  3. In the Task list, select a task, so that the newly created task will be inserted after the selected one.

  4. In the Task Details dialog box, enter all the information related to this new task.

  5. Close the dialog box.

  6. The newly created task is now displayed in the Gantt view and the Issue has been removed from the list.