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Cost Items can have one of the following Status values:


The Cost Item is available for any assignment.


The Cost Item is not available for any assignment. The user can choose this status to prevent the Cost Item from being used in assignments.

Also, only Inactive Cost Items can be purged from the Sciforma system (in the Purge view in the Sciforma Designer.)


The Cost Item is expected to be available for use at some point in the future. For example, the materials that have been defined will not be available until a month after a project begins, so they are added as Cost Items now, with a PlannedStatus . These planned Cost Items can be assigned to tasks to enable the project to be defined. When the Cost Items actually become available, their Status can be changed to Active.

Cost Items that have a Status of Active or Planned can be assigned to tasks; Cost Items that have a Status of Inactive cannot be assigned.