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XML Updates sub-tab

The XML Updates sub-tab available in the Project Card, Task tab, provides a spreadsheet very similar to the Gantt view, with a specific toolbar that provides the following commands:


Export XML

Allows the user to export an XML file based on the selected scenario.


Import XML

Prompts the user to select an XML file to import.


Update from XML

Allows the user to update MSP or Built-in fields using an XML file.


XML Scenarios have to be defined by the Administrator in the XML Export Scenarios and XML Update Scenarios Designer views.

The XML Updates spreadsheet displays the following task information: #, Name, Start, Finish, Export to MSP, MSP Start, MSP Finish, and MSP % Completed.


Never use the Renumber Tasks command when running the XML function. The XML function uses the task # field in both system to match the Tasks.