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Project Resources sub-tab

The Project Resources sub-tab is available in the Project Card, Resources tab.

Project Team sub-tab

The Project Team sub-tab allows a Project Manager to manage his/her team, by adding and withdrawing Team Members depending on their origin. It makes it possible to review all the Team Members’ assignments and to indicate whether or not each Team Member is available.

When no Team Members have been defined yet, the empty state displays the Add my Team button. Upon clicking on it, all the resources belonging to the same Organization as the logged-in user will be added to the project team.


When the logged-in User belongs to a Parent Organization branch, he/she also will have the opportunity to add resources belonging to the corresponding children Organization branches.

Display Options

The Filters popup provides the following filtering fields:


Only the Team Members belonging to the selected Organization branches will be displayed in the list.

Job Classifications

Only the Team Members whose Job Classification has been selected will be displayed in the list.


Only the Team Members whose Skills have been selected will be displayed in the list.

Contract Type

Allows the user to select whether to only display Internal Resources, External Resources, or both.


Only the selected Team Members will be displayed in the list.

Team Origin

Only displays Team Members whose Origin has been selected.

Show assigned Team Members only

When the switch is activated, only Team Members who have already been assigned are displayed in the list.

The following additional display options are also provided:


Group By

Allows the user to group the Team Members by Organization, Job Classification, Origin, or Contract Type.


Show Inactive

Allows the user to display or hide Team Members whose Status is inactive.


Show Unavailable

Allows the user to display or hide Unavailable Resources.



Allows the user to look for a specific resource.


The Unavailable feature available in the Team view has nothing to do with the resource’s Status or Availability.

Team Members spreadsheet

The Team Members spreadsheet provides the list of all the Resources belonging to the Project Team along with the following information: Name, Organization, Job Classification, Origin, Alerts, Start Date, and Finish Date.


If the Contract Type feature is enabled, External Resources will be flagged with the External (ExternalResources.png) icon.


The Start and End dates are the first and the last dates for which the Resource Usable Effort is greater than 0 for the currently selected project. When a resource has been added manually to the Project Team, the Start Date and End Date fields will be indicated as “N/A”. These fields are not to be confused with the Start Date and End Date fields.

The Origin of Allocated, Committed, and Dedicated resources is displayed differently depending on the situation:



Indicates that the resource is “active” (the allocation Finish Date is in the future).



Indicates that the resource is “inactive” (the allocation Finish Date is in the past).

When accessing the spreadsheet, the user can navigate as follows:

  • Clicking on the Resource Name opens the Team Member Details dialog box.

  • Clicking on the Brief button opens the corresponding Resource Brief dialog box.

The alert displayed can be the following:


Not assigned yet

The Team Member is not assigned to any task on the selected project.


Outside Boundaries

Assignments outside boundaries (i.e., the resource has an assignment that falls within a time period for which he/she has no Usable Effort).


The following commands are available for managing the Team:


Add Team Members

Allows the user to manually add a new Team Member.


Add my Team

Adds all the resources belonging to the same Organization as the logged-in user. (This command is available if at least one resource from the logged-in user’s Organization is not part of the team).

Note: When the logged-in User belongs to a Parent Organization branch, he/she also will have the opportunity to add resources belonging to the corresponding children Organization branches.


Add Missing Resources

Allows the user to add all Dedicated, Allocated, or Committed (with a Request whose status is “PM Accepted”) Resources that are not part of the Project Team yet.



Allows the user to withdraw a Team Member from the Project Team (only if the resource has no assignment yet). This command is only available if at least one deletable Team Member is selected from the list (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


Set Unavailable Date

Allows the user to indicate that a Dedicated Team Member is unavailable for the selected project. Upon clicking on this command, the user can select the date from which the Resource will be unavailable.


Create a New Request

Allows the user to create a new request (depending on the Project Resources Origin):

  • When the project uses the Requests & Commitments resource acquisition capability, the Create New Request dialog box opens.

  • When the project uses the Allocation resource acquisition capability, the Create Allocation Request dialog box opens.


Clean up Project Team

Automatically updates the Team Member list to only take into account resources that are already assigned to the project.

Team Legacy Management

For projects that have been created before Sciforma 7.1e and/or that have still a Use Resources From field set to “Performing Organizations”, an empty state is displayed, containing the Initiate Project Team button.


Upon clicking on the Initiate Project Team button, the Use Resources From field (available in the Resource Management Advanced Attributes popup) will automatically be set to “Performing Resources”, and the resources that are already assigned to at least one Task of the project, as well as the resources identified individually in the Performing Organizations will automatically be added to the Project Team.

Generic Resources sub-tab

The Generic Resources sub-tab allows users to create, delete, and manage Generic Resources (i.e., create pre-defined resource profiles). Generic Resources facilitate the assignment process.


The Generic Resources sub-tab provides the following commands:



Allows the user to create a new generic resource by adding a new row in the spreadsheet. Once the row has been added, the user can click on the Browse (Hamburger) icon in each cell of the spreadsheet to define the following attributes: Organization, Job Classification, and/or Skills.



Allows the user to delete the selected Generic Resource(s). This command is only available if at least one Generic Resource is displayed (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).

Note: Deleting a generic resource does not delete the corresponding soft assignments.


Insert from Template

Inserts generic resources from a Template in order to create template-based generic resources.


Auto-fill from Assignments

Creates generic resources based on the existing soft assignments in the project.

The Match column of the spreadsheet indicates whether there is a Nominative Resource corresponding to the Generic Resource attributes:



There is no matching resource.



There is one or several matching resources. In that case, upon clicking on the Dot, the list of matching resources is displayed.

Cost Items sub-tab

The Cost Items sub-tab allows the Project Manager to manage the list of all the Cost Items he/she can use for a specific project.


The Cost Item list is editable only if the Project Team feature is activated (in other words, if the Use Resource From field is set to “Performing Resources”). Otherwise, the sub-tab will provide the read-only list of the cost items belonging to the Performing Organization.

The Cost Items are listed in the spreadsheet, which provides the following attributes: Cost Item Name, Organization, and Category Name.

The following tools are available:



Allows the user to add a new Cost Item.



Allows the user to withdraw a Cost Item from the assignable list (only the cost item has not been assigned yet).

This command is only available if at least one deletable Cost Item is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Indicates that the Cost Item has no assignment on the project.